Sooo let's see what today's rant and roll is on about....
Let's start with the freshest stupid thing and move on from there..this time I win the yam award...yep me.
I was walking home from the store yesterday, thinking about a few things that have made me melancholy over the past couple of weeks when I shifted the grocery bags to the other arm because they tend to get heavy feeling on me fast even if it's just a few items, and I dropped one that had a soda in it. Normally that's no big deal but this dropped right on the street and I had an eighteen wheeler coming dead at me. What did my dumb ass do? I stopped to pick it up and then chased the plastic bag because "we can't have garbage just flying about trashing up the place". Don't ask me why I do that, my mother never raised me that way it's my own quirky thing about trash going into the proper place and not someone else's lawn/property. Anyways, I took a few minutes after the fact because there's no way in hell I was able to do that all by myself since I walk really slow now but there I was reviewing the scene afterwards and thought "omg you are truly stupid, you could have been hit by that truck or any other car zipping around them! and all over a stupid soda bottle!" smh
Earlier in the day there was a lady taking trash out to the dumpster at the same time I was and we were talking about how full it had become lately and the lack of seeing a garbage truck come for pick up, when she fell backwards and must have landed on a broken vase or planter because she stood there with blood dropping off her arm and asked me "am i bleeding?" I looked at her like are you stupid and said "well you fell, must have hit something sharp, yep that looks like blood to me but taste it anyways, it might be ketchup" and then proceeded to walk back to my apartment laughing. Seriously when have you cut yourself and had to ask somebody else if you're bleeding? You can't tell from looking yourself? STUPID!
This past weekend the weather was nice enough for a couple of the houses to host bbq parties. I really don't mind it because it's their life, not mine. The college party house as I call it, had an all night party which surprised me that they did not, for once in the whole time they have occupied that building, have loud music blasting the street, or a crap load of cars blocking the street. I did observe however, two drunks staggering around like they were bffs and telling each other how they were glad the other has their back and then another guy comes running up and knocks the shit out of one of them. That made me laugh because I'm easily amused and drunks are comical in their own unique way, within reason. Not that I find them all amusing because I don't.
This sucker punch gathered quite a crowd because all of a sudden it was like watching a bird fight, arms flying up in the air, chests puffing out, "yeah? what you gonna do about it, bitch?!" " man why you gotta be like that nigga, I thought we was tight"..and so on. And they say watching life isn't as entertaining as movies...pffffffffft they should come live on this street, a dead end street at that. There is more action on this one piece of street than a hooker gets in a night. Not so much as stupid as in watching the humans fight because they're drunk..and no reasoning left in those brain cells. smh but chuckle anyways
Another case of hey I have driveways to turn around in but I'm gonna back my car up down the street to the stop sign anyways because I'm (fill in the blank)...yes that's it...stoopid! With a capital you're a moron *eyeroll*
There are some new tenants that recently moved in about a month ago, that have dogs. Only one walks his dog on a leash, the other lets the animal run wild, something I hate unless you have a fenced in yard or space for them to run crazy without anyone else being around or cars. This past Sunday, while everyone is outside doing their thing because the weather is nice, this one unit lets their dog run loose and I watch the dog chase a cat, then a car, then another cat until he/she is gone out of sight. Probably about 10 or 15 minutes later the owner of this dog walks up by my building and looks at me sitting there. Asks me "have you seen a dog?" My response "yep I've seen quite a few in my life", and that gets me a nasty look and a grunt. Well you asked me if I've seen a dog and I said yes, can I get a cookie now?
Amazing how people ask a question and they expect you to know exactly what it is they're asking. I have many gifts but reading minds isn't one of them. You have to clarify what you're asking me or you get nothing.
His wife walks up to the building laughing and asks me if I had noticed a medium sized brown dog running around in the grass to which I replied that I had and that I watched him/her run off towards the intersection.
