you and i both know that one question is an oxymoron, because, yes Virginia, they can always be more stupid and have proven so over and over again.
since last August, things at work have changed. i am now cashiering because of my breathing problem, and the steam and vapor from working in the deli was causing me issues.
any-who, little ole me gets a chance to be up front with the customers.
*insert big evil grin*
i swear to the gods and everything that is unholy, customers on a general scale of 1 to 10 are freaking stupid as all get out.
that includes me from time to time. yep i said it, even i am stupid when it comes to certain things.
summer time was kind of strange because of the influx of customers during the day hours, but once school started again, it was like a surge of stupid flooding the store around 4 pm all the way until 7 or 8 pm, Monday through Friday, with Saturday being full of stupid, and then on Sunday with the liquor law in effect where they can't buy beer until 12:01 pm, provides more stupid for the entertainment value.
customer one: male, probably in his mid 40's, shows up around 11:48 am on Sunday, with beer, and i have to inform him he will have to wait 13 more minutes to make the purchase.
he glints at me, grunts, then says okay I'll stand here and just wait.
never moved out of the way for other customers, he stood there waiting for it to hit 12:01 pm and then cut line to get his beer.
he decides to tell me how stupid it is he has to wait to buy his beer and i say to contact his congressman and complain about it.
all i want is this fuckwaffle out of my line because he's pissed me off with his whining about having to wait, then cuts line (one of my pet peeves).
customer two: female, looks about a thousand years old because she's pickled as hell from all the drinking, you can smell the alcohol reeking off her. gives me attitude because i didn't ask for her customer card with her precious 89 cent purchase, keeps talking shit to me, then stares me down all the way out the door. which made me crack up laughing.
what person in their right mind, throws a hissy fit over a purchase that costs less than $1?
she's been in the store since then a few times and i just stare at her when she comes through my line, make sure to ask for her customer card, then explicitly state how much everything is at the end of checkout time. she's a food stamp user, not that it's a bad thing but some of these idiots that have them think they're the motherfucking princess and should be treated as so. *eyeroll*
thanksgiving was so much fun let me tell you. everybody just had to make sure they got their special pricing for the turkey and hams which i always check when i know are on sale, but some of the customers would hold up a line to make me stop and make sure "I" got it right, then throw a fit because it rang up different, and when i send out for price check throw another fit how they don't have time for this and i should just change it for them.
me standing there just staring at them and smiling while waiting, and they're snarling, which makes me laugh at the childish behaviour, but deep inside my head I'm stabbing them ^_^
see what being around humans does to me? it makes me want to smash them when they get arrogant, stupid, etc.
one jehovah's witness knocked on my door a week before thanksgiving, i opened the door and said no thank you, leave now before i come back outside with my broom.
i watched through the window as the idiot stood there just staring.
i was tempted to open the door and start swinging but it was more fun to watch him stand there in confusion.
every day i work there is always someone who has to inform me of their god's infinite love, bless me, bless my day and all i want to do is say fuck your god, mine is so much kewler and at least when i look into the sky i can see him for a portion of the day.
yeah I'm rambling, i should just stop here while I'm on an even keel. I'll try to update again before valentines day.
blah blah and all that jazz.
customers are stupid!
people are stupid!
okay not everybody but a large percentage are..
so yeah ciao!