Sunday, December 29, 2013

The four years I've lived on this dead end street always proves eventful during the holiday week between Christmas and New Year's. There is always at least one party a day that sometimes results in a couple of drunks cheering and singing at the side of the lawn or in the street. Completely harmless as they are having fun, there have been days that the parties went into the night and early mornings. 

The day after Christmas started like most of them do around here, loud music flowing like a bad speaker bumping out horrible tunes, dogs barking, and children screaming while they play. Nothing coffee can't cure most of the time, but this particular morning I was not in a mood to deal with it so I walked outside to see who the music invasion was coming from. Directly across the street out of a Cruiser with the driver's door wide open playing old school Tejano music.
That music played all day long, until the beat changed when a CD started skipping and the guy who owned the car would flip to the next song only to have it skip too. He actually let this one CD skip for over an hour before he put a different one into his CD player of the vehicle and then proceeded to turn the volume up. How does upping the volume guarantee no more CD skip? Are you that drunk you seriously can't grasp the concept that not only is that music annoying, the fact that you're letting it skip over and over and then switch to something different and turn the volume up is making the situation worse.
Another hour went by with more music skipping and the music volume going up again that I could no longer stand it and went across the street to ask the volume be turned down.
I know the people that live there speak very little English as I have had many conversations with vaguely broken English with the lady that lives there, but this was her husband I was going to be dealing with. I watch this man walk from his porch over to the Cruiser and sit inside it, flip through a couple of songs, then turn the volume down one or two notches, then stand up again and begin to walk off. He never looked at me, nor put down the cell phone he was talking on so I yelled loudly "excuse me" twice before he ever turned to look at me. I then proceeded to point at his vehicle and say "turn the music down please" and he just stares like he's become a stupid statue.
It's really hard for me to not rip into these people with colorful phrasing but I repeated myself again and informed him I was not leaving until it got turned down as I did not feel like having to call the police over such a stupid issue, I would have done it, I just don't like doing it because it's not a criminal issue, just annoyance. The man walks back over to the Cruiser, sits inside it, flips through a few more songs, then turns the music down and leans out to look at me. I tell him "thank you, Feliz Navidad" and he actually repeated what I said and then shook his head no. I'm not gonna stand there giving a Mexican lessons in what Feliz Navidad means, so I wave and walk off. 
An hour later, this same drunk shithead has his music up again and I was about to call the police when I hear someone yelling at him in Spanish, which got his attention because all the music went off.
That in itself is a peeve of mine how the cultures seem to blow each other off instead of seeing the person standing there.

Yesterday I observed an awesome thug wannabe with his glorious pants hanging off his ass fashion and showing butt crack. Such a great display of fashion in front of my face as this punk ass child (yeah i said it) proceeds to play with woofers in the trunk while pulling up his pants twice. He leaves the trunk up so that horrible gang banger music aka shitty rap is blaring and he starts walking back and forth by this car with a cell phone planted in his face. 
I don't necessarily judge most fashions in general but that prison bitch thing with the pants/underwear showing has got to go. 

Anyways, this kid turns up his music, then lowers it and finally drives off. 
This is a different house this happens in front of as me, the hubby, and one of my neighbors have dubbed this particular house as the college kid dropout pot house. The people coming from and going to that house proceeded the rest of the day to make a feeble attempt at filling up the street with cars from everyone hanging out there. At 11 pm (the noise ordinance time for sound to be turned down), the music gets turned on and it goes up and down for a couple of hours until we call the police to come check this house out as there are kids out the yard, and the music keeps being turned up then down again and it wasn't turned on until 11 pm. 
We watch from a window and the porch as two trucks pull out and drive away fast, then the music is turned off all the way, and people start coming out of that house, before the police even show up.
A couple of kids walk over to our side of the street and stand there so I tell them you aren't waiting for your ride here, go back across the street. That earns me a flip off that makes me laugh and say yeah whatever brat I have children older than your punk ass, then I said fuck it and went inside.

I partied growing up so I knew the dangers of underage drinking but these kids don't care, and they mill around in the yard, other peoples yards, the street, then wonder why the police show up and handcuff them as "they weren't doing anything wrong". 

The last laugh would be last night as the kid upstairs has had a few of his friends staying with him since the day after Christmas and they park anywhere they want to, even after we tell them to park somewhere else because one of those spots belongs to a tenant, which they parked there anyways and he had to park away from our building. I could hear the kid from upstairs apologizing to the neighbor who had to park somewhere else and he got told "I don't care man, when I work until midnight then come home and find some motherfucker in my spot, it doesn't make me too happy, next time I'll just tow the bitch". 
That would have been my first choice but then again I'm such a nice person *snickers*

Anywhooooo, may the force be with you as new year's day rolls your way, and may you be blessed from the influence of "the stupid". Be well and if ya can't do it right, don't name it after me *wink*

