Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Soooooooooooooooo let's see....
It's been three weeks of being a working woman again so life has been spent adjusting to sleep and free time.

The apartments are still dealing with a loud mouth dude in the back who snorts, grunts, mumbles and then stares at me like he's a bull about to charge. I've resorted to calling him Felicia because he's that annoying and unimportant with his stupid bs.
Yesterday he was yelling in the back of the building and it was so loud it got the attention of both contractors who were working on a trailer next to our building and they were looking around, so I told them to just ignore it because we have a loud mouth in the back who's being stupid again.

Monday- I had to call the landlord and complain again about my mailbox falling apart and how we temporarily fixed it with duct tape for winter but now that it was falling off the hanger again. That it was time to just put a new one up or use an old one that the manager's husband had told me they have in a storage building, because to be honest if I miss getting some important mail from Social Security or the lawyer office I deal with I was not going to be happy about it.
Came home from work the next day (Tuesday) to find a brand new mailbox and the landlord had personally knocked on the door to tell hubby we had a new mailbox and he wanted me to know it was taken care of.
I really hate having to pester the owner/landlord over things like that, but when it's something I've asked to be fixed for a freaking year there's a major issue. It's not his fault though because the previous owner/landlord had told me it my problem not his, and when I informed him he owns the damn property and he most certainly is the one responsible I got no response.
Thanks to them selling it to someone who does seem to give a few more fucks has made a huge difference in getting things fixed.

Work really provides me with some chuckles that I really can't delve into but I will share this one story.
Sunday- I had just finished ringing up a customer and after she walked off I overheard the woman behind her say "she must be the man of the relationship", which made me just stare at her like she lost her mind.
The woman she was referring to had frosted tips with her hair cut about half an inch on the top and really buzz short everywhere else.
I told that other woman that I really liked the other woman's haircut and was hoping I could have had the chance to find out where she gets her hair done because it's freaking awesome and then just smiled.
That shut up miss "mustbealesbianbecauseoftheshorthairstereotypicalbitch" because she just blurted out what she needed and walked off really fast.
So fucking what if a woman has her hair cut short or buzzed off to peach fuzz!! How the fuck does that make her a lesbian? Some fucking idiots I swear...that one earned YAFM!!!! totally S_T_O_O_P_I_D!!!!!
It's almost as retarded as somebody assuming because a man is wearing pink, light blue, purple, yellow, or a light green shirt he's feminine or must be gay...what the fuck ever! *major eye roll*

I'm guilty of stereotyping but most of the time I actually just see the person and how they're dressed, (sometimes I like what they have on and tell them) tats, piercings, hairstyles, makeup, etc....
Fuck the traditional stereotype for's just not true!
And for that record how are gay people supposed to look?! Do they need neon name tags?!! UGHHHH!

 Last idiot comment..about this one guy who does this at least every other time he picks up someone across the street.
He pulls up and honks the car horn a million times, then when he leaves he rarely turns around to leave. He will rev up the engine, then put the car in reverse and drive it backwards up to the stop sign and then take a freaking year to get it turned the right direction to get the hell out of the way.
He did this shit yesterday and it delayed me getting to work by almost five minutes. IDIOT!!

Ok I'm outta here..enjoy your hump day! seeyaz

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