The four years I've lived on this dead end street always proves eventful during the holiday week between Christmas and New Year's. There is always at least one party a day that sometimes results in a couple of drunks cheering and singing at the side of the lawn or in the street. Completely harmless as they are having fun, there have been days that the parties went into the night and early mornings.
The day after Christmas started like most of them do around here, loud music flowing like a bad speaker bumping out horrible tunes, dogs barking, and children screaming while they play. Nothing coffee can't cure most of the time, but this particular morning I was not in a mood to deal with it so I walked outside to see who the music invasion was coming from. Directly across the street out of a Cruiser with the driver's door wide open playing old school Tejano music.
That music played all day long, until the beat changed when a CD started skipping and the guy who owned the car would flip to the next song only to have it skip too. He actually let this one CD skip for over an hour before he put a different one into his CD player of the vehicle and then proceeded to turn the volume up. How does upping the volume guarantee no more CD skip? Are you that drunk you seriously can't grasp the concept that not only is that music annoying, the fact that you're letting it skip over and over and then switch to something different and turn the volume up is making the situation worse.
Another hour went by with more music skipping and the music volume going up again that I could no longer stand it and went across the street to ask the volume be turned down.
I know the people that live there speak very little English as I have had many conversations with vaguely broken English with the lady that lives there, but this was her husband I was going to be dealing with. I watch this man walk from his porch over to the Cruiser and sit inside it, flip through a couple of songs, then turn the volume down one or two notches, then stand up again and begin to walk off. He never looked at me, nor put down the cell phone he was talking on so I yelled loudly "excuse me" twice before he ever turned to look at me. I then proceeded to point at his vehicle and say "turn the music down please" and he just stares like he's become a stupid statue.
It's really hard for me to not rip into these people with colorful phrasing but I repeated myself again and informed him I was not leaving until it got turned down as I did not feel like having to call the police over such a stupid issue, I would have done it, I just don't like doing it because it's not a criminal issue, just annoyance. The man walks back over to the Cruiser, sits inside it, flips through a few more songs, then turns the music down and leans out to look at me. I tell him "thank you, Feliz Navidad" and he actually repeated what I said and then shook his head no. I'm not gonna stand there giving a Mexican lessons in what Feliz Navidad means, so I wave and walk off.
An hour later, this same drunk shithead has his music up again and I was about to call the police when I hear someone yelling at him in Spanish, which got his attention because all the music went off.
That in itself is a peeve of mine how the cultures seem to blow each other off instead of seeing the person standing there.
Yesterday I observed an awesome thug wannabe with his glorious pants hanging off his ass fashion and showing butt crack. Such a great display of fashion in front of my face as this punk ass child (yeah i said it) proceeds to play with woofers in the trunk while pulling up his pants twice. He leaves the trunk up so that horrible gang banger music aka shitty rap is blaring and he starts walking back and forth by this car with a cell phone planted in his face.
I don't necessarily judge most fashions in general but that prison bitch thing with the pants/underwear showing has got to go.
Anyways, this kid turns up his music, then lowers it and finally drives off.
This is a different house this happens in front of as me, the hubby, and one of my neighbors have dubbed this particular house as the college kid dropout pot house. The people coming from and going to that house proceeded the rest of the day to make a feeble attempt at filling up the street with cars from everyone hanging out there. At 11 pm (the noise ordinance time for sound to be turned down), the music gets turned on and it goes up and down for a couple of hours until we call the police to come check this house out as there are kids out the yard, and the music keeps being turned up then down again and it wasn't turned on until 11 pm.
We watch from a window and the porch as two trucks pull out and drive away fast, then the music is turned off all the way, and people start coming out of that house, before the police even show up.
A couple of kids walk over to our side of the street and stand there so I tell them you aren't waiting for your ride here, go back across the street. That earns me a flip off that makes me laugh and say yeah whatever brat I have children older than your punk ass, then I said fuck it and went inside.
I partied growing up so I knew the dangers of underage drinking but these kids don't care, and they mill around in the yard, other peoples yards, the street, then wonder why the police show up and handcuff them as "they weren't doing anything wrong".
The last laugh would be last night as the kid upstairs has had a few of his friends staying with him since the day after Christmas and they park anywhere they want to, even after we tell them to park somewhere else because one of those spots belongs to a tenant, which they parked there anyways and he had to park away from our building. I could hear the kid from upstairs apologizing to the neighbor who had to park somewhere else and he got told "I don't care man, when I work until midnight then come home and find some motherfucker in my spot, it doesn't make me too happy, next time I'll just tow the bitch".
That would have been my first choice but then again I'm such a nice person *snickers*
Anywhooooo, may the force be with you as new year's day rolls your way, and may you be blessed from the influence of "the stupid". Be well and if ya can't do it right, don't name it after me *wink*
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
It's not hard to see what's going on outside of an apartment that literally has three windows. Paper thin walls that allow one to hear more noise than they care to, along with knowing when your neighbors or anyone else visits near the building or the other apartments joined to yours. Thankfully this building is a four-plex or my insane rages would probably be worse than they are.
Yesterday I went into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate and happened to notice a man in the back with a water hose. Normally that shouldn't bring alarm or curiosity but in this case it did because we don't have a hose connected to any spigots around the property and I was watching this person because I had no clue who they were. He was filling up a soda bottle from that hose and then walked off around the edge of the building which made me wonder who he was and where he was going. I went to watch out of another window in the main part of the apartment when I see this man pouring that water out over his windshield of his car parked in the front of our building, and then I realized who it was. The neighbor upstairs bundled up because we had freezing temperatures for about four days that made the windows of the cars ice up. That made me think "okay let me get this straight. you live upstairs, we have two faucets plus a shower inside the apartments, and you went downstairs around the building to fill up a bottle from a water hose." I laughed, called him stupid, reaffirmed that it was definitely not something normal by asking two other men later, then laughed again.
That my friends is what our next generation is capable of.
That same line of thinking I've observed when it comes to taking garbage to the dumpster on the property. They will let bags sit at the doorway for a week, then walk those two bags about 12 steps, put them on the ground and walk away. Then come back an hour later to pick up those two bags that didn't magically dump themselves and walk those bags down to the dumpster. It would have taken probably two minutes to get that action taken care of, but now that it was delayed by "um what am I doing? oh yeah I'm um what was that again? I don't know where I am?" derp de derp, that entire activity wasted almost two hours (I've added in the time it took to close the bags and put them outside the door from the start).
Now back to the windshields and these cars parked in front, and that whole "I don't know how to get it de-iced" situation. This kid stood there scraping at it with his hands after he poured the water across it and then looked around. I've had a few times of dealing with that, somehow living here by the coast line in Texas, iced up windshields is a rarity. I wanted to step outside and tell him you know you can turn the car on and let it defrost or get something to scrap the ice off, but I figure if you're that stupid to stand around and wait, you can figure out how to de-ice or just let it thaw out.
It's not rocket science, but still "the stupid" just amazes me at the way they will try to get help because somehow they can't figure out how to fix a problem instead of using logic. Oh wait that's a Spock thing, how dare a human ever use logic. *dies laughing*
The second most favorite stupid movement for this past month has been the management asking me to let a tenant know they're looking for them. Not my place, and what do I say? "sure if I ever see them".
Here you are "Miss Manager who claims this apartment complex is your property and you make the rules around here" asking me to let someone you can't get ahold of by knocking on a door, but I know that letters work really well for information, wants "me" to tell that person to go see the manager. Puhlease..I don't give a shit what you're dealing with in your life, you get free or reduced rent, plus payment for doing menial chores like cleaning up vacant units and mowing the lawn, and you want me to do something for you for free? Fuck that. I ain't no bounty hunter. Apparently the person she wants to "talk to" is behind on rent. Now how is that any of my business? It's not going to effect my purse anyways and we ain't friends so tell me again why I'm hearing about other tenant business? Nah screw it, this bimbo, literally she's begun to show what an airhead she is, has crossed a point of no return with me over my own rental problems which tells me how some people knew my business because of her big mouth. anyways...yeah.
STOOPID...idiot idjit moron bumbling're the manager, do your job, use a pen and paper or type it up and print it out, put a note/letter/scrap of something legible at the door.
End of rant..this will all assimilate in 10 minus T countdown beginning now...9...8...7...6...5...4...3....2....1....
*poof* made you look teehee
Thanks for putting up with my crazy rants it's very therapeutic even if I'm still doing target practice in my head ;)
Yesterday I went into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate and happened to notice a man in the back with a water hose. Normally that shouldn't bring alarm or curiosity but in this case it did because we don't have a hose connected to any spigots around the property and I was watching this person because I had no clue who they were. He was filling up a soda bottle from that hose and then walked off around the edge of the building which made me wonder who he was and where he was going. I went to watch out of another window in the main part of the apartment when I see this man pouring that water out over his windshield of his car parked in the front of our building, and then I realized who it was. The neighbor upstairs bundled up because we had freezing temperatures for about four days that made the windows of the cars ice up. That made me think "okay let me get this straight. you live upstairs, we have two faucets plus a shower inside the apartments, and you went downstairs around the building to fill up a bottle from a water hose." I laughed, called him stupid, reaffirmed that it was definitely not something normal by asking two other men later, then laughed again.
That my friends is what our next generation is capable of.
That same line of thinking I've observed when it comes to taking garbage to the dumpster on the property. They will let bags sit at the doorway for a week, then walk those two bags about 12 steps, put them on the ground and walk away. Then come back an hour later to pick up those two bags that didn't magically dump themselves and walk those bags down to the dumpster. It would have taken probably two minutes to get that action taken care of, but now that it was delayed by "um what am I doing? oh yeah I'm um what was that again? I don't know where I am?" derp de derp, that entire activity wasted almost two hours (I've added in the time it took to close the bags and put them outside the door from the start).
Now back to the windshields and these cars parked in front, and that whole "I don't know how to get it de-iced" situation. This kid stood there scraping at it with his hands after he poured the water across it and then looked around. I've had a few times of dealing with that, somehow living here by the coast line in Texas, iced up windshields is a rarity. I wanted to step outside and tell him you know you can turn the car on and let it defrost or get something to scrap the ice off, but I figure if you're that stupid to stand around and wait, you can figure out how to de-ice or just let it thaw out.
It's not rocket science, but still "the stupid" just amazes me at the way they will try to get help because somehow they can't figure out how to fix a problem instead of using logic. Oh wait that's a Spock thing, how dare a human ever use logic. *dies laughing*
The second most favorite stupid movement for this past month has been the management asking me to let a tenant know they're looking for them. Not my place, and what do I say? "sure if I ever see them".
Here you are "Miss Manager who claims this apartment complex is your property and you make the rules around here" asking me to let someone you can't get ahold of by knocking on a door, but I know that letters work really well for information, wants "me" to tell that person to go see the manager. Puhlease..I don't give a shit what you're dealing with in your life, you get free or reduced rent, plus payment for doing menial chores like cleaning up vacant units and mowing the lawn, and you want me to do something for you for free? Fuck that. I ain't no bounty hunter. Apparently the person she wants to "talk to" is behind on rent. Now how is that any of my business? It's not going to effect my purse anyways and we ain't friends so tell me again why I'm hearing about other tenant business? Nah screw it, this bimbo, literally she's begun to show what an airhead she is, has crossed a point of no return with me over my own rental problems which tells me how some people knew my business because of her big mouth. anyways...yeah.
STOOPID...idiot idjit moron bumbling're the manager, do your job, use a pen and paper or type it up and print it out, put a note/letter/scrap of something legible at the door.
End of rant..this will all assimilate in 10 minus T countdown beginning now...9...8...7...6...5...4...3....2....1....
*poof* made you look teehee
Thanks for putting up with my crazy rants it's very therapeutic even if I'm still doing target practice in my head ;)
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Not really much going on lately for me to complain about with the stupid. I managed to make it over a week of not having to deal with them which made me wonder how I got so lucky, but once Thanksgiving passed they were back out again.
Cashier asking me at the store if I'm paying for my purchase with all "that change". No man, I'm just counting out my silver coins to hold up the line. pssssssssssssh idiot!
Guy upstairs comes down, knocks on the door and asks for a screw driver. When asked what he needs it for his reason is he locked himself out of the apartment again, but refuses to knock on the manager's door to get the key copy to open the door. Shake my head on that one. We all know it by know, that is definitely not someone clearly thinking shit out, but after talking to him a couple of times I've come to realize he's not very bright and somehow he made it to a managerial position at one of the fast food places in town. Ha ha god help those employees, they have a stupid manager overseeing them.
