Ah good times, good times...lalalala...oh wait a minute I can't enjoy peace and quiet because the shitferbrains idiots who live on this street don't know how to be quiet.
Let's start with stomper upstairs..the bitch had her grandchildren with her for a week, that made it three people making noise on and off all night long, thumps, banging, scratching on the floor (my ceiling), never heard talking, and still only one set of feet moving about because apparently the children know how to walk normal *eyeroll*
It made for some rather awkward dish washing and shower time because every time the hubby or myself washed a dish or took a shower somebody up there turned on the hot water and we were screwed.
Right now as I type this she's upstairs stomping all around her apartment (it's barely 200 sq ft in size) at 10:36 pm, and she's turning the water off and on which seems to be a big thing with her, and banging on walls. Is she really that stupid she doesn't understand that old buildings have copper pipes which thump when hot water goes through them? I've seen her twice and she's not young either so I'm wondering what rock community evicted her dumb ass.
I know I'm far from perfect and sometimes bump the counter or a wall, bang a cabinet or door, have the tv up a little too loud because the volume shot up on me, and my conversations with the cats can be loud at times but give me a damn break, I know what an apartment dweller should be like and she ain't cutting it.
I heard her this morning telling the owner that she's okay with the apartment but the people downstairs are really loud. That set me off because the last crazy bitch that did that harrassed me everyday and did the same noise making and floor stomping this one does.
Can't file a complaint with the new owner because of my reputation that apparently followed the turn over of property has me listed as an angry bitter person who can't get along with neighbors. Pffffffffffffffffft if people would stop being stupid and learn that the world does not evolve around them and be aware of how they're effecting others, perhaps I might not need to tell them what I think.
I swear it seems sometimes all I do all day is complain about her stomping or banging around upstairs, the morons who party at the college drug house, the idiot across the street who has now resorted to hacking up trees in the yard with a machete. That made me cock an eyebrow but hey I guess he's that bored or he finally is sobering up through AA. Dunno but he's a pain in the ass standing around staring at me when I look out my window or sit on my porch, or playing his tejano shit way louder than it should be for a man his age. Ugggggggggggggggggh, the tension is just ridiculous.
And once again I watched stupid in it's finest form yesterday attempting to back a truck trailer full of bricks into the driveway across the street. Apparently the driver is the smartest of the box of rocks because I watched this idiot pull forward and back up four times to back up into the driveway he was supposed to be going to and each time he pulled out and redid it. I'm watching out the window and snickering at his stupidity and think now why doesn't this idiot just pull into the driveway here by my building, where the cars are parked, and back straight up into the driveway across the street? It's the most logical action but nooooooooooooooooo he's gonna keep pulling forward and back into that fence over and over until, oh look he finally got a clue and is now pulling into this driveway here by the cars...now to watch him back up into that other driveway. Come on stupid you can do it, I know you can. Keep going, yes another few more inches, wait you're going all the way into the yard? Interesting now that I see the back tires of the truck you're driving are off the ground because that trailer load is heavier that what you're supposed to be pulling. Shake my damn head and sigh as the hubby reminds me that people just don't think.
Is it just me or are people that ignorant? I don't think I'm smarter than the average bear but there are so many times I watch people and think how they just don't seem to get it, like there is something missing from between their ears. That makes me laugh because I feel like Cruella De ville when I get like that but come on already..stop being...wait for it....a stupid ass monkey who can't get a clue or use it even if someone gave it to you!!!!!!!