Thursday, December 19, 2013

It's not hard to see what's going on outside of an apartment that literally has three windows. Paper thin walls that allow one to hear more noise than they care to, along with knowing when your neighbors or anyone else visits near the building or the other apartments joined to yours. Thankfully this building is a four-plex or my insane rages would probably be worse than they are.
Yesterday I went into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate and happened to notice a man in the back with a water hose. Normally that shouldn't bring alarm or curiosity but in this case it did because we don't have a hose connected to any spigots around the property and I was watching this person because I had no clue who they were. He was filling up a soda bottle from that hose and then walked off around the edge of the building which made me wonder who he was and where he was going. I went to watch out of another window in the main part of the apartment when I see this man pouring that water out over his windshield of his car parked in the front of our building, and then I realized who it was. The neighbor upstairs bundled up because we had freezing temperatures for about four days that made the windows of the cars ice up. That made me think "okay let me get this straight. you live upstairs, we have two faucets plus a shower inside the apartments, and you went downstairs around the building to fill up a bottle from a water hose." I laughed, called him stupid, reaffirmed that it was definitely not something normal by asking two other men later, then laughed again.
That my friends is what our next generation is capable of.
That same line of thinking I've observed when it comes to taking garbage to the dumpster on the property. They will let bags sit at the doorway for a week, then walk those two bags about 12 steps, put them on the ground and walk away. Then come back an hour later to pick up those two bags that didn't magically dump themselves and walk those bags down to the dumpster. It would have taken probably two minutes to get that action taken care of, but now that it was delayed by "um what am I doing? oh yeah I'm um what was that again? I don't know where I am?" derp de derp, that entire activity wasted almost two hours (I've added in the time it took to close the bags and put them outside the door from the start).
Now back to the windshields and these cars parked in front, and that whole "I don't know how to get it de-iced" situation. This kid stood there scraping at it with his hands after he poured the water across it and then looked around. I've had a few times of dealing with that, somehow living here by the coast line in Texas, iced up windshields is a rarity. I wanted to step outside and tell him you know you can turn the car on and let it defrost or get something to scrap the ice off, but I figure if you're that stupid to stand around and wait, you can figure out how to de-ice or just let it thaw out.

It's not rocket science, but still "the stupid" just amazes me at the way they will try to get help because somehow they can't figure out how to fix a problem instead of using logic. Oh wait that's a Spock thing, how dare a human ever use logic. *dies laughing*

The second most favorite stupid movement for this past month has been the management asking me to let a tenant know they're looking for them. Not my place, and what do I say? "sure if I ever see them".
Here you are "Miss Manager who claims this apartment complex is your property and you make the rules around here" asking me to let someone you can't get ahold of by knocking on a door, but I know that letters work really well for information, wants "me" to tell that person to go see the manager. Puhlease..I don't give a shit what you're dealing with in your life, you get free or reduced rent, plus payment for doing menial chores like cleaning up vacant units and mowing the lawn, and you want me to do something for you for free? Fuck that. I ain't no bounty hunter. Apparently the person she wants to "talk to" is behind on rent. Now how is that any of my business? It's not going to effect my purse anyways and we ain't friends so tell me again why I'm hearing about other tenant business? Nah screw it, this bimbo, literally she's begun to show what an airhead she is, has crossed a point of no return with me over my own rental problems which tells me how some people knew my business because of her big mouth. anyways...yeah.
STOOPID...idiot idjit moron bumbling're the manager, do your job, use a pen and paper or type it up and print it out, put a note/letter/scrap of something legible at the door.
End of rant..this will all assimilate in 10 minus T countdown beginning now...9...8...7...6...5...4...3....2....1....
*poof* made you look teehee
Thanks for putting up with my crazy rants it's very therapeutic even if I'm still doing target practice in my head ;)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Not really much going on lately for me to complain about with the stupid. I managed to make it over a week of not having to deal with them which made me wonder how I got so lucky, but once Thanksgiving passed they were back out again.

Cashier asking me at the store if I'm paying for my purchase with all "that change". No man, I'm just counting out my silver coins to hold up the line. pssssssssssssh idiot!

Guy upstairs comes down, knocks on the door and asks for a screw driver. When asked what he needs it for his reason is he locked himself out of the apartment again, but refuses to knock on the manager's door to get the key copy to open the door. Shake my head on that one. We all know it by know, that is definitely not someone clearly thinking shit out, but after talking to him a couple of times I've come to realize he's not very bright and somehow he made it to a managerial position at one of the fast food places in town. Ha ha god help those employees, they have a stupid manager overseeing them.

I've been staying inside the past few weeks mainly to avoid bad weather and people because I'm in a beat that ass mood and it's just not worth going to jail for. Who knows though, maybe before Christmas I'll have something else to make you laugh over.

For now it's back to the herbal teas and hot chocolate to recoop during this winter blast that is leaving me brrrrr hide me now in my bear cave ^_^