I've been staying inside the past few weeks mainly to avoid bad weather and people because I'm in a beat that ass mood and it's just not worth going to jail for. Who knows though, maybe before Christmas I'll have something else to make you laugh over.
For now it's back to the herbal teas and hot chocolate to recoop during this winter blast that is leaving me brrrrr hide me now in my bear cave ^_^
Cashier asking me at the store if I'm paying for my purchase with all "that change". No man, I'm just counting out my silver coins to hold up the line. pssssssssssssh idiot!
Guy upstairs comes down, knocks on the door and asks for a screw driver. When asked what he needs it for his reason is he locked himself out of the apartment again, but refuses to knock on the manager's door to get the key copy to open the door. Shake my head on that one. We all know it by know, that is definitely not someone clearly thinking shit out, but after talking to him a couple of times I've come to realize he's not very bright and somehow he made it to a managerial position at one of the fast food places in town. Ha ha god help those employees, they have a stupid manager overseeing them.
I've been staying inside the past few weeks mainly to avoid bad weather and people because I'm in a beat that ass mood and it's just not worth going to jail for. Who knows though, maybe before Christmas I'll have something else to make you laugh over.
For now it's back to the herbal teas and hot chocolate to recoop during this winter blast that is leaving me brrrrr hide me now in my bear cave ^_^
Friday, November 22, 2013
I understand that there are times when we might not be able to understand another person when they are talking to us, and often ask them to repeat them self to clarify, but to just not pay attention is no excuse.
Yesterday while waiting on an appointment to be scheduled, I had the displeasure of talking to a moron who left me wondering just how she got that job. I waited almost an hour to be called back just to make the appointment and here I was answering twenty million questions about my information, marriage status, and patient return/new status when she finally gets around to the question of what I'm actually calling for. I'm not saying I was exactly polite when the words "grit my teeth and explain very slowly" is what happened, but there were no cuss words or insults thrown directly at her.
I had to repeat myself three times to the same person that my reason for calling was to schedule an appointment for the beginning of January to see a doctor and get medication prescriptions renewed.
I kept hearing parroted comments back to me about "okay you need to see a doctor, but you can talk to a pharmacist about the medication", which was pissing me off as I thought how in the hell are you not hearing what I'm saying?! She tried twice to schedule me appointments for yesterday and a day next week to which I had to take a deep breathe and say the last time before I knew my version of nice would be gone "I don't need an appointment today, or next week, I asked for January. I have no gas money or a way to get to a clinic if I wanted to, I asked for January."
Here I am thinking how hard can it be to schedule a freaking appointment but lucky me got Miss I'm dumber than a box of thumb tacks over here asking me shit that's irrelevant to my request. I'm definitely talking to someone when I go into the clinic next time about who I can call to report incompetent employees who don't listen when someone calls into the system. The YAM award goes to Miss Whatshername who can't listen clearly and should probably buy a box of q-tips to clean out her ears. Ugh!
If you're going to talk to me face to face or over the phone, pay attention. My name isn't hard to say or pronounce yet it's always mispronounced all over the place. I've called them morons, dumb fucks, idjits, and more creative words simply over a name, because I'm just that petty and a big ole bitch about it! Listen to what I'm actually saying, it's okay to ask me to repeat myself within reason but keep asking me over and over is going to get me responding with "are you fucking deaf?!"
Later yesterday, the hubby and I went down to one of our favorite fast food places to pick up dinner. Not too hard, quick walk down the street maybe 15 minutes and same time to walk back. Shouldn't be too long hopefully... one would think.
There were only two people in line ahead of us giving me enough time to figure out what I want. Placed the order and went to sit and wait for them to call the order number, when in walks two rejects from the mullet society. You really have to understand the "stupid" stereotype that is placed on these hairstyles and for the most part, the ones who wear it are truly ignoramus deluxe. These guys were no exception wearing mullets, stained t-shirts with the arms cut off, jeans and boots, talking loud. I've grown up around men and some women dressing and acting like that, not all of them but a small amount are why that stereotype was made. It's how they act and talk that tells you right away if they're a positive or negative influence on society and I found out with the first words out of these two men's mouths they were indeed "the stupid" negative influence.
Nobody is waiting in line, but the woman who was at the register asked them about taking their order and I hear "you gotta be kidding me" and then laughter. I'm trying to figure out what was so funny and what he would be saying that about when he asked her about "them mexican pizzas", which clued me in that he was just fucked up on his own accord. She took the order and they stood at the counter just talking away to each other, sounded like a whole pack of morons gibbering but it was clearly only two men.
I hear the order number I have been waiting on being called, and while I'm walking up to the register to pick it up one of those mullet freaks steps up and says "that's my order". When the woman told him it wasn't he started arguing with her, the hell man? I've never seen anyone argue over an order before at Taco Bell, but this guy clearly wanted to "bring it". I laughed at him and said "hang on to your britches man, your shit is coming up unless you wanna pay the $13 I put out on these tacos." He cocked his head at me and squinted which made me laugh more. "Are you laughing at me?" is what I hear, and of course the smart ass I am can not refuse a good answer "yes I am, are you confused?"
"Nah I'm good", shaking my head at that one because he's clearly noticed he has no wit to know what the hell just happened. Me on the other hand know all too well what happened and it's just not worth it to toy with the witless.
On the walk home, stupid showed up again in the form of some kid who was wandering around the street. I had already seen him walking around when we first left to walk up the street, then saw him again when we were walking home, standing around on the sidewalk outside of a church. We were about to cross the last street before getting to our section of lovely ghetto apartments (I call it that because sometimes it just seems like that), when I hear this voice yelling "i'm not following you so stop being so paranoid". I turn around and there's this kid again on the street across from us. What do I do? *insert evil grin here*
I flipped him off, because frankly my dear I don't give damn..end of story.
Yesterday while waiting on an appointment to be scheduled, I had the displeasure of talking to a moron who left me wondering just how she got that job. I waited almost an hour to be called back just to make the appointment and here I was answering twenty million questions about my information, marriage status, and patient return/new status when she finally gets around to the question of what I'm actually calling for. I'm not saying I was exactly polite when the words "grit my teeth and explain very slowly" is what happened, but there were no cuss words or insults thrown directly at her.
I had to repeat myself three times to the same person that my reason for calling was to schedule an appointment for the beginning of January to see a doctor and get medication prescriptions renewed.
I kept hearing parroted comments back to me about "okay you need to see a doctor, but you can talk to a pharmacist about the medication", which was pissing me off as I thought how in the hell are you not hearing what I'm saying?! She tried twice to schedule me appointments for yesterday and a day next week to which I had to take a deep breathe and say the last time before I knew my version of nice would be gone "I don't need an appointment today, or next week, I asked for January. I have no gas money or a way to get to a clinic if I wanted to, I asked for January."
Here I am thinking how hard can it be to schedule a freaking appointment but lucky me got Miss I'm dumber than a box of thumb tacks over here asking me shit that's irrelevant to my request. I'm definitely talking to someone when I go into the clinic next time about who I can call to report incompetent employees who don't listen when someone calls into the system. The YAM award goes to Miss Whatshername who can't listen clearly and should probably buy a box of q-tips to clean out her ears. Ugh!
If you're going to talk to me face to face or over the phone, pay attention. My name isn't hard to say or pronounce yet it's always mispronounced all over the place. I've called them morons, dumb fucks, idjits, and more creative words simply over a name, because I'm just that petty and a big ole bitch about it! Listen to what I'm actually saying, it's okay to ask me to repeat myself within reason but keep asking me over and over is going to get me responding with "are you fucking deaf?!"
Later yesterday, the hubby and I went down to one of our favorite fast food places to pick up dinner. Not too hard, quick walk down the street maybe 15 minutes and same time to walk back. Shouldn't be too long hopefully... one would think.
There were only two people in line ahead of us giving me enough time to figure out what I want. Placed the order and went to sit and wait for them to call the order number, when in walks two rejects from the mullet society. You really have to understand the "stupid" stereotype that is placed on these hairstyles and for the most part, the ones who wear it are truly ignoramus deluxe. These guys were no exception wearing mullets, stained t-shirts with the arms cut off, jeans and boots, talking loud. I've grown up around men and some women dressing and acting like that, not all of them but a small amount are why that stereotype was made. It's how they act and talk that tells you right away if they're a positive or negative influence on society and I found out with the first words out of these two men's mouths they were indeed "the stupid" negative influence.
Nobody is waiting in line, but the woman who was at the register asked them about taking their order and I hear "you gotta be kidding me" and then laughter. I'm trying to figure out what was so funny and what he would be saying that about when he asked her about "them mexican pizzas", which clued me in that he was just fucked up on his own accord. She took the order and they stood at the counter just talking away to each other, sounded like a whole pack of morons gibbering but it was clearly only two men.
I hear the order number I have been waiting on being called, and while I'm walking up to the register to pick it up one of those mullet freaks steps up and says "that's my order". When the woman told him it wasn't he started arguing with her, the hell man? I've never seen anyone argue over an order before at Taco Bell, but this guy clearly wanted to "bring it". I laughed at him and said "hang on to your britches man, your shit is coming up unless you wanna pay the $13 I put out on these tacos." He cocked his head at me and squinted which made me laugh more. "Are you laughing at me?" is what I hear, and of course the smart ass I am can not refuse a good answer "yes I am, are you confused?"
"Nah I'm good", shaking my head at that one because he's clearly noticed he has no wit to know what the hell just happened. Me on the other hand know all too well what happened and it's just not worth it to toy with the witless.
On the walk home, stupid showed up again in the form of some kid who was wandering around the street. I had already seen him walking around when we first left to walk up the street, then saw him again when we were walking home, standing around on the sidewalk outside of a church. We were about to cross the last street before getting to our section of lovely ghetto apartments (I call it that because sometimes it just seems like that), when I hear this voice yelling "i'm not following you so stop being so paranoid". I turn around and there's this kid again on the street across from us. What do I do? *insert evil grin here*
I flipped him off, because frankly my dear I don't give damn..end of story.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Overgrown monkeys playing on a staircase...seriously?! You're what? A four year old child inside of an adult body of probably about 24-26ish and you're playing "look at me I'm a funny monkey" on stairs that are unstable as fuck. I'm watching you through my window as it is nearby where I sit during the day and think to myself, you're s-t-o-o-p-i-d!!!!!
Don't confuse that idiotic act with being silly and playing like a kid, that was just dumb. The obvious reasons I shouldn't have to point out and yet I shall.
Let's see: a) you're too old to be putting both of your legs up to walk "four legged" down the staircase rails, b) the stairs are already moving around and the rails wobble because they're not secure to hold weight, c) stairs are meant to walked up and down, sometimes ran up or down, but circus acts?
Of course this adds to the idiocy that goes on upstairs anyways. This new fuckmonkey has recently become part of the noise problem I'm having with a neighbor. He shows up, honks his horn on his pos car, stomps like a gorilla up the stairs then stomps at the top, bangs on his "homie's" door talking all thug like, and then proceeds to knock and bang on the walls and floor until he leaves. I'm thinking that out there somewhere is a mother saying to herself "i'm so glad that idiot doesn't come around here, he's unruly and acts like he was raised like a wild animal".
That really makes me wonder when I'm watching this happen around my apartment, walking around, or even in the stores/mall areas, why people do this. I know I have my silly moments of dancing around water fountains, singing kiddie songs, or playing on the stick ponies, but doing dangerous crap? Hell no, I have sense enough to know what comes after that "i think i'm gonna try this out" moment. Your ass is handed to you and you end up with bruises, broken bones, traction, lawsuits, the list is endless to consequences, and yet, "the stupid" does it anyways.
Remember growing up and those crazy kids down the street or in your own home because you were one of them (okay you can laugh at this part), were the ones who built the ramps to jump over a fence, a stack of bricks, a car (yeah some of them got brave). It was fun to watch them do all that because nobody really got hurt, but take that risk factor up one notch higher and you have recipe for disaster.
We even got brave enough to climb onto the roof of the town homes I grew up in. There were about four of us that played together, rode our bikes, skateboards, roller skates, and walked around getting into our fun version of trouble, but we didn't do stupid stuff (yet). My mom found out I was climbing onto the roof and that bought me two weeks of being grounded even if I was mad at her for telling me why I shouldn't, I understood that I could get hurt really bad. I did it a few more times after that but managed to never get hurt and always tried to hide it from her, but somehow she knew anyways.
Back to the point, one day one of these kids decided how cool it would be to ride his skateboard off the roof. I was the first one to tell him it's a bad idea because he'll get hurt and the other two kids that were there told him to do it anyways. You can guess what happened..he did it anyways, and ended up with a broke elbow out of it. The elbow didn't get broke from him falling off the skateboard right as it went off the roof, it got broke because the fence on the patio broke his fall from him hitting his head instead because he had flipped in midair and was on his way down head first.