You would think that gets me a thank you right? Hell no, this bitch up straight tells me "why didn't you say anything?". Fuck that noise, nobody tells me I should inform them when THEIR pet runs off so I so nicely, okay not nicely but it had a momentary ring to it didn't it *snickers* "excuse you, I don't know you or who the animals belong to around here except my own. If you paid attention to your house pets you would know where they are, so fuck off".
I swear, there are quite a few humans who should not be allowed to breathe, breed, own pets, chew bubble gum, much more.
Yeah I'm my coffee finally flowing through my system and the dummies are fast asleep in a drug induced world they live in or even if they don't do drugs their fantasy bubble is still sleeping..toodles.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Ah so you still want more huh? haaaaaaaaaaaaahaha it's okay i kinda like it too *wink*
Sooooo let's see...there's not really alot going on since I haven't been out much except for the occasional run to the store.
I watched a visitor leave the college kids party house a couple of days ago and this is what he did. His truck was parked facing towards the dead end of our street which means he was facing north (kinda). Anyways, he started up the truck and then started backing up to what I thought would be turning around in the driveway by my building, but nooooooo he kept backing up all the way to the stop sign up the street the other direction, never even bothered turning around. I just stood there calling him a dumb ass because seriously, in what universe does a normal person back a vehicle up all the way to a stop sign instead of turning around in a driveway. It's not like he hasn't done that before because he has many times, turn around in the driveway, sit there for a bit, then peel out like a crazy person leaving a smoke and the smell of burned rubber in the air. Idiots!
Yesterday the weird guy who lives in the house directly across from me decided it would be funny to keep turning his music up then down again and then point and laugh at me. Guess what I did? Nothing, I just went back inside my apartment because he's just not worth the energy of me pointing out the obvious. It's not my fault he has a drinking problem that sends him to the store at 6 or 7 am in the morning to buy his beer so he can hear his music at the volume of 1000..pfffft..and then he sits on his porch banging on it with a hammer. I watched him do that for a couple of hours until I'm guessing his wife told him to stop or he got bored and left/feel asleep/offed himself..who knows. See how horrible I am? When they do stupid shit like that I just want them to stop, even if dying is the answer. SMH
It also didn't help that I kept hearing what sounded like a bb gun or airsoft rifle being shot right outside my building and every time I went outside to look the noise would stop. The only people that were outside were from that house where he was or the other one next to him where the college kids hang out at. One of those two houses had someone shooting a gun of some type. It must have been eat some paint chips day because why would you stop that unless you know what you're doing is wrong? Idiots!
I swear that's gonna become my new anthem as I march through the streets. "Idiots everywhere stop them while you can!" We know you can't but it's a nice thought huh...hahaha
Last night a guy knocked on our door. Given the fact that he did apologize and call me ma'am earned him the privilege of breathing one more day. The reason he knocked? He's looking for some guy named John who's about this high (he showed me because somehow holding your hand at a certain level helps the person you're talking to understand their exact height), but he has no idea where he lives. That right there just pisses me off because in the 5 years we have lived in this particular building and recently switched apartments from the one next door to this one, we have always had people knocking to ask who lives where, who sells certain drugs, where the landlord or owner is, and the various other reasons a stranger knocks.
I wasn't rude to this guy but I did ask him if he had a clue when they moved in because I don't know people's names. Thankfully he knew the time frame because I sent him to a new tenant who moved in upstairs not really caring if it was them or not.
I told the hubby that I would love to see that invisible sign that reads "please knock on this door to ask any question you want about anything", so I can blow it the fuck up. Seriously, this is the second place we've lived in the past 10 years that strangers knock all day or night and ask who lives where like we're the keepers of the human race *eyeroll*
It has to be the universe that keeps sending them to our door because I keep saying one day I'm just going to attack and see what happens but I don't. I really don't like being tested that way but it seems more than ever pressure to not eat them, literally. I'm not putting out any mojo that would draw them to me except friendship but that's not meant for them to come and knock on my door asking about Tom, Dick, or Harry and where they live, what kind of drugs they sell, what do they drive, blood type, and so much more annoying crap..blahblahblah
Have I mentioned how much I love my coffee mmmmmmmmm yeah coffee, harsh black and ready to go..omg now I'm a's okay I love it and so do you :p
I'm not right in the head you realize that? *runs off snickering
Sooooo let's see...there's not really alot going on since I haven't been out much except for the occasional run to the store.