Yeah rant over for this time..but just wait my minions the stupid will show up again and evil will rise up to smash their pretty faces and laugh as they cry over the milk they spilled mmhm
Bwahahahaha..yes I'm really that nuts but you already knew it or you would be reading my blog :p
Monday, January 27, 2014
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Yay here I am again with another hateful blast of the stupid. Hahaha
Yesterday I went for a routine doctor visit and while waiting in the lobby to be called for the triage stats the preliminary nurses do while waiting for the initial visit, I get approached by a man who has a horrible english accent claiming he's a representative for Bayer. I humour him because inside my head I'm thinking to myself why the fuck am I being bothered waiting to see a doctor about a questionnaire on pap smears? really? geezus on a fuckin cracker. I start filling it out because it's random, just to do it in case it's legit. not like the genitalia police are gonna come after me if i refuse to fill it out. anyways I'm reading these questions which started becoming repetitive after the first fifteen or so and I started feeling like I was taking one of those aptitude tests you take to get a job, when I come upon one that asks as an option if god is punishing women for giving them cervical cancer. I wrote WTF next to it because I'm thinking to myself what kind of person actually believes any god would give them cancer? On the third page I find this same question again worded differently but one of the answer choices is still about god punishing women by giving them cancer. That pissed me off so I stopped filling out the paperwork when the guy who had first approached me walked by. I told him the paperwork was religious by affiliation and that I was offended since I was told it was supposed to determine why women don't like this particular type of service from doctors and here I am finding questions about god punishing women by giving them cervical cancer and he laughed while explaining it's some kind of Latino culture thing. I'm not stupid and I've never met anyone that said there were gods or demons that give women cancer so I just nodded and said I had no idea and then bit my tongue because what I wanted to scream out was fuck you fundamentalist, maybe god is going to cause your penis to be full of cancer, but I reserved myself and decided to just throw the paper away.
Yeah you're probably laughing your ass off at this point and it's not really that funny, even though I've begun to notice my sarcastic humour to a point and end up laughing myself, but that situation had me livid. It didn't help that my youngest daughter was there with me and she was laughing at how I was responding verbally to the questions. smh
Today there was a silent knock on the door and I answered it being the nice white girl I am (not) hehehe. Anyways, I open the door and there is this woman standing there who doesn't even say hi to me. She starts looking down at a bible and began saying "I'm here to talk to you today about something that concerns all of us", I told her no thanks but good luck on your journey and she literally looked up at me and asked me "what?" like she was dumbfounded. I told her goodbye and shut the door on her while she stood there asking me why. I'm not about to explain to a person who is part of a group that always knocks on my door about god/bibles/jesus/whatever else they're promoting, that I'm not interested because I don't believe in it.
Usually if I'm not in a hateful mood I will tell them politely no thanks and wish them well, but sometimes I scream at them that they are following the misguided teachings of the deceiver and they are the ones fated for hell, not what they walk around telling others and then laugh at them while the walk away and start staring.
Today is just not the day I feel like dealing with it, and if I have to shut the door in some one's face while they're still flapping away at the lips so be it.
Go pedal your religion elsewhere I'm not interested in buying shit today.
aaaaaaaaaaaaand then
yeah I'm gonna fill up my coffee cup again because today the world is gonna piss me off slowly one hour at a time I can feel it. blah
Okay end of rant and yes folks I'm schitz, so please make your donations in the form of skittles and m&m's all mailed to fukitall *wink*
Yesterday I went for a routine doctor visit and while waiting in the lobby to be called for the triage stats the preliminary nurses do while waiting for the initial visit, I get approached by a man who has a horrible english accent claiming he's a representative for Bayer. I humour him because inside my head I'm thinking to myself why the fuck am I being bothered waiting to see a doctor about a questionnaire on pap smears? really? geezus on a fuckin cracker. I start filling it out because it's random, just to do it in case it's legit. not like the genitalia police are gonna come after me if i refuse to fill it out. anyways I'm reading these questions which started becoming repetitive after the first fifteen or so and I started feeling like I was taking one of those aptitude tests you take to get a job, when I come upon one that asks as an option if god is punishing women for giving them cervical cancer. I wrote WTF next to it because I'm thinking to myself what kind of person actually believes any god would give them cancer? On the third page I find this same question again worded differently but one of the answer choices is still about god punishing women by giving them cancer. That pissed me off so I stopped filling out the paperwork when the guy who had first approached me walked by. I told him the paperwork was religious by affiliation and that I was offended since I was told it was supposed to determine why women don't like this particular type of service from doctors and here I am finding questions about god punishing women by giving them cervical cancer and he laughed while explaining it's some kind of Latino culture thing. I'm not stupid and I've never met anyone that said there were gods or demons that give women cancer so I just nodded and said I had no idea and then bit my tongue because what I wanted to scream out was fuck you fundamentalist, maybe god is going to cause your penis to be full of cancer, but I reserved myself and decided to just throw the paper away.