If I had been the adult me back then, there is no doubt I would have walked over to that kid, jerked him up and told him how stupid that was and then beat my own ass for defying what my mom had told me about getting onto the roof after the first time I got caught.
There was no lesson learned from that because once his elbow healed up, he did it again. Same stunt, this time landing directly on the fence with his back and I heard the crack. Scared me so badly that I ran home crying about it, that one broke the kid's hip. The father came and took his son and soon after his mom moved out so I'm guessing that since his parents were divorced, his dad had enough of the behavior that was getting him hurt to take him away from his mother who didn't really discipline him. Maybe she did but I look back at it now and wonder when she had time since she was always gone "to work", and he ate dinner at our house or spent the night some when she didn't come home.
I'm not saying every person who pulls stupid stunts have been raised to be wild children, but it makes you wonder how much they were told to not do something and kept doing it anyways. My own children have been known in the past to repeat what mommy said no to and you can believe it when I say one of them actually listened more than I ever realized.
I think it's actually pretty interesting to watch parents have fun moments with their children but curb the dangerous parts to help them learn it's not okay to do that. Several years ago there was a little boy probably about four years old crawling up the shelving at the grocery store, his mother and grandmother weren't even watching him, but I was. He got up to the third shelf when the unit started swaying and you could hear the metal making noise when I spoke up. The mother turned around and just glared at me with that look assholes give as I informed her that the shelf wasn't meant to be climbed on and this wasn't a damned jungle gym. She never moved towards that child either as the entire shelf he was standing on gave way under his feet and he fell onto the floor with product landing all around him, glass breaking, and me screaming don't move you'll get cut and running towards him to pick him all the way up. The mother screaming at me to not touch her child and I'm so mad I'm yelling back that she doesn't deserve to be anyone's mommy and walk off towards the front of the store with this child in my arms. I found a manager and told them what happened then left the child with him and walked off. I just couldn't stand it and all I wanted to do was beat the woman senseless for putting him in harms way and not doing shit but let it happen. That's not the way you teach a child, because that could have very well ended badly.
Riding on the car hood in a parking lot. Am I supposed to be amused by that? Not in a parking lot full of cars coming and going, maybe a short ride up the driveway but not where one can get hit by another vehicle. Idiots standing up in the back of trucks on the freeway or around town and dancing around or waving at others as if they're a parade float. Sit down already before you become a splat on the concrete.
Don't confuse that idiotic act with being silly and playing like a kid, that was just dumb. The obvious reasons I shouldn't have to point out and yet I shall.
Let's see: a) you're too old to be putting both of your legs up to walk "four legged" down the staircase rails, b) the stairs are already moving around and the rails wobble because they're not secure to hold weight, c) stairs are meant to walked up and down, sometimes ran up or down, but circus acts?
Of course this adds to the idiocy that goes on upstairs anyways. This new fuckmonkey has recently become part of the noise problem I'm having with a neighbor. He shows up, honks his horn on his pos car, stomps like a gorilla up the stairs then stomps at the top, bangs on his "homie's" door talking all thug like, and then proceeds to knock and bang on the walls and floor until he leaves. I'm thinking that out there somewhere is a mother saying to herself "i'm so glad that idiot doesn't come around here, he's unruly and acts like he was raised like a wild animal".
That really makes me wonder when I'm watching this happen around my apartment, walking around, or even in the stores/mall areas, why people do this. I know I have my silly moments of dancing around water fountains, singing kiddie songs, or playing on the stick ponies, but doing dangerous crap? Hell no, I have sense enough to know what comes after that "i think i'm gonna try this out" moment. Your ass is handed to you and you end up with bruises, broken bones, traction, lawsuits, the list is endless to consequences, and yet, "the stupid" does it anyways.
Remember growing up and those crazy kids down the street or in your own home because you were one of them (okay you can laugh at this part), were the ones who built the ramps to jump over a fence, a stack of bricks, a car (yeah some of them got brave). It was fun to watch them do all that because nobody really got hurt, but take that risk factor up one notch higher and you have recipe for disaster.
We even got brave enough to climb onto the roof of the town homes I grew up in. There were about four of us that played together, rode our bikes, skateboards, roller skates, and walked around getting into our fun version of trouble, but we didn't do stupid stuff (yet). My mom found out I was climbing onto the roof and that bought me two weeks of being grounded even if I was mad at her for telling me why I shouldn't, I understood that I could get hurt really bad. I did it a few more times after that but managed to never get hurt and always tried to hide it from her, but somehow she knew anyways.
Back to the point, one day one of these kids decided how cool it would be to ride his skateboard off the roof. I was the first one to tell him it's a bad idea because he'll get hurt and the other two kids that were there told him to do it anyways. You can guess what happened..he did it anyways, and ended up with a broke elbow out of it. The elbow didn't get broke from him falling off the skateboard right as it went off the roof, it got broke because the fence on the patio broke his fall from him hitting his head instead because he had flipped in midair and was on his way down head first.
If I had been the adult me back then, there is no doubt I would have walked over to that kid, jerked him up and told him how stupid that was and then beat my own ass for defying what my mom had told me about getting onto the roof after the first time I got caught.
There was no lesson learned from that because once his elbow healed up, he did it again. Same stunt, this time landing directly on the fence with his back and I heard the crack. Scared me so badly that I ran home crying about it, that one broke the kid's hip. The father came and took his son and soon after his mom moved out so I'm guessing that since his parents were divorced, his dad had enough of the behavior that was getting him hurt to take him away from his mother who didn't really discipline him. Maybe she did but I look back at it now and wonder when she had time since she was always gone "to work", and he ate dinner at our house or spent the night some when she didn't come home.
I'm not saying every person who pulls stupid stunts have been raised to be wild children, but it makes you wonder how much they were told to not do something and kept doing it anyways. My own children have been known in the past to repeat what mommy said no to and you can believe it when I say one of them actually listened more than I ever realized.
I think it's actually pretty interesting to watch parents have fun moments with their children but curb the dangerous parts to help them learn it's not okay to do that. Several years ago there was a little boy probably about four years old crawling up the shelving at the grocery store, his mother and grandmother weren't even watching him, but I was. He got up to the third shelf when the unit started swaying and you could hear the metal making noise when I spoke up. The mother turned around and just glared at me with that look assholes give as I informed her that the shelf wasn't meant to be climbed on and this wasn't a damned jungle gym. She never moved towards that child either as the entire shelf he was standing on gave way under his feet and he fell onto the floor with product landing all around him, glass breaking, and me screaming don't move you'll get cut and running towards him to pick him all the way up. The mother screaming at me to not touch her child and I'm so mad I'm yelling back that she doesn't deserve to be anyone's mommy and walk off towards the front of the store with this child in my arms. I found a manager and told them what happened then left the child with him and walked off. I just couldn't stand it and all I wanted to do was beat the woman senseless for putting him in harms way and not doing shit but let it happen. That's not the way you teach a child, because that could have very well ended badly.
Riding on the car hood in a parking lot. Am I supposed to be amused by that? Not in a parking lot full of cars coming and going, maybe a short ride up the driveway but not where one can get hit by another vehicle. Idiots standing up in the back of trucks on the freeway or around town and dancing around or waving at others as if they're a parade float. Sit down already before you become a splat on the concrete.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Have you ever noticed how people react to someone when it's told they feel sick or in pain, and then describe the symptoms? It's a myriad of reactions from empathy to eeww get away you have cooties. Or better yet, you get that pitiful look and a head shake while they walk away talking about your pathetic attempt(s) to get attention.
What deems one person's illness or injury worse than an other's? And exactly how is that result acquired? Is there a poll somewhere that people vote on to choose the best choice of illness or injury of the year for a trophy to be given away at some secret banquet? *eye roll*
I don't give a flip who you are, if you tell me you're sick or hurting, I'm more liable to believe you than blow it off. Unless I see or hear that you're running a marathon after you just told me you have a hip problem that limits your mobility, or you were out dancing it up at the bar after sharing with me that you have the flu. That's when I'll start assuming you're a lying sack of shit, but until then if you say you're sick/hurting, then you are. Once I've seen you make up shit then it's a whole other story that I just don't have time for.
The hypochondriacs and drama queens really fuck things up for those of us that have problems or just don't feel good. If we share it with anybody the reactions vary and then it makes us wonder if we're mistaking that lack of belief as just not "being with the program" or did that person lack empathy. It's not as if the normal ones, and I use the word normal rather vaguely here because in all reality, what is normal? The "norm of society" should be a better term for what I'm referring to here. That normal is knowing we don't go around tooting a horn, blasting a neon sign that blinks "i feel bad, i'm sick, i hurt, i need a hug, alert! attention! pay attention to me!" We just don't do it, and yet those drama morons are out there in the spotlight sucking up all the lackeys attention, and then nobody gives a shit later when the real deal comes along.
If someone says they're depressed I've seen and heard the following:
"things will get better", "it's all in your head", "just think of something that makes you happy"
"try not to think about it", and so much more that it makes me want to puke. Seriously? Have any of those responders actually dealt with depression on any level beyond sadness, because to be honest those are two separate things. The medications that are dispensed have never been "take 2 pills twice a day for sadness and then leap over a rainbow! you have 4 refills left". Pffffttttt
How about when someone says they're hurting? I've seen and heard the following:
"take an aspirin", "go to the doctor", "put some ice on it", "try drinking herbal tea", and so much more that it's not even laughable, just plain stupid. These idiots wouldn't know real pain if it bit their ass and they're telling someone in some type of pain to see a doctor? Gee I'm guessing that never crossed their mind but they have a diagnosis for what kind of pain it is. I wonder if Google University gives these monkeys an award for deeming aspirin and ice as the leading resolution for how to deal with pain. Those who have it know what it is and they obviously wouldn't comment if that threshold wasn't pounding. Pffffffffffttttttttttt
Don't try to fix me I'm not broken - words from an Evanescence song, fits all to well for most situations as far as I'm concerned. There is no super glue, no fast pain fix, no way to make it stop except the coping mechanisms we've come up with that work for us. Ironically we can offer that advice to someone else we see going through a similar situation because we get it, but that outsider who really has no clue is better off just saying they don't understand and would like to just be there to talk, if nothing else. I doubt any of us that end up telling someone how we feel, even if it's just a bad emotional day want someone to jump and come running to our rescue. We're just talking it out because that's how you relate to others. If they don't want to respond that's okay too, but it's not okay to sit and whine or bitch later to that same person about their lack of response. Vice-versa goes to one(s) the person who was sick or in pain talked to or tried to talk to, that they complain too much, you just have no idea what their life is like, unless you know for a fact they make shit up (as in you've been part of their scams/bullshit).
I can say I've never made up a lie about any time I've felt sick, in pain, hurting emotionally, or just depressed. Most of the time I don't discuss it, but I want to. I do try to talk to the only person that's around me but it's like talking to a brick wall. I get lack of response and then every so often get told I'm being dramatic and bitchy/whiny again. Gee I wonder why?! I forgot that the word never revolves around me and only someone else and how dare I think of stealing a spotlight that was not meant for me..after all I do talk to anyone I can find about how horrible my life is. I complain 24/7 about everything all the time and always rock the boat with everybody because I just can't learn to deal with it and always want to call the police on someone or beat them up. I should just shut up already and find something to do, put something in my ears, learn to live with the noise, etc.
In case you didn't get that, I was being very facetious to the point of "go fuck yourself because I'm a drama queen extraordinaire psssh bitch please- My crown will always be bigger than yours and I do know how to rule supreme so get on your knees". Almost nine years now I've dealt with body pain and depression to a point that I used to cut with a razor blade to make the pain divert to a different avenue so I could control it, and still was told that I whined all the time about "stupid shit". I don't cry unless I'm mad because to say my feelings have been hurt is irrelevant at this point in my life. Off with your head is more appropriate for what I feel most of the time. Do the pills make that go away? Hardly, but it does make things more bearable..of course so does pot and a nice long night of complete silence *smirk*
If you can't handle the complaints people have that are legitimate why are you friends or involved in a relationship with them? They aren't thinking of them self at that point they just want some kind of relief and saying something about it is just getting it out. I could go on and on about this one, probably write some kind of book on it that would no doubt be scandalized by the psyche community all over the planet because it's written by a crazy woman, but hey whatever man. All I'm saying is sift through the bullshitters to see who's actually talking about how they feel, it's not the end of your world if you have to admit you just don't feel shit about it. Lack of empathy isn't a bad thing but when you don't care in general, what happened to make you like that? I get you can avoid that one person who always seems to be sick when they're actually just doing to see if you will hang out with them or give them something, but what about that other person who's sick and you just don't care..that's what I'm getting at.