I watched a visitor leave the college kids party house a couple of days ago and this is what he did. His truck was parked facing towards the dead end of our street which means he was facing north (kinda). Anyways, he started up the truck and then started backing up to what I thought would be turning around in the driveway by my building, but nooooooo he kept backing up all the way to the stop sign up the street the other direction, never even bothered turning around. I just stood there calling him a dumb ass because seriously, in what universe does a normal person back a vehicle up all the way to a stop sign instead of turning around in a driveway. It's not like he hasn't done that before because he has many times, turn around in the driveway, sit there for a bit, then peel out like a crazy person leaving a smoke and the smell of burned rubber in the air. Idiots!
Yesterday the weird guy who lives in the house directly across from me decided it would be funny to keep turning his music up then down again and then point and laugh at me. Guess what I did? Nothing, I just went back inside my apartment because he's just not worth the energy of me pointing out the obvious. It's not my fault he has a drinking problem that sends him to the store at 6 or 7 am in the morning to buy his beer so he can hear his music at the volume of 1000..pfffft..and then he sits on his porch banging on it with a hammer. I watched him do that for a couple of hours until I'm guessing his wife told him to stop or he got bored and left/feel asleep/offed himself..who knows. See how horrible I am? When they do stupid shit like that I just want them to stop, even if dying is the answer. SMH
It also didn't help that I kept hearing what sounded like a bb gun or airsoft rifle being shot right outside my building and every time I went outside to look the noise would stop. The only people that were outside were from that house where he was or the other one next to him where the college kids hang out at. One of those two houses had someone shooting a gun of some type. It must have been eat some paint chips day because why would you stop that unless you know what you're doing is wrong? Idiots!
I swear that's gonna become my new anthem as I march through the streets. "Idiots everywhere stop them while you can!" We know you can't but it's a nice thought huh...hahaha
Last night a guy knocked on our door. Given the fact that he did apologize and call me ma'am earned him the privilege of breathing one more day. The reason he knocked? He's looking for some guy named John who's about this high (he showed me because somehow holding your hand at a certain level helps the person you're talking to understand their exact height), but he has no idea where he lives. That right there just pisses me off because in the 5 years we have lived in this particular building and recently switched apartments from the one next door to this one, we have always had people knocking to ask who lives where, who sells certain drugs, where the landlord or owner is, and the various other reasons a stranger knocks.
I wasn't rude to this guy but I did ask him if he had a clue when they moved in because I don't know people's names. Thankfully he knew the time frame because I sent him to a new tenant who moved in upstairs not really caring if it was them or not.
I told the hubby that I would love to see that invisible sign that reads "please knock on this door to ask any question you want about anything", so I can blow it the fuck up. Seriously, this is the second place we've lived in the past 10 years that strangers knock all day or night and ask who lives where like we're the keepers of the human race *eyeroll*
It has to be the universe that keeps sending them to our door because I keep saying one day I'm just going to attack and see what happens but I don't. I really don't like being tested that way but it seems more than ever pressure to not eat them, literally. I'm not putting out any mojo that would draw them to me except friendship but that's not meant for them to come and knock on my door asking about Tom, Dick, or Harry and where they live, what kind of drugs they sell, what do they drive, blood type, and so much more annoying crap..blahblahblah
Have I mentioned how much I love my coffee mmmmmmmmm yeah coffee, harsh black and ready to go..omg now I'm a's okay I love it and so do you :p
I'm not right in the head you realize that? *runs off snickering
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