Saturday, December 7, 2013

Not really much going on lately for me to complain about with the stupid. I managed to make it over a week of not having to deal with them which made me wonder how I got so lucky, but once Thanksgiving passed they were back out again.

Cashier asking me at the store if I'm paying for my purchase with all "that change". No man, I'm just counting out my silver coins to hold up the line. pssssssssssssh idiot!

Guy upstairs comes down, knocks on the door and asks for a screw driver. When asked what he needs it for his reason is he locked himself out of the apartment again, but refuses to knock on the manager's door to get the key copy to open the door. Shake my head on that one. We all know it by know, that is definitely not someone clearly thinking shit out, but after talking to him a couple of times I've come to realize he's not very bright and somehow he made it to a managerial position at one of the fast food places in town. Ha ha god help those employees, they have a stupid manager overseeing them.

I've been staying inside the past few weeks mainly to avoid bad weather and people because I'm in a beat that ass mood and it's just not worth going to jail for. Who knows though, maybe before Christmas I'll have something else to make you laugh over.

For now it's back to the herbal teas and hot chocolate to recoop during this winter blast that is leaving me brrrrr hide me now in my bear cave ^_^

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