I truly hope that if anyone is pain any shape or form that reads this today, that you find relief however you get it, in the breathing realm that is. We all know by now the sunshine and lollipops don't exist in Wonderland because that bitch Alice ate them all and then ran off with the white rabbit!
What deems one person's illness or injury worse than an other's? And exactly how is that result acquired? Is there a poll somewhere that people vote on to choose the best choice of illness or injury of the year for a trophy to be given away at some secret banquet? *eye roll*
I don't give a flip who you are, if you tell me you're sick or hurting, I'm more liable to believe you than blow it off. Unless I see or hear that you're running a marathon after you just told me you have a hip problem that limits your mobility, or you were out dancing it up at the bar after sharing with me that you have the flu. That's when I'll start assuming you're a lying sack of shit, but until then if you say you're sick/hurting, then you are. Once I've seen you make up shit then it's a whole other story that I just don't have time for.
The hypochondriacs and drama queens really fuck things up for those of us that have problems or just don't feel good. If we share it with anybody the reactions vary and then it makes us wonder if we're mistaking that lack of belief as just not "being with the program" or did that person lack empathy. It's not as if the normal ones, and I use the word normal rather vaguely here because in all reality, what is normal? The "norm of society" should be a better term for what I'm referring to here. That normal is knowing we don't go around tooting a horn, blasting a neon sign that blinks "i feel bad, i'm sick, i hurt, i need a hug, alert! attention! pay attention to me!" We just don't do it, and yet those drama morons are out there in the spotlight sucking up all the lackeys attention, and then nobody gives a shit later when the real deal comes along.
If someone says they're depressed I've seen and heard the following:
"things will get better", "it's all in your head", "just think of something that makes you happy"
"try not to think about it", and so much more that it makes me want to puke. Seriously? Have any of those responders actually dealt with depression on any level beyond sadness, because to be honest those are two separate things. The medications that are dispensed have never been "take 2 pills twice a day for sadness and then leap over a rainbow! you have 4 refills left". Pffffttttt
How about when someone says they're hurting? I've seen and heard the following:
"take an aspirin", "go to the doctor", "put some ice on it", "try drinking herbal tea", and so much more that it's not even laughable, just plain stupid. These idiots wouldn't know real pain if it bit their ass and they're telling someone in some type of pain to see a doctor? Gee I'm guessing that never crossed their mind but they have a diagnosis for what kind of pain it is. I wonder if Google University gives these monkeys an award for deeming aspirin and ice as the leading resolution for how to deal with pain. Those who have it know what it is and they obviously wouldn't comment if that threshold wasn't pounding. Pffffffffffttttttttttt
Don't try to fix me I'm not broken - words from an Evanescence song, fits all to well for most situations as far as I'm concerned. There is no super glue, no fast pain fix, no way to make it stop except the coping mechanisms we've come up with that work for us. Ironically we can offer that advice to someone else we see going through a similar situation because we get it, but that outsider who really has no clue is better off just saying they don't understand and would like to just be there to talk, if nothing else. I doubt any of us that end up telling someone how we feel, even if it's just a bad emotional day want someone to jump and come running to our rescue. We're just talking it out because that's how you relate to others. If they don't want to respond that's okay too, but it's not okay to sit and whine or bitch later to that same person about their lack of response. Vice-versa goes to one(s) the person who was sick or in pain talked to or tried to talk to, that they complain too much, you just have no idea what their life is like, unless you know for a fact they make shit up (as in you've been part of their scams/bullshit).
I can say I've never made up a lie about any time I've felt sick, in pain, hurting emotionally, or just depressed. Most of the time I don't discuss it, but I want to. I do try to talk to the only person that's around me but it's like talking to a brick wall. I get lack of response and then every so often get told I'm being dramatic and bitchy/whiny again. Gee I wonder why?! I forgot that the word never revolves around me and only someone else and how dare I think of stealing a spotlight that was not meant for me..after all I do talk to anyone I can find about how horrible my life is. I complain 24/7 about everything all the time and always rock the boat with everybody because I just can't learn to deal with it and always want to call the police on someone or beat them up. I should just shut up already and find something to do, put something in my ears, learn to live with the noise, etc.
In case you didn't get that, I was being very facetious to the point of "go fuck yourself because I'm a drama queen extraordinaire psssh bitch please- My crown will always be bigger than yours and I do know how to rule supreme so get on your knees". Almost nine years now I've dealt with body pain and depression to a point that I used to cut with a razor blade to make the pain divert to a different avenue so I could control it, and still was told that I whined all the time about "stupid shit". I don't cry unless I'm mad because to say my feelings have been hurt is irrelevant at this point in my life. Off with your head is more appropriate for what I feel most of the time. Do the pills make that go away? Hardly, but it does make things more bearable..of course so does pot and a nice long night of complete silence *smirk*
If you can't handle the complaints people have that are legitimate why are you friends or involved in a relationship with them? They aren't thinking of them self at that point they just want some kind of relief and saying something about it is just getting it out. I could go on and on about this one, probably write some kind of book on it that would no doubt be scandalized by the psyche community all over the planet because it's written by a crazy woman, but hey whatever man. All I'm saying is sift through the bullshitters to see who's actually talking about how they feel, it's not the end of your world if you have to admit you just don't feel shit about it. Lack of empathy isn't a bad thing but when you don't care in general, what happened to make you like that? I get you can avoid that one person who always seems to be sick when they're actually just doing to see if you will hang out with them or give them something, but what about that other person who's sick and you just don't care..that's what I'm getting at.
I truly hope that if anyone is pain any shape or form that reads this today, that you find relief however you get it, in the breathing realm that is. We all know by now the sunshine and lollipops don't exist in Wonderland because that bitch Alice ate them all and then ran off with the white rabbit!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Pet peeve alert coming in! Yay another sarcastic report from me! Waaaaaaaaaaaa if you don't like it...anyways, here we go!
For the most part I love technology and the awesome advancements we have for communication, what I don't love is the overuse or abuse of it. In the library, in a doctor office, in a school building, at the police department, even at courthouses, there are signs posted about turning cell phones off or putting them on silent/vibrate only. Stupid people don't bother paying attention to those warnings and blab away like no body's business in those locations, and then get upset when an authority figure or employee tells them to get off the phone, turn it off or put it on silent/vibrate, then point to the signs that are posted about the building. There are some locations in hospitals where they are not allowed to be on or brought around at all, and yet Stupid does it anyways.
The last thing I want to hear or deal with is Stupid talking on their cell phone when I'm trying to shop or browse in a store. I don't want to hear or deal with Stupid talking on their cell phone when I'm at a fast food place waiting to place an order or pick it up. I definitely don't want to hear or deal with Stupid talking on their cell phone when I'm in line at the clinic to pick up my medication. Seriously?! Fuck you STUPID and your fucking cell phone! Oh how I wish I could incinerate them where they stand, make that phone just drop connection or make it completely dead, no service whatsoever..but that doesn't happen.
Normally I go to the clinic to pick up my medications around 8 or 9 am to avoid crowds and children. I can't stand bouncing off the wall children who want to run around me and make noise when the adult who brought them there should be making them sit still and provide something to keep them from making their own entertainment. Yes I'm a mean old grouch, but keep your monster spawn away from me, I'm tired of telling them I'm going to eat them if they don't stop staring or hitting my leg/arm/back. I actually do say that alot more than one would realize and have never had one adult approach me for being so horrible. Kinda makes me wonder if they even care about those children. Shrugs...not my problem.
I slept late this morning and since my husband has been warned to never wake me up unless he wants me snarling in his face (mainly because I go through phases where I can't sleep more than an hour or two and then crash at a later point where he has in the past woke me up to tell or ask me something that wasn't really necessary), he let me sleep until I got up on my own. I did wake up around 11:30 am and got dressed, but it was close to noon before we got into the clinic and I got to stand in the line to check in. Normally this line takes me about five minutes to get checked in but since it was later it took me half an hour. At first I thought the woman ahead of me was just talking without taking a breath to someone else in line, until I saw the cell phone in her ear. She went on and on and on about some guy, then proceeded to yell loudly "i'm at the clinic", before announcing she had another phone call coming in, then the next conversation and the one after that were the same shit over and over. I don't like waiting anyways, never have because it builds up some weird anxiety that I can't explain, but you combine the wait time, plus anxiety, plus extra anxiety I deal with every day, and then that non stop stalking bitch, I'm pretty much wanting to step forward and yank that phone from her and fling it into a wall. Add the heat coming in from an outside window to that and you have omg you need to die going on in my head. I was mumbling words and saying shit like "burn up in her hand, disconnect, drop the line, please for the love of all that is holy or unholy let that cell phone just die", and yet she kept on talking.
When it was her turn to go check in she finally hung the phone up and walked off to the seating area, guess where she sat? Right next to my husband! Out of all the empty seats, I counted six wide open, she sat right next to him. That made me even madder because now I was going to have to find new seating or jerk her ass up from that seat next to him. Luckily a guy got up and moved to another row so I went over to those two seats and motioned for my husband to come up there because "I'm not sitting anywhere near that fucking bitch who can't take five fucking seconds to get off that fucking phone!" I know I yelled it loud enough because people up front sitting down and people in the line had turned around to see what was going on. The blabber mouth just kept on yammering, I could hear her over the other people talking, so she was talking pretty loud by that time.
If you need to use your cell phone for business I get that you have calls coming in you should address, but go somewhere away from the crowd to take that call. If you have family or friends calling you can easily just call them back later when you're not inside a business, or just say you're doing something and you will call them back. If you're at the bus stop waiting for the metro to show up, is it necessary to yell at your club level voice about "that ho think he all that, i got news for him, this gir don't play that way!" Wtfe skank, like we wanna hear about some lame joker that attempted to pick you up and take on your fleas for a one night stand.
What I have done in the past for the ones that don't seem to give a fuck about how it effects others around them is the following:
cough loudly over and over, even pretending to gag and look as if i'm going to throw up on them.
knock shit over and then excitedly cry over and over "omg did i do that? i'm so sorry, i hope that doesn't cause any problems".
start talking louder than they are about anything, including pink elephants, purple dinosaurs, singing the i love you song by barney, i'm a little teapot, and my favorite, you're fucking stupid talking on that cell phone like anyone gives a shit what you have to say.
a few others that involved loud noise or me bumping into them then yelling omg i'm so sorry so loud it made my own ears hurt.
Those kind of things get the cell phone user irate, and have often been told "shut the fuck up, what the hell is your problem, i'm talking here, go the fuck away, god you're a dumb ass", etc. Every time I have to tell them that if they could do their socializing somewhere else instead of the fucking store or inside the gas station/fast food place, that I wouldn't have to resort to being as annoying as they are.
Seriously is it that hard for people to show respect when out in public, or do they need to be chewed up and spit out by hateful mean people like me to show them they were the one out of line first.
Not even gonna try to wrap my head around that one because there is not enough alcohol or weed on this planet to make any of that bullshit make sense.
Just be careful. The holidays are creeping in slowly and "the stupid" are gathering again in their home towns or where family lives to infest your zen. Zombie weapons in place ya'll, it's gonna get ugly! Oh wait it already has ^_^
For the most part I love technology and the awesome advancements we have for communication, what I don't love is the overuse or abuse of it. In the library, in a doctor office, in a school building, at the police department, even at courthouses, there are signs posted about turning cell phones off or putting them on silent/vibrate only. Stupid people don't bother paying attention to those warnings and blab away like no body's business in those locations, and then get upset when an authority figure or employee tells them to get off the phone, turn it off or put it on silent/vibrate, then point to the signs that are posted about the building. There are some locations in hospitals where they are not allowed to be on or brought around at all, and yet Stupid does it anyways.
The last thing I want to hear or deal with is Stupid talking on their cell phone when I'm trying to shop or browse in a store. I don't want to hear or deal with Stupid talking on their cell phone when I'm at a fast food place waiting to place an order or pick it up. I definitely don't want to hear or deal with Stupid talking on their cell phone when I'm in line at the clinic to pick up my medication. Seriously?! Fuck you STUPID and your fucking cell phone! Oh how I wish I could incinerate them where they stand, make that phone just drop connection or make it completely dead, no service whatsoever..but that doesn't happen.