Yeah you're probably laughing your ass off at this point and it's not really that funny, even though I've begun to notice my sarcastic humour to a point and end up laughing myself, but that situation had me livid. It didn't help that my youngest daughter was there with me and she was laughing at how I was responding verbally to the questions. smh
Today there was a silent knock on the door and I answered it being the nice white girl I am (not) hehehe. Anyways, I open the door and there is this woman standing there who doesn't even say hi to me. She starts looking down at a bible and began saying "I'm here to talk to you today about something that concerns all of us", I told her no thanks but good luck on your journey and she literally looked up at me and asked me "what?" like she was dumbfounded. I told her goodbye and shut the door on her while she stood there asking me why. I'm not about to explain to a person who is part of a group that always knocks on my door about god/bibles/jesus/whatever else they're promoting, that I'm not interested because I don't believe in it.
Usually if I'm not in a hateful mood I will tell them politely no thanks and wish them well, but sometimes I scream at them that they are following the misguided teachings of the deceiver and they are the ones fated for hell, not what they walk around telling others and then laugh at them while the walk away and start staring.
Today is just not the day I feel like dealing with it, and if I have to shut the door in some one's face while they're still flapping away at the lips so be it.
Go pedal your religion elsewhere I'm not interested in buying shit today.
aaaaaaaaaaaaand then
yeah I'm gonna fill up my coffee cup again because today the world is gonna piss me off slowly one hour at a time I can feel it. blah
Okay end of rant and yes folks I'm schitz, so please make your donations in the form of skittles and m&m's all mailed to fukitall *wink*
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Happy new years! 2014 already....
New tenants moved into the unit upstairs already. The owner finally got the kid to move out last week, and already a lady has moved in. She's been there for 2 days now and she's a stomper and a water nazi. If you don't know what a water nazi is let me explain it real quick, these people run all over their apartment turning on faucets when you're taking a shower or washing dishes because somehow you are using up all the hot water.
What this woman doesn't know is I've already dealt with a water nazi from the unit next door and I can cure that bullshit real quick, just hope she enjoys days of endless cold showers *wicked evil grin*
That stomping shit will not stop because she walks heavy but if the noise gets unbearable I'll resort to banging on the door frames and walls because I am not above returning the favor. Have I mentioned how much I loathe living in apartments? I know the normal noise levels that are acceptable but marching through your apartment over my head like a fucking elephant parade is not, slamming your doors and moving your furniture around every two hours all day and/or night, is also not acceptable..and oh wait, how come I'm a hateful bitch who gives you laser beams of death when I look at you? Why it's because you drive me insane with your lack of "someone else lives in the same building" *eyeroll*
Sooo let's talk about that stupid man at the store. Yeah the one who watched me walk into the store with my husband. Watched me stop and use my inhaler because the walk left me breathless. Watched me stand there for about five more minutes. Let's talk about how he approached ME, not my husband, he approached ME! "excuse me ma'am, you wouldn't happen to have a cigarette?"
I took one breath in before I blew up on him. "what the fuck? did you not just see me use an inhaler? and who the fuck are you to ask ME for a fucking cigarette? inside the damn store? go the fuck away before I hurt you!"
He had the nerve to call me Bitch lmfao. Hang on while I cry a fake tear real quick upon reminiscing..nah that won't happen.
I'm not anti smoking, it's just that I've noticed since I stopped smoking there are way too many people who ask me for a cigarette usually when I'm using my inhaler or having a breathless moment, or even coughing spell. I'll tell you what I think personally..the universe wants those people to die a slow painful torture death at my hands for asking me for that haaaaaaaaaaaahaha...yeah I'm twisted but I love me *wink*
Not too long ago I had a man that lives in another part of our apartment community walk up to me and ask for a cigarette "for his old lady". That earned him a grunt from me and the question "are you that stupid that you can't ask for it upright for yourself and use your wife as the reason?"
He stood there and asked me again which I informed him I don't smoke anymore and don't have cigarettes on me, but that wasn't good enough for him, he continued to stand there asking me again over and over.
Now I'm not very good at reading people to determine if they are genuinely stupid or high on something but he seemed alert, which means nothing around this part of town. It took me roughly ten minutes to make him understand nobody from my apartment was going to give him tobacco in any form, not even up his ass *smirk*
When I did smoke I still hated the beggars because they mooch on everybody instead of using their own cash to buy the cigarettes and want everyone else to fund their habit and told quite a few I wasn't their damn tobacco supplier.
I had a crackhead threaten to "kick my ass" at a job site I worked at because I refused to give her a cigarette and when she kept harassing me while I was on the clock I had to tell her to go the fuck away which made her toss out that threat. Guess what I did? I called out for her for twenty minutes that night when I got off, telling her to come get some because I was off duty now and then laughed because she didn't show up to beat me up.
