i think i'm gonna dedicate this blog to drama whores.
you fucking bitches seriously need to quit pretending to be queens and get that damned plastic tiara the fuck off your head already..geesh
if it isn't one idiot around here dragging my name into their bullshit it's another one.
in the last month i've been accused of causing 3 tenants to be evicted and reporting their arguments to the management.
excuse me ho if you put your laundry out to dry in front of my face and part of it blows near me while waiting on the police to arrive, i'm damn sure gonna let the manager know the cops showed up at your unit...so eat me!
and how dare i ever befriend someone around here and not include their trailer trash ass in my conversations..i simply do not like you, and you're not welcome anywhere near where i eat, sit, or sleep, not even where i take a pee or crap..yeah i said it, i'm better than you'll ever dream of being sweet cheeks! take that to the damn bank of who gives a fuck!
gods above and below...where do these ignotards come from? seriously...
the troll upstairs threw a trash bag with toilet paper and paper towels with pieces of crap on it along with some receipts, one used feminine pad, and some lint from doing laundry out in the driveway right beside our car, so i cleaned it up, rebagged it and tosses it at her door which she threw back down when she came home again. i've been told she has now demanded the owner pay her money to move out "peacefully"..how the hell can someone demand to be paid to move when they've been served eviction shit 3 times and are on the second round of court? S_T_O_O_P_I_D!!!
white trash female in unit #3 in the back was fine for the past couple of months until she decided to get the red ass and start talking shit about another tenant in the back who visits with me and the hubby, plus another tenant up front because someone how we cause problems for her since "we think we're better than they are" *eyeroll* how the hell did that moron get the idea that we do that shit, i mean the guy that lives near them tells us all the strange shit that happens back there because he sees it all day and most of the night, but it doesn't mean anything other than blowing off steam over aggravation, hell we do it too about noises across the street or from upstairs people where we are located.
white trash female in unit #5 decided yesterday that it was me "that uppity bitch up front" who informed the owner about all the garbage they were supposedly throwing around. if she had actually paid attention she would have known i was bitching about the idiot above me doing that, but the irony is she does let the children that live with her throw paper, food and the wrappers, broken toys, trash bags, and other random things all over the parking lot by her apartment door, plus the dogs both she and the other unit mentioned above have and they let those animals roam free getting into trash all up and down the street and then they drag it back to this area where it gets stuck almost always by my door.
each time they say i'm to blame i'm gonna say words that will redirect their anger at their own problems they created so they can stew in their own poop pot.
last night a couple broke out in a fight which usually around here is a lot of yelling and screaming, but these two were busting out glass and throwing things around and it sounded like they were about to bust down the door or railing so the cops were called out on it.
today they both come back all smiling and happy to that same apartment that police escorted the woman from after she was seen by 2 men getting the shit beat out of her. shake your head at that one...stupid-ignorant-IDIOTS!!!!
we have a black guy who walks all around the property most of the night and day pretending to talk on a cell phone, talking really loud, looks at you and grunts and then mumbles something and has started standing around by the front of our building (he lives in the building behind me) and just stands there looking around. i actually hear him telling some guys at the college party house across the street that i think i'm tough shit or something and they laughed at him. he knows i can't stand him because i just stare at him and then tell him to move the fuck on. it's freaking pathetic i have to tell a grown man to stop hanging around me with the loud outbursts. i just have no tolerance for it period....
anyways after being asked if i know where someone went like i'm a fucking babysitter i'm done, i'm so annoyed by the idiots today i just want to scream fuck off and die!
i'm sure someone is gonna laugh at this miserable angsty blog...have at it..the idiots are amok today for damn sure!
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