Normally I go to the clinic to pick up my medications around 8 or 9 am to avoid crowds and children. I can't stand bouncing off the wall children who want to run around me and make noise when the adult who brought them there should be making them sit still and provide something to keep them from making their own entertainment. Yes I'm a mean old grouch, but keep your monster spawn away from me, I'm tired of telling them I'm going to eat them if they don't stop staring or hitting my leg/arm/back. I actually do say that alot more than one would realize and have never had one adult approach me for being so horrible. Kinda makes me wonder if they even care about those children. Shrugs...not my problem.
I slept late this morning and since my husband has been warned to never wake me up unless he wants me snarling in his face (mainly because I go through phases where I can't sleep more than an hour or two and then crash at a later point where he has in the past woke me up to tell or ask me something that wasn't really necessary), he let me sleep until I got up on my own. I did wake up around 11:30 am and got dressed, but it was close to noon before we got into the clinic and I got to stand in the line to check in. Normally this line takes me about five minutes to get checked in but since it was later it took me half an hour. At first I thought the woman ahead of me was just talking without taking a breath to someone else in line, until I saw the cell phone in her ear. She went on and on and on about some guy, then proceeded to yell loudly "i'm at the clinic", before announcing she had another phone call coming in, then the next conversation and the one after that were the same shit over and over. I don't like waiting anyways, never have because it builds up some weird anxiety that I can't explain, but you combine the wait time, plus anxiety, plus extra anxiety I deal with every day, and then that non stop stalking bitch, I'm pretty much wanting to step forward and yank that phone from her and fling it into a wall. Add the heat coming in from an outside window to that and you have omg you need to die going on in my head. I was mumbling words and saying shit like "burn up in her hand, disconnect, drop the line, please for the love of all that is holy or unholy let that cell phone just die", and yet she kept on talking.
When it was her turn to go check in she finally hung the phone up and walked off to the seating area, guess where she sat? Right next to my husband! Out of all the empty seats, I counted six wide open, she sat right next to him. That made me even madder because now I was going to have to find new seating or jerk her ass up from that seat next to him. Luckily a guy got up and moved to another row so I went over to those two seats and motioned for my husband to come up there because "I'm not sitting anywhere near that fucking bitch who can't take five fucking seconds to get off that fucking phone!" I know I yelled it loud enough because people up front sitting down and people in the line had turned around to see what was going on. The blabber mouth just kept on yammering, I could hear her over the other people talking, so she was talking pretty loud by that time.
If you need to use your cell phone for business I get that you have calls coming in you should address, but go somewhere away from the crowd to take that call. If you have family or friends calling you can easily just call them back later when you're not inside a business, or just say you're doing something and you will call them back. If you're at the bus stop waiting for the metro to show up, is it necessary to yell at your club level voice about "that ho think he all that, i got news for him, this gir don't play that way!" Wtfe skank, like we wanna hear about some lame joker that attempted to pick you up and take on your fleas for a one night stand.
What I have done in the past for the ones that don't seem to give a fuck about how it effects others around them is the following:
cough loudly over and over, even pretending to gag and look as if i'm going to throw up on them.
knock shit over and then excitedly cry over and over "omg did i do that? i'm so sorry, i hope that doesn't cause any problems".
start talking louder than they are about anything, including pink elephants, purple dinosaurs, singing the i love you song by barney, i'm a little teapot, and my favorite, you're fucking stupid talking on that cell phone like anyone gives a shit what you have to say.
a few others that involved loud noise or me bumping into them then yelling omg i'm so sorry so loud it made my own ears hurt.
Those kind of things get the cell phone user irate, and have often been told "shut the fuck up, what the hell is your problem, i'm talking here, go the fuck away, god you're a dumb ass", etc. Every time I have to tell them that if they could do their socializing somewhere else instead of the fucking store or inside the gas station/fast food place, that I wouldn't have to resort to being as annoying as they are.
Seriously is it that hard for people to show respect when out in public, or do they need to be chewed up and spit out by hateful mean people like me to show them they were the one out of line first.
Not even gonna try to wrap my head around that one because there is not enough alcohol or weed on this planet to make any of that bullshit make sense.
Just be careful. The holidays are creeping in slowly and "the stupid" are gathering again in their home towns or where family lives to infest your zen. Zombie weapons in place ya'll, it's gonna get ugly! Oh wait it already has ^_^
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Did you know that stupid loves waiting for you when you open the door to throw out garbage or walk up the street? Yep, it sure fact it's so emphatically excited when it sees you that it will double ask the same retarded question, without any relevance to why you're even being asked that to begin with.
I'm angry about it to be honest because how the fuck am I responsible for stray animals that wonder around on this property. That question alone completely leaves me astounded at the ignorance people have about who lives around them. It's almost as bad as asking a complete stranger if those are their children because a group of kids are playing nearby. Really? Just-fucking-dumb! Idiots, morons, bumbling buffoons..ugh!!!!!!!
Today, about half an hour ago I got ready to go outside to take out garbage to a dumpster on the property when I become aware of a dog barking outside. We have several homes on our street that have dogs so usually if I hear it, it's one of those animals, no big deal..or is it?! As I step outside I notice a guy to my left with two dogs on leashes, but they're not barking and not even remotely looking suspicious at anyone, just doing what dogs do best, sniffing around. I continue off to the garbage dumpster when I'm barraged by the same question twice about a dog in the back of my building barking "is this your dog?" I say no and keep walking. That should be enough of an answer right? Nope, stupid has to pipe up again "are you sure?" Gods help me there are just times I want to walk up to these people and smack their head clean off the shoulders but I have to remind myself they're not worth the jail time. I don't even bother responding as this particular person asking this question has pestered the hell out of me in the past about a cat that looks very much like one of mine. That was a year ago, but I'll get to that story in a minute.
I finish going to throw out the garbage and turn around to see a man chasing this barking dog with a sweep broom. Yeah that makes me laugh, as if that dog is gonna get what that means, but then it turned ugly really fast when I watched another man approach the dog with a stick and start hitting on it and chased it off behind their own building. I can't stand to see abuse, I don't care if you're terrified, if that animal is just barking and not aggressive towards you, it is NEVER OKAY to hit them. I went to check just to make sure that this dog wasn't left hurt behind the building because I just can't trust the fucking skin that breathes around here anymore.
We had a couple that lived here for about two years that acquired a Rottweiler who is such a gentle non frightening dog. That same man that chased that dog today had complained early in the year, that the Rottie was trying to attack him and he was afraid of bodily harm, which set off the police department and our local animal services to come out and check the animal and make observations and interviews.
I had to explain to the animal services rep that the dog in question probably could attack if necessary but since she (they had named her Belle) had been on that property she only ran off what I considered bad people, and did bark at strangers but never charged at anyone that I knew of.
The same ass munch that called on the Rottie also reported a Schnauzer (sp) and a Dachshund for fear of being bitten. I'm sorry but as much as I have my own fear of being bitten, I have never called in and reported any one's pets for attempted aggression unless I was trying to stir up shit. Call it what you want, the only reason that P.O.S. did it is because he didn't want white people living next door to him..wtfe.
Okay back to the other story about the man with a million questions. I try not to be disrespectful to my elders because I was raised to not be so. This man a US veteran, retired police officer has had the habit of asking me about my cat, we have two but he only asks about one of them. Since the first month after we moved into this property he has continuously asked me why I let my cat run about, one day my cat is going to get picked up by the pound, I need to get my cat fixed. Every time I have to repeat myself since day one, "sir I have two cats, both of them are inside cats that rarely go outside unless my husband or myself take them out. we've had one incident where one of mine that looks like the stray you keep thinking is mine, ran off underneath a trailer, but I don't allow my cats to just run loose." It never fails, he continues this bullshit, strays come on the property he says are mine, dogs and cats both. Anyone who actually comes into my apartment or bother to listen to me would know I HAVE TWO FUCKING CATS! just-fucking-dumb!
Soon I'm going to start saying shit like "yes it's my cat/dog. his/her name is Satan and I have personally assigned the task of shredding you into little pieces for my sacrifice later, bones and all. have a good fucking day!" I'm so beyond fed up with this line of questioning, but it's not just him.
There are others that live here that assume I'm a freaking cat lady. The lady that takes our rent has asked me a shitload of times now to get more than one litter box if I'm going to have that many cats in my apartment. She's been inside and I'll admit it gets pretty rank in here at times because of the small space and how often the cats do their business, but when I ask her how many cats do you think I have she always says I really don't know I just know you have more than these two. The guy who owns the Rottie asked me once how many cats we have and was shocked when I told him two, because he said he always saw more than two coming and going from our apartment and in our windows. Wow folks, there you have it! Not only can I conjure up spirits of deceased humans, but I can now do it with cats! Holy fuckall batman!!!!
And yeah I just made myself snicker over that one. I have two cats, not three, or a million..TWO!
I'm angry about it to be honest because how the fuck am I responsible for stray animals that wonder around on this property. That question alone completely leaves me astounded at the ignorance people have about who lives around them. It's almost as bad as asking a complete stranger if those are their children because a group of kids are playing nearby. Really? Just-fucking-dumb! Idiots, morons, bumbling buffoons..ugh!!!!!!!
Today, about half an hour ago I got ready to go outside to take out garbage to a dumpster on the property when I become aware of a dog barking outside. We have several homes on our street that have dogs so usually if I hear it, it's one of those animals, no big deal..or is it?! As I step outside I notice a guy to my left with two dogs on leashes, but they're not barking and not even remotely looking suspicious at anyone, just doing what dogs do best, sniffing around. I continue off to the garbage dumpster when I'm barraged by the same question twice about a dog in the back of my building barking "is this your dog?" I say no and keep walking. That should be enough of an answer right? Nope, stupid has to pipe up again "are you sure?" Gods help me there are just times I want to walk up to these people and smack their head clean off the shoulders but I have to remind myself they're not worth the jail time. I don't even bother responding as this particular person asking this question has pestered the hell out of me in the past about a cat that looks very much like one of mine. That was a year ago, but I'll get to that story in a minute.
I finish going to throw out the garbage and turn around to see a man chasing this barking dog with a sweep broom. Yeah that makes me laugh, as if that dog is gonna get what that means, but then it turned ugly really fast when I watched another man approach the dog with a stick and start hitting on it and chased it off behind their own building. I can't stand to see abuse, I don't care if you're terrified, if that animal is just barking and not aggressive towards you, it is NEVER OKAY to hit them. I went to check just to make sure that this dog wasn't left hurt behind the building because I just can't trust the fucking skin that breathes around here anymore.
We had a couple that lived here for about two years that acquired a Rottweiler who is such a gentle non frightening dog. That same man that chased that dog today had complained early in the year, that the Rottie was trying to attack him and he was afraid of bodily harm, which set off the police department and our local animal services to come out and check the animal and make observations and interviews.
I had to explain to the animal services rep that the dog in question probably could attack if necessary but since she (they had named her Belle) had been on that property she only ran off what I considered bad people, and did bark at strangers but never charged at anyone that I knew of.
The same ass munch that called on the Rottie also reported a Schnauzer (sp) and a Dachshund for fear of being bitten. I'm sorry but as much as I have my own fear of being bitten, I have never called in and reported any one's pets for attempted aggression unless I was trying to stir up shit. Call it what you want, the only reason that P.O.S. did it is because he didn't want white people living next door to him..wtfe.
Okay back to the other story about the man with a million questions. I try not to be disrespectful to my elders because I was raised to not be so. This man a US veteran, retired police officer has had the habit of asking me about my cat, we have two but he only asks about one of them. Since the first month after we moved into this property he has continuously asked me why I let my cat run about, one day my cat is going to get picked up by the pound, I need to get my cat fixed. Every time I have to repeat myself since day one, "sir I have two cats, both of them are inside cats that rarely go outside unless my husband or myself take them out. we've had one incident where one of mine that looks like the stray you keep thinking is mine, ran off underneath a trailer, but I don't allow my cats to just run loose." It never fails, he continues this bullshit, strays come on the property he says are mine, dogs and cats both. Anyone who actually comes into my apartment or bother to listen to me would know I HAVE TWO FUCKING CATS! just-fucking-dumb!
Soon I'm going to start saying shit like "yes it's my cat/dog. his/her name is Satan and I have personally assigned the task of shredding you into little pieces for my sacrifice later, bones and all. have a good fucking day!" I'm so beyond fed up with this line of questioning, but it's not just him.
There are others that live here that assume I'm a freaking cat lady. The lady that takes our rent has asked me a shitload of times now to get more than one litter box if I'm going to have that many cats in my apartment. She's been inside and I'll admit it gets pretty rank in here at times because of the small space and how often the cats do their business, but when I ask her how many cats do you think I have she always says I really don't know I just know you have more than these two. The guy who owns the Rottie asked me once how many cats we have and was shocked when I told him two, because he said he always saw more than two coming and going from our apartment and in our windows. Wow folks, there you have it! Not only can I conjure up spirits of deceased humans, but I can now do it with cats! Holy fuckall batman!!!!