I just can't stand it, by now reading this blog one can only assume I hate people, but that's far from the truth. What I hate is the stupidity that runs amok in society and rarely gets called out because that makes you an asshole..ok so I'm an asshole, what else you got? Come on now make it a good insult, I do enjoy a good laugh..come on make me laugh..doooooooo it!
Oh wait, you can't because you fail at wit, your skills for fighting fairly with words are debunk, here's a quarter, go beg for another one and call someone who gives a f*BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*
are you my frieeeennddd? Smoochies until laters
New tenants moved into the unit upstairs already. The owner finally got the kid to move out last week, and already a lady has moved in. She's been there for 2 days now and she's a stomper and a water nazi. If you don't know what a water nazi is let me explain it real quick, these people run all over their apartment turning on faucets when you're taking a shower or washing dishes because somehow you are using up all the hot water.
What this woman doesn't know is I've already dealt with a water nazi from the unit next door and I can cure that bullshit real quick, just hope she enjoys days of endless cold showers *wicked evil grin*
That stomping shit will not stop because she walks heavy but if the noise gets unbearable I'll resort to banging on the door frames and walls because I am not above returning the favor. Have I mentioned how much I loathe living in apartments? I know the normal noise levels that are acceptable but marching through your apartment over my head like a fucking elephant parade is not, slamming your doors and moving your furniture around every two hours all day and/or night, is also not acceptable..and oh wait, how come I'm a hateful bitch who gives you laser beams of death when I look at you? Why it's because you drive me insane with your lack of "someone else lives in the same building" *eyeroll*
Sooo let's talk about that stupid man at the store. Yeah the one who watched me walk into the store with my husband. Watched me stop and use my inhaler because the walk left me breathless. Watched me stand there for about five more minutes. Let's talk about how he approached ME, not my husband, he approached ME! "excuse me ma'am, you wouldn't happen to have a cigarette?"
I took one breath in before I blew up on him. "what the fuck? did you not just see me use an inhaler? and who the fuck are you to ask ME for a fucking cigarette? inside the damn store? go the fuck away before I hurt you!"
He had the nerve to call me Bitch lmfao. Hang on while I cry a fake tear real quick upon reminiscing..nah that won't happen.
I'm not anti smoking, it's just that I've noticed since I stopped smoking there are way too many people who ask me for a cigarette usually when I'm using my inhaler or having a breathless moment, or even coughing spell. I'll tell you what I think personally..the universe wants those people to die a slow painful torture death at my hands for asking me for that haaaaaaaaaaaahaha...yeah I'm twisted but I love me *wink*
Not too long ago I had a man that lives in another part of our apartment community walk up to me and ask for a cigarette "for his old lady". That earned him a grunt from me and the question "are you that stupid that you can't ask for it upright for yourself and use your wife as the reason?"
He stood there and asked me again which I informed him I don't smoke anymore and don't have cigarettes on me, but that wasn't good enough for him, he continued to stand there asking me again over and over.
Now I'm not very good at reading people to determine if they are genuinely stupid or high on something but he seemed alert, which means nothing around this part of town. It took me roughly ten minutes to make him understand nobody from my apartment was going to give him tobacco in any form, not even up his ass *smirk*
When I did smoke I still hated the beggars because they mooch on everybody instead of using their own cash to buy the cigarettes and want everyone else to fund their habit and told quite a few I wasn't their damn tobacco supplier.
I had a crackhead threaten to "kick my ass" at a job site I worked at because I refused to give her a cigarette and when she kept harassing me while I was on the clock I had to tell her to go the fuck away which made her toss out that threat. Guess what I did? I called out for her for twenty minutes that night when I got off, telling her to come get some because I was off duty now and then laughed because she didn't show up to beat me up.
I just can't stand it, by now reading this blog one can only assume I hate people, but that's far from the truth. What I hate is the stupidity that runs amok in society and rarely gets called out because that makes you an asshole..ok so I'm an asshole, what else you got? Come on now make it a good insult, I do enjoy a good laugh..come on make me laugh..doooooooo it!
Oh wait, you can't because you fail at wit, your skills for fighting fairly with words are debunk, here's a quarter, go beg for another one and call someone who gives a f*BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*
are you my frieeeennddd? Smoochies until laters
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