Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Back from a emotional hiatus...had to re-evaluate my position on how I view people in general.
I found that it's not far from truth where things are concerned that STUPID is and will always live among us.

Most of the incidents are from work now, very few from my neighborhood, and every so often from an outing.

If you're paying me for a service provided, then yes you do indeed provide money towards my paycheck, but it does not give you the right to be rude to me over your own bullshit.
Case in point....there is one customer who comes like clockwork every day around 7:20 am...mind you the location he's coming to is barely open an hour when he rolls up with his machostinkass..yeah I said it, he's just ugh with a capital grow the fuck up.
Anyways...this guy gets angry every day because we won't break a $100 bill for him. Somehow we're being mean to him and he is going to take his business somewhere else, but there he is the very next day with the same tripe. What does he do I wonder...he wears a shirt for one of the home improvement businesses but does he actually work for them or is he some random mental case that is in need of a rubber room and three square meals a day?
It's always the employees fault when customers find the business or service lacking, but sometimes it's the very thing they refuse to see, their own bullshit.

A recent phone conversation from a bill collector:
Hello may I speak to (insert your name here)..this is her...yes ma'am I'm calling about your student loan account and would like to offer you a special rate if you pay it off today for $375 a month...long quiet pause...hello?....I'm listening...yes ma'am like I was saying (blahofferblahgiveusyourmoney)
Now with that part of the story taken care of, this is how I usually handle these calls:
I understand you're doing a job, but I will not be paying any accounts off in full today, nor will I ever be able to as I am poor..I'm sure you can understand that since you're working for a bill collection agency...Please do not take this personal but stop calling me about an account I'm aware I owe on..it was never my intention to let it go this long without making payments on it, but by now I'm sure you've heard it all and this seems like another blow off so I'll make it simple..I am not paying shit, no money, nada, not doing it you can't make me, goodbye! (then I hang up the phone and sit there waiting to see how many times that number rings me back..usually twice more after the initial go fuck yourself without being that rude)

This morning, I'm sitting in the waiting area to see a doctor for a referral to see a psych so I can resume a couple of medications cuz I'm nutttttttttttts man. I tell ya those squirrels are plotting against us, just wait and see. *snickers
I'm there for maybe 15 minutes when I get taken into the back and wait to see the doctor. He talks to me, then checks me out, looks at my eyes and ears, then says after looking into my mouth that I have thrush...hell no I don't..yes ma'am you do..I'm sorry sir you might be the doctor but I've had thrush before and it hurt like a mofo...well you have thrush ma'am and I'm prescribing something for you to take for it..fine. I've already told him I'm dealing with allergies right now but somehow it's something else. *eyeroll*

Sometimes they just don't listen no matter if you say something that might be relative or not..this isn't just a doctor, it's people everywhere. They hear what they want and then stare at you like what?????
I have muttered fucking idiots so many times I should be paid to say those two words. The tolerance is slipping again as it only seems to build up for when I don't care how people act, and then when I want them to be somewhat normal I end up finding myself wanting to slap someone upside the head for being stupid.

Meh it is what it is.  They won't leave us alone...moooooooooommmy! make it stop!!!!
Yeah it's time to pull on the hip waders because even then the bullshit comes up so high you refuse to dirty yourself with their petty stupidity..always why? are you mad? what did i do? where? how come?
What the fuck...are you three or something and stop acting like you're about to throw a temper tantrum cuz damn sure I might not be your mother but the urge to put you over my knee and whip your ass comes into my thoughts quite a bit.
Yeah I know there are some that will read that and go oh yeah baby spank me...but if you deserve the punishment, it won't be enjoyable for anyone...so bite me!

and there you have it folks...more sarcastic drip/dribble...wtfever you wanna call it.

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