And yeah I just made myself snicker over that one. I have two cats, not three, or a million..TWO!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
I'm not quite sure why people avoid going to the doctor, but it seems to be a phenomena that a big percentage of humans deal with. If you're sick, and you have the money to afford being checked up by a doctor or midwife, doesn't it make sense to just go see one, or by choice you avoid that visit at all costs out of that factor of "I really hate going to the doctor" as reason enough to not get well?
I just don't get that, never will. It's not like anyone actually enjoys going to a doctor office and wait for the cobwebs to build up before you finally get into the examination room/office for the doctor or nurse to look at you and figure out why you're there. That's without the exception to hypochondriacs who are always looking for new ways to dramatize their impending death.
My dad always told me his reason for not wanting to go was the smells. I can certainly see that point, the sterilization and cleaning products used do give off a scent that is most unsettling even to me. It's as if germs are not even allowed a fighting chance to exist, and yet they do in that environment.
I have never put off going to a doctor unless I absolutely had no way of paying for the visit, if it was a matter of not being able to afford the medications I dealt with that at a later point.
It just always seems to me that a reason for not going vs a need to go, always ends up the same most of the time. The person refusing to go can afford the visit, they just choose to not go. The ones who need to see a doctor have to wait or put it off longer than they want to because there is a lack of money to pay for the visit. There are cheap clinics to go to, but even then one has to wait to get an appointment scheduled or they can't afford that price either, and it's not very expensive, just not something easily taken from a purse or wallet.
There might be another reason a person would avoid a doctor's office and that is something they dealt with growing up. A relative died as a result of staying in the hospital or they couldn't be cured of what they have, so a doctor is the blame. The person actually spent time in a hospital and saw more than their share of doctors, that any illness that would require medicine and a check to make sure it's nothing more, they would choose to forgo the visit all together and suffer through it. Then there is a last reasoning, the person just simply does not want to go, there is no founded reasoning either. There is a phobia for this phenomena, it's called Iatrophobia.
It just doesn't make sense to me even with those points presented, why someone would choose to not see a doctor to be treated when they clearly see it's more than just an ache, pain, fever, coughing, etc. I have to call stupid for that one because if you don't care about your health why bother attempting to live healthy by diet or exercise, if forgoing a trip to the doctor when you're sick or a checkup is in order. I get that people can't help what they're afraid of, but come on now get real. Nobody likes going to the freaking doctor, ever! Hi doc I really like what' you've done with the place, maybe next month I can swing by and we can look at those anatomical charts you have in the closet, that would just be swell! NOT! It ain't happening, never ever ever! geesh
Forget about getting glasses and your teeth fixed too. If you can't handle going to see a doctor for maintenance or getting healthy again, don't bother with those two either. I mean it's a given your eyes and teeth also are part of your overall health. Once again, if you can't afford it that's understandable, but to not do it just because you don't want to and you know you can pay is just s-t-o-o-p-i-d!!!!! Or maybe I have my own bias about this situation because for years I've had to put off going to a doctor when I was sick and finally went to the ER (we all know how those bills are), and still couldn't do a follow up because I had no doctor at the time. The eyes and teeth falling behind on checkups and maintenance for the same reason. You will never see me refusing to do any of those in the future if I can pay for it or get assistance because it's just not an option to fuck off on your own health, I don't care who you are. Blah blah blah rant! This just gets under my skin and pisses me right off to know someone could have been worse off than they are because "they didn't wanna go see a doctor". Grow up already and just do it whiner!
Waits patiently for the idiots to walk by so I can trip them with my shadow. Mmhm..they're always coming around, just never know when.
I just don't get that, never will. It's not like anyone actually enjoys going to a doctor office and wait for the cobwebs to build up before you finally get into the examination room/office for the doctor or nurse to look at you and figure out why you're there. That's without the exception to hypochondriacs who are always looking for new ways to dramatize their impending death.
My dad always told me his reason for not wanting to go was the smells. I can certainly see that point, the sterilization and cleaning products used do give off a scent that is most unsettling even to me. It's as if germs are not even allowed a fighting chance to exist, and yet they do in that environment.
I have never put off going to a doctor unless I absolutely had no way of paying for the visit, if it was a matter of not being able to afford the medications I dealt with that at a later point.
It just always seems to me that a reason for not going vs a need to go, always ends up the same most of the time. The person refusing to go can afford the visit, they just choose to not go. The ones who need to see a doctor have to wait or put it off longer than they want to because there is a lack of money to pay for the visit. There are cheap clinics to go to, but even then one has to wait to get an appointment scheduled or they can't afford that price either, and it's not very expensive, just not something easily taken from a purse or wallet.
There might be another reason a person would avoid a doctor's office and that is something they dealt with growing up. A relative died as a result of staying in the hospital or they couldn't be cured of what they have, so a doctor is the blame. The person actually spent time in a hospital and saw more than their share of doctors, that any illness that would require medicine and a check to make sure it's nothing more, they would choose to forgo the visit all together and suffer through it. Then there is a last reasoning, the person just simply does not want to go, there is no founded reasoning either. There is a phobia for this phenomena, it's called Iatrophobia.
It just doesn't make sense to me even with those points presented, why someone would choose to not see a doctor to be treated when they clearly see it's more than just an ache, pain, fever, coughing, etc. I have to call stupid for that one because if you don't care about your health why bother attempting to live healthy by diet or exercise, if forgoing a trip to the doctor when you're sick or a checkup is in order. I get that people can't help what they're afraid of, but come on now get real. Nobody likes going to the freaking doctor, ever! Hi doc I really like what' you've done with the place, maybe next month I can swing by and we can look at those anatomical charts you have in the closet, that would just be swell! NOT! It ain't happening, never ever ever! geesh
Forget about getting glasses and your teeth fixed too. If you can't handle going to see a doctor for maintenance or getting healthy again, don't bother with those two either. I mean it's a given your eyes and teeth also are part of your overall health. Once again, if you can't afford it that's understandable, but to not do it just because you don't want to and you know you can pay is just s-t-o-o-p-i-d!!!!! Or maybe I have my own bias about this situation because for years I've had to put off going to a doctor when I was sick and finally went to the ER (we all know how those bills are), and still couldn't do a follow up because I had no doctor at the time. The eyes and teeth falling behind on checkups and maintenance for the same reason. You will never see me refusing to do any of those in the future if I can pay for it or get assistance because it's just not an option to fuck off on your own health, I don't care who you are. Blah blah blah rant! This just gets under my skin and pisses me right off to know someone could have been worse off than they are because "they didn't wanna go see a doctor". Grow up already and just do it whiner!
Waits patiently for the idiots to walk by so I can trip them with my shadow. Mmhm..they're always coming around, just never know when.
Monday, November 4, 2013
I know I'm far from hideous and yet the look some people cast glances my way make me wonder exactly what they're seeing. I haven't dressed up for anything since January of this year and that was very awkward for me, but the looks from other people made me feel completely naked.
If there had been a manual telling me that once I got into my 30's that there were going to be changes to both my appearance and attitude I would have laughed or slapped somebody into "reality". Never the less it happened and there I was telling myself "you can do this, we're not vain, we can age gracefully". Bullshit...I spent a few years dying my hair and trying wrinkle creams to reduce crows feet and finally gave up and decided cream and lotion on my face was good enough. Then enters that hag face (yep I said hag).
When I approach someone to talk about one of many things I find my mouth blurting out, I always observe the expressions of those I'm talking to, and it ranges from what seems to be hiding laughter to terrified looks of wanting to run away. Even the manager of this apartment property gets that terrified look when I say hi to her while walking near her building. It is literally not in my nature to abruptly charge up to anyone and just start nagging or complaining, but I will make a request or discuss something going on that I find is disturbing the peace. In my opinion if you're the manager and I'm telling you there's a problem it means there's a problem for me, not take your time and decide whether it is or not. That one lack of judgement has caused me to deal with harassing behavior for two years through tenants that were never told cut it out, even after police were called out for it.
Point in case, this newish neighbor upstairs. He's a quiet kid, but his brother is very noisy and that's usually the one I have to talk to about spitting off the balcony or bouncing down the staircase where it rattles. Why do I do this? Because the spitting has hit me in the arm and near my feet a couple of times, and if you actually pay attention to what's going on, don't you check to make sure there isn't anyone in your targeted area for spitting, and what's wrong with actually spitting over the edge of the railing, not onto the porch you walk on. I swear this generation beneath me are stupid. That's gonna offend some kids, but if they saw how their peers really are they would see the freaking zombie apocalypse walking around all damn day with a cell phone stuck in their ear or texting when they're not paying attention to shit but a screen. Gee no wonder you have wrecks or damn near kill someone, bump into people, knock shit over, or trip on your shadow, you're not paying attention.
Grumble grumble gripe! I'm sure my mom and grandmother's generations said that about my peers, because we were pretty stupid in our own way. At least I can admit that, but these kids now? Shake my head and shake it some more and still it makes no sense..that's why I call them gen wtf, not gen x or gen y, they're grouped together in one category.
So back to the point here, I had to go outside this morning and tell the brother of the kid upstairs to please not turn the radio or tv up so loud because it was really loud in my apartment all night. I wasn't rude although I wanted to snarl at him, but I do find that upon approaching most people with a calm attitude and non aggression, you can discuss a situation without any feelings getting hurt or defense mechanisms going up. I had to tell him that I didn't want to seem like an asshole, and he probably noticed how crappy the insulation in these apartments are, but please try to remember to turn the sound down just a little bit. I even said thank you to him after that request. I didn't say anything about it keeping me awake all night because that would go unnoticed, plus I have to at least seem polite in a request of turn the damn shit down. He's never laughed at me or rolled his eyes like a few others have in the past when I made similar requests, and always says yes ma'am to me. Now I don't know if he's really meaning that or doing it to patronize me until he walks away dying laughing at my "crazy old bitch" self, but wtfe.
I would love a freeze time weapon and a set of road tacks to put up in the street a little further up to deal with the punk who is always racing up and down the street, squealing his tires, burning rubber and honking his horn. That's just not necessary and every day at 4:30 pm on cue, the fucker shows up and does all of his act. I really just wanna blow him up or watch him wreck his precious so I can laugh.
I don't really care what the people are doing as long as it's not interfering with my zen, aka bothering me with extreme noise. The police don't seem to care either because now they have it set up where if only one person calls to complain it's not a problem, it has to be at least two addresses complaining before they will show up to address the issue. Total bullshit but hey whatever, I guess one day I'll go over to the offender and play smashy smashy with a baseball bat and see how the police like me now lol. I know I shouldn't because it's just mean, but sometimes man, sometimes......
They also pull that crap in the parking lots too, but there I yell at them or flip them off because I'm daring them to step up to me. Not sure what I'll do but crazy always seems to figure out something to confuse them or smack them around a bit, it's worked for me before. My earned title "you're fucking crazy" serves me well when I feel that rage popping out and then I start laughing. If you don't know anyone who has done this before let me explain what usually happens. That crazy laughter tends to make crowds dissipate as in the people clear away from you, no eye contact, and if you stare at them really hard, they actually cringe. The children tend to wave and giggle at you though because they think it's funny. Well it is in a way, you've just decided to hell with standards I'm gonna be a cackling lunatic today while I'm shopping or putting gas into my car. ^_^
Never a dull moment when the adventure into Stupidville comes around.
If there had been a manual telling me that once I got into my 30's that there were going to be changes to both my appearance and attitude I would have laughed or slapped somebody into "reality". Never the less it happened and there I was telling myself "you can do this, we're not vain, we can age gracefully". Bullshit...I spent a few years dying my hair and trying wrinkle creams to reduce crows feet and finally gave up and decided cream and lotion on my face was good enough. Then enters that hag face (yep I said hag).
When I approach someone to talk about one of many things I find my mouth blurting out, I always observe the expressions of those I'm talking to, and it ranges from what seems to be hiding laughter to terrified looks of wanting to run away. Even the manager of this apartment property gets that terrified look when I say hi to her while walking near her building. It is literally not in my nature to abruptly charge up to anyone and just start nagging or complaining, but I will make a request or discuss something going on that I find is disturbing the peace. In my opinion if you're the manager and I'm telling you there's a problem it means there's a problem for me, not take your time and decide whether it is or not. That one lack of judgement has caused me to deal with harassing behavior for two years through tenants that were never told cut it out, even after police were called out for it.
Point in case, this newish neighbor upstairs. He's a quiet kid, but his brother is very noisy and that's usually the one I have to talk to about spitting off the balcony or bouncing down the staircase where it rattles. Why do I do this? Because the spitting has hit me in the arm and near my feet a couple of times, and if you actually pay attention to what's going on, don't you check to make sure there isn't anyone in your targeted area for spitting, and what's wrong with actually spitting over the edge of the railing, not onto the porch you walk on. I swear this generation beneath me are stupid. That's gonna offend some kids, but if they saw how their peers really are they would see the freaking zombie apocalypse walking around all damn day with a cell phone stuck in their ear or texting when they're not paying attention to shit but a screen. Gee no wonder you have wrecks or damn near kill someone, bump into people, knock shit over, or trip on your shadow, you're not paying attention.
Grumble grumble gripe! I'm sure my mom and grandmother's generations said that about my peers, because we were pretty stupid in our own way. At least I can admit that, but these kids now? Shake my head and shake it some more and still it makes no sense..that's why I call them gen wtf, not gen x or gen y, they're grouped together in one category.
So back to the point here, I had to go outside this morning and tell the brother of the kid upstairs to please not turn the radio or tv up so loud because it was really loud in my apartment all night. I wasn't rude although I wanted to snarl at him, but I do find that upon approaching most people with a calm attitude and non aggression, you can discuss a situation without any feelings getting hurt or defense mechanisms going up. I had to tell him that I didn't want to seem like an asshole, and he probably noticed how crappy the insulation in these apartments are, but please try to remember to turn the sound down just a little bit. I even said thank you to him after that request. I didn't say anything about it keeping me awake all night because that would go unnoticed, plus I have to at least seem polite in a request of turn the damn shit down. He's never laughed at me or rolled his eyes like a few others have in the past when I made similar requests, and always says yes ma'am to me. Now I don't know if he's really meaning that or doing it to patronize me until he walks away dying laughing at my "crazy old bitch" self, but wtfe.
I would love a freeze time weapon and a set of road tacks to put up in the street a little further up to deal with the punk who is always racing up and down the street, squealing his tires, burning rubber and honking his horn. That's just not necessary and every day at 4:30 pm on cue, the fucker shows up and does all of his act. I really just wanna blow him up or watch him wreck his precious so I can laugh.
I don't really care what the people are doing as long as it's not interfering with my zen, aka bothering me with extreme noise. The police don't seem to care either because now they have it set up where if only one person calls to complain it's not a problem, it has to be at least two addresses complaining before they will show up to address the issue. Total bullshit but hey whatever, I guess one day I'll go over to the offender and play smashy smashy with a baseball bat and see how the police like me now lol. I know I shouldn't because it's just mean, but sometimes man, sometimes......
They also pull that crap in the parking lots too, but there I yell at them or flip them off because I'm daring them to step up to me. Not sure what I'll do but crazy always seems to figure out something to confuse them or smack them around a bit, it's worked for me before. My earned title "you're fucking crazy" serves me well when I feel that rage popping out and then I start laughing. If you don't know anyone who has done this before let me explain what usually happens. That crazy laughter tends to make crowds dissipate as in the people clear away from you, no eye contact, and if you stare at them really hard, they actually cringe. The children tend to wave and giggle at you though because they think it's funny. Well it is in a way, you've just decided to hell with standards I'm gonna be a cackling lunatic today while I'm shopping or putting gas into my car. ^_^
Never a dull moment when the adventure into Stupidville comes around.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
How often have you watched a car or other motor vehicle park or drive into a spot you know they are going to have a hard time getting out of and then watch the driver freak out or spend time trying to get out the situation.
Usually it's a given to most people who have the ability to use their brain cells, if it's been raining for a few days, driving across a yard or field is going to get your tires sunk in and you are going to be stuck, and yet, they do it anyways. You can't help but shake your head at the driver and then watch as more unfolds while this vehicle is now spinning tires like crazy as if it's going to suddenly launch that wheeled metal box out of that stuck spot. If there is a tiny spot in a parking lot, what would ever make a driver of a van, utility truck, 18 wheeler cab, or other large vehicles, assume they can fit right there within those lines or between the posts/gates that are cemented in. And yet somehow, they're not stuck at first, but then the idiot who parked it there is standing there scratching his/her head as if it's a mystery how that happened. Yep, that's when you bust out laughing at them because it's completely funny that you watched them park there, and now they're not sure how that truck is stuck.
I've watched cars pull over a meridian while traffic is flowing on both sides of the street and they get stuck in the middle of it because the bottom of the car is hung up now and the back wheels are just spinning around. The driver gets out of the car and knocks on my window to ask me to help them out. Excuse you? How is it possible for me to help you when I wasn't the moron who pulled across something that was clearly meant to divide traffic so the cars don't drive into each other. Did you think that your car was a gadget mobile that could transform Inspector Gadget's car into a tank? Nope, not happening, you're on your own sister, go call the police. I got the finger flipped at me for that, haha. Thanks sweetheart you're so awesome and your car is stuck in the middle of a concrete barrier, explain that one to the police, they love a good comedy. Not!
Pulling up on one to avoid red lights and trying to turn around early gets you stuck and it's now causing one lane of traffic a problem because your car is blocking the flow, waiting for a tow truck and the police to show up to fix that problem your dumb ass caused.
It's moving day and you have pulled your pickup truck onto a muddy grassy patch next to the driveway to fill it up with stuff you're moving, and when it's time to pull out, the front wheel bogs down and is now stuck, so instead of waiting for another truck to back up and pull you forwards, what happens? Let's push the pedal down some and sling mud all around the truck and that's going to magically move the truck out of the stuck spot. I watched that happen three days ago when people were moving out of a trailer next to our apartment complex. That was the third truck to get stuck over the past two weeks since all the rain we had that filled up that patch of grass like a tiny pool. It just wasn't sign enough to tell the idiots, don't park your vehicle here it will get stuck, don't try to drive across it either to move it off the property because it will get stuck too. I did laugh at the first truck that got stuck because when the woman got out of the truck after trying to move it backwards and forwards making the truck get stuck further into the ground, she stepped into a huge watery puddle of mud and then fell into it. That was my comic relief for the day and she cussed at me for laughing but it was funny, hell when I fall and I'm not hurt I always laugh at myself, even if I fall into water or mud.
My favorite "you're a moron" incident was about three years ago. I had just parked my car at the post office to go inside to mail off an important letter, when I heard squealing tires which made me look to make sure my car wasn't about to get slammed into by an idiot driver. They must have been driving at least 40 mph in that parking lot, slowed down only to turn around behind my car, then backed up beside an old dock door which is marked "do not park". I felt myself smirking because I know why it says that, but apparently they don't know why it says it, or why that dock has a pull down door either. Think post office delivery trucks, they got to get the mail into those trucks some way, and there you have it. Anyways, it doesn't take long for me to get my letter taken care of and when I come out to get in my car, there is a police car sitting there blocking the driveway out, which told me that the illegally parked car was in trouble. I pulled out and drove off, but drove slowly because I wanted to see what was going to happen. That's when I noticed the tow truck pulling into the property and I now knew what was going to happen next to the smarty pants who parked where they shouldn't have. Things like that give me satisfaction of justice served in some small way.
I've watched idiots who just couldn't wait to get around the other cars or run a red light go flying into an open manhole and troll along the road with a tire that has blown out and sparks flying everywhere before they pull over to see what's going on. They would have known to avoid that part of the road if they had paid attention to the road signs and those orange and white striped workhorses and barrels with the flashing lights set up around it, but they blew through those and hit what was being barricaded off from the other cars. Shake my head again because it's sad and funny that they screwed up their car on their own stupidity.
In a bank parking lot, the driver of a nice Mercedes who backed up over the curb and up onto a tiny iron post found out real quick how hard it is to get unstuck. He had to call a tow truck to get him unstuck. I was wondering how he didn't hear the back end of the car hitting that post, but you just never know with people these days.
The weirdest parking scenarios I've seen in person and Facebook posts is smart cars parking where the shop cart returns go on the park lots. I've seen a Volkswagen pulled up there too. I've watched cars and trucks pull right up onto motorcycles parked in spots and then not even bother to move out, they just leave the bike tipped over and halfway under their own vehicle.
Back during the summer, the company that owns the dumpsters came and picked one up from our apartments to replace it or repair it, not sure which , but it was gone for a few days and I noticed a nice, what seemed to be new, pickup truck start parking where that dumpster had been sitting. That's not even part of the parking area to begin with and why someone pulls across a driveway and actual parking lot to park there, is beyond me, but this guy did it for two days before I told him he was parked where the dumpster goes and he might not want to keep parking there because the city or the dumpster company might have him towed, or the truck might decide screw you and put the dumpster down on your truck. I got an awesome go fuck yourself from that one, and just laughed while flipping him off as I went back to the apartment and called the police myself.
Two days later when the dumpster was returned to the property, the truck sat out there for a long time, normally the time they show up is around 3-4 am but I heard the truck noise going on much longer and saw flashing lights. I step outside to see what's going on because this street has a history of police activity anyways, when I realize it's about that truck. Tow truck shows up and pulls this truck off so the dumpster can be placed and the police leave. Two hours later I can hear the driver outside screaming and swearing about who the fuck stole my truck, there's hell to pay for touching my shit man. I wanted to run outside and tell him to call the cops because they're the ones that had your shit towed, but I just snickered inside the apartment. That old adage what comes around goes around playing in my head.
Ever since I first heard the here's your sign comments from Jeff Foxworthy it's become a staple for me to tell the idiots. Some of them don't really deserve a sign though, the consequences of their stupidity always comes back to kick them in the ass.
Usually it's a given to most people who have the ability to use their brain cells, if it's been raining for a few days, driving across a yard or field is going to get your tires sunk in and you are going to be stuck, and yet, they do it anyways. You can't help but shake your head at the driver and then watch as more unfolds while this vehicle is now spinning tires like crazy as if it's going to suddenly launch that wheeled metal box out of that stuck spot. If there is a tiny spot in a parking lot, what would ever make a driver of a van, utility truck, 18 wheeler cab, or other large vehicles, assume they can fit right there within those lines or between the posts/gates that are cemented in. And yet somehow, they're not stuck at first, but then the idiot who parked it there is standing there scratching his/her head as if it's a mystery how that happened. Yep, that's when you bust out laughing at them because it's completely funny that you watched them park there, and now they're not sure how that truck is stuck.
I've watched cars pull over a meridian while traffic is flowing on both sides of the street and they get stuck in the middle of it because the bottom of the car is hung up now and the back wheels are just spinning around. The driver gets out of the car and knocks on my window to ask me to help them out. Excuse you? How is it possible for me to help you when I wasn't the moron who pulled across something that was clearly meant to divide traffic so the cars don't drive into each other. Did you think that your car was a gadget mobile that could transform Inspector Gadget's car into a tank? Nope, not happening, you're on your own sister, go call the police. I got the finger flipped at me for that, haha. Thanks sweetheart you're so awesome and your car is stuck in the middle of a concrete barrier, explain that one to the police, they love a good comedy. Not!
Pulling up on one to avoid red lights and trying to turn around early gets you stuck and it's now causing one lane of traffic a problem because your car is blocking the flow, waiting for a tow truck and the police to show up to fix that problem your dumb ass caused.
It's moving day and you have pulled your pickup truck onto a muddy grassy patch next to the driveway to fill it up with stuff you're moving, and when it's time to pull out, the front wheel bogs down and is now stuck, so instead of waiting for another truck to back up and pull you forwards, what happens? Let's push the pedal down some and sling mud all around the truck and that's going to magically move the truck out of the stuck spot. I watched that happen three days ago when people were moving out of a trailer next to our apartment complex. That was the third truck to get stuck over the past two weeks since all the rain we had that filled up that patch of grass like a tiny pool. It just wasn't sign enough to tell the idiots, don't park your vehicle here it will get stuck, don't try to drive across it either to move it off the property because it will get stuck too. I did laugh at the first truck that got stuck because when the woman got out of the truck after trying to move it backwards and forwards making the truck get stuck further into the ground, she stepped into a huge watery puddle of mud and then fell into it. That was my comic relief for the day and she cussed at me for laughing but it was funny, hell when I fall and I'm not hurt I always laugh at myself, even if I fall into water or mud.
My favorite "you're a moron" incident was about three years ago. I had just parked my car at the post office to go inside to mail off an important letter, when I heard squealing tires which made me look to make sure my car wasn't about to get slammed into by an idiot driver. They must have been driving at least 40 mph in that parking lot, slowed down only to turn around behind my car, then backed up beside an old dock door which is marked "do not park". I felt myself smirking because I know why it says that, but apparently they don't know why it says it, or why that dock has a pull down door either. Think post office delivery trucks, they got to get the mail into those trucks some way, and there you have it. Anyways, it doesn't take long for me to get my letter taken care of and when I come out to get in my car, there is a police car sitting there blocking the driveway out, which told me that the illegally parked car was in trouble. I pulled out and drove off, but drove slowly because I wanted to see what was going to happen. That's when I noticed the tow truck pulling into the property and I now knew what was going to happen next to the smarty pants who parked where they shouldn't have. Things like that give me satisfaction of justice served in some small way.
I've watched idiots who just couldn't wait to get around the other cars or run a red light go flying into an open manhole and troll along the road with a tire that has blown out and sparks flying everywhere before they pull over to see what's going on. They would have known to avoid that part of the road if they had paid attention to the road signs and those orange and white striped workhorses and barrels with the flashing lights set up around it, but they blew through those and hit what was being barricaded off from the other cars. Shake my head again because it's sad and funny that they screwed up their car on their own stupidity.
In a bank parking lot, the driver of a nice Mercedes who backed up over the curb and up onto a tiny iron post found out real quick how hard it is to get unstuck. He had to call a tow truck to get him unstuck. I was wondering how he didn't hear the back end of the car hitting that post, but you just never know with people these days.
The weirdest parking scenarios I've seen in person and Facebook posts is smart cars parking where the shop cart returns go on the park lots. I've seen a Volkswagen pulled up there too. I've watched cars and trucks pull right up onto motorcycles parked in spots and then not even bother to move out, they just leave the bike tipped over and halfway under their own vehicle.
Back during the summer, the company that owns the dumpsters came and picked one up from our apartments to replace it or repair it, not sure which , but it was gone for a few days and I noticed a nice, what seemed to be new, pickup truck start parking where that dumpster had been sitting. That's not even part of the parking area to begin with and why someone pulls across a driveway and actual parking lot to park there, is beyond me, but this guy did it for two days before I told him he was parked where the dumpster goes and he might not want to keep parking there because the city or the dumpster company might have him towed, or the truck might decide screw you and put the dumpster down on your truck. I got an awesome go fuck yourself from that one, and just laughed while flipping him off as I went back to the apartment and called the police myself.
Two days later when the dumpster was returned to the property, the truck sat out there for a long time, normally the time they show up is around 3-4 am but I heard the truck noise going on much longer and saw flashing lights. I step outside to see what's going on because this street has a history of police activity anyways, when I realize it's about that truck. Tow truck shows up and pulls this truck off so the dumpster can be placed and the police leave. Two hours later I can hear the driver outside screaming and swearing about who the fuck stole my truck, there's hell to pay for touching my shit man. I wanted to run outside and tell him to call the cops because they're the ones that had your shit towed, but I just snickered inside the apartment. That old adage what comes around goes around playing in my head.
Ever since I first heard the here's your sign comments from Jeff Foxworthy it's become a staple for me to tell the idiots. Some of them don't really deserve a sign though, the consequences of their stupidity always comes back to kick them in the ass.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Let's discuss those neighbors you live around who insist on playing their television or radios and stereos at the decibel sound of a rocket taking off from NASA launching pads.
Seriously? It takes little effort to make sure you're not broadcasting to everyone around you with that sound. That car/truck/van you love driving around in is awesome ain't it? How about that radio blasting out the 80's/country/tejano music you love so much! I'm not a fan..sorry but I shouldn't have to subjected to you destroying what's left of my ear drums, and trust me after a decade of Judas Priest cranked up in my ears through headphones, my hearing is not so good, but I hear your crap blaring away all day or night.
This building I live in has horrible acoustics, leaving it where you hear everything going on in the other units, more than you want to hear sometimes (leaving that one to your imagination). For four years there has always been that one neighbor that has moved in and started immediately with the noise factor. The television channel on news or hallelujah shows set to volume 1000 for my pleasure..ugh! That radio/stereo system that they have all sworn they don't have, yet I hear it cranking out extremely loud versions of CCR at 3 am in the morning and you're stumbling all over my ceiling. Sure officer I just made that up because I'm "that kind of person" who just loves making my neighbors miserable complaining to the police about them "living their life". *eyeroll*
That doesn't even take into count the stomping or yelling these idiots do with and to their friends, on the phone, or in general to their invisible friends/enemies.
The current one that's annoying me is this kid above me, and I say kid because at my dinosaur age of 47, if you're younger than 35 you're a kid to me. Anyways, he had been living above us for a week before the hubby and I were even aware he was up there, we never noticed the walking around upstairs on a floor that has echo sound like crazy, nor did we hear a car pulling up or a squeak from a tv or radio at all. The last three months while I was dealing with crazy neighbor from hell level 12, this kid above me never made any noise at all, he was beyond quiet which made me wonder if he ever did anything at all past coming and going. This past month there has been the grand assault of loud game music and sounds of gunfire from what I'm assuming is a first person shooter game like Halo or Black Ops (I don't play those games but I've watched my husband play them and they're noisy). Then there is this new person hanging around up there too which adds to the noise factor. There is more than enough music and television sound coming through my ceiling that makes me want to stomp upstairs and ask if they are aware there are other people who live here that might be trying to relax without being forced to deal with that sound. I have to force myself these days to just ignore it the best I can because I can't trust myself anymore to not play "wring the chicken neck" for the ridiculous ignorance of others around them.
I'm aware that over the years I've become very uncomfortable to noise and it irritates me to a point that I will speak up about it to the offender or a landlord. There have been other times I've resorted to calling the police out to handle it because I might get aggressive about it, which in my opinion nobody is worth going to jail over. Then I get to deal with someone who is angry at me for calling the cops on them when they were driving me up the wall making noise that in my opinion is unacceptable, nobody should be forced to endure it and yet we are. The old landlord up until the recent month always told me it was part of living in apartments, to "just deal with it". What he failed to understand or acknowledge is the fact that it could very well be a problem, but I was just blown off as a "nag like his wife who whines and complains about everything". How do I know he said that? My own husband told me this which made me even madder that I was having to deal with an unruly person living above me.
When we first moved here, I was glad to finally be somewhere that I didn't have to deal with random adults and children always trying to look through the windows, sitting in the window sills, banging at the windows, knocking on the door, jiggling the doorknobs, or trying to come into my apartment (that nightmare actually happened at the last place I lived and I don't know why they did it). It was so nice to finally have a porch to sit on and enjoy the weather, nature, relax and get my zen on, but the couple upstairs made it quite clear to me from the second day that it would not be so for me. The man always asked me what I was doing and anything I had with me he wanted to know where I got it, how much it cost, and then blabbed about things in general that were of no concern to me. His wife, from the minute I opened my door would pop her head out over the railing and "hi neighbor" me. At first I found it cute until it got to be every time the door opened, and then the barrage of questions, where am I going, have I bought anything lately, am I drinking coffee, and other weird questions thrown at me that made me stop going outside, and when I did I ran to do what I had to do and ran back to the door again to hide from both of them. That's no way to live and here I was thinking wtf is going on where I can't even walk out my own damn door without the twenty questions game from people I have no interest in knowing or being friends with. You gotta wonder about your own sanity when you find yourself wanting to engage in a fist fight with somebody because they finally pushed that button with you, and yet you know if you do it, you're the one who goes to jail not the bully. That couple moved out and I could finally breathe a sigh of relief of being able to open my door without fear of being assaulted by nosy behavior. I was hoping that the next tenant that moved in wouldn't be so nosy or loud, but my luck said yeah right think again.
Two months later, in moves what is only referred to me now as the batshit crazy neighbor from hell, and that's being too nice for words describing that one. Imagine an older female with no kids, and only a couple of people there with her moving in furniture from a small trailer hitch, they seem nice, not even loud while moving in, and you think now this is how it's supposed to be. Not even a week later you realize how dead wrong you were as you listen to this loud shrieking banshee going on and on about a party across the street and how they're bothering her inside her apartment making all that "boomdeboom music". That was just a small taste of what was to come as she spent months screaming at people for pulling into our driveway to turn around (we live on a dead end street), she doesn't recognize them as living there at the apartments so they need to "move that piece of shit car before she has it towed on them", telling all the brown skinned people they need to "move the fuck back to Mexico" (I guess it never even occurred to her that some of those brown skin people live in other countries), hearing her constantly talk shit about me to every one around us that would listen because I was a horrible satan worshipper who put graffiti all over the property and accused her of beating on her dog before she killed it (words she made up from me telling her if I had seen her hitting on her dog over a trivial incident I would report her to the authorities), and various other rants from her that kept me cringing and jumping all day or night. Anytime this bitch would start making noise I wrote it down in a notebook to show the landlord what she was doing, including her phone call to the police over me "smoking marijuana in my apartment and having a bunch of people in and out of my apartment all the time" (something that to this day still eludes me as in did she see ghosts coming and going or was she herself partaking in the ganja and tripping out on it). Literally we had no people coming to our apartment except for my youngest daughter about once a month or so, the maintenance people, our acting manager who takes the rent money, but party people I must have missed because it would have been nice to have people over for fun. *wink*
That's all for now about the noise makers that annoy me to no end. Enjoy your Halloween folks!
Seriously? It takes little effort to make sure you're not broadcasting to everyone around you with that sound. That car/truck/van you love driving around in is awesome ain't it? How about that radio blasting out the 80's/country/tejano music you love so much! I'm not a fan..sorry but I shouldn't have to subjected to you destroying what's left of my ear drums, and trust me after a decade of Judas Priest cranked up in my ears through headphones, my hearing is not so good, but I hear your crap blaring away all day or night.
This building I live in has horrible acoustics, leaving it where you hear everything going on in the other units, more than you want to hear sometimes (leaving that one to your imagination). For four years there has always been that one neighbor that has moved in and started immediately with the noise factor. The television channel on news or hallelujah shows set to volume 1000 for my pleasure..ugh! That radio/stereo system that they have all sworn they don't have, yet I hear it cranking out extremely loud versions of CCR at 3 am in the morning and you're stumbling all over my ceiling. Sure officer I just made that up because I'm "that kind of person" who just loves making my neighbors miserable complaining to the police about them "living their life". *eyeroll*
That doesn't even take into count the stomping or yelling these idiots do with and to their friends, on the phone, or in general to their invisible friends/enemies.
The current one that's annoying me is this kid above me, and I say kid because at my dinosaur age of 47, if you're younger than 35 you're a kid to me. Anyways, he had been living above us for a week before the hubby and I were even aware he was up there, we never noticed the walking around upstairs on a floor that has echo sound like crazy, nor did we hear a car pulling up or a squeak from a tv or radio at all. The last three months while I was dealing with crazy neighbor from hell level 12, this kid above me never made any noise at all, he was beyond quiet which made me wonder if he ever did anything at all past coming and going. This past month there has been the grand assault of loud game music and sounds of gunfire from what I'm assuming is a first person shooter game like Halo or Black Ops (I don't play those games but I've watched my husband play them and they're noisy). Then there is this new person hanging around up there too which adds to the noise factor. There is more than enough music and television sound coming through my ceiling that makes me want to stomp upstairs and ask if they are aware there are other people who live here that might be trying to relax without being forced to deal with that sound. I have to force myself these days to just ignore it the best I can because I can't trust myself anymore to not play "wring the chicken neck" for the ridiculous ignorance of others around them.
I'm aware that over the years I've become very uncomfortable to noise and it irritates me to a point that I will speak up about it to the offender or a landlord. There have been other times I've resorted to calling the police out to handle it because I might get aggressive about it, which in my opinion nobody is worth going to jail over. Then I get to deal with someone who is angry at me for calling the cops on them when they were driving me up the wall making noise that in my opinion is unacceptable, nobody should be forced to endure it and yet we are. The old landlord up until the recent month always told me it was part of living in apartments, to "just deal with it". What he failed to understand or acknowledge is the fact that it could very well be a problem, but I was just blown off as a "nag like his wife who whines and complains about everything". How do I know he said that? My own husband told me this which made me even madder that I was having to deal with an unruly person living above me.
When we first moved here, I was glad to finally be somewhere that I didn't have to deal with random adults and children always trying to look through the windows, sitting in the window sills, banging at the windows, knocking on the door, jiggling the doorknobs, or trying to come into my apartment (that nightmare actually happened at the last place I lived and I don't know why they did it). It was so nice to finally have a porch to sit on and enjoy the weather, nature, relax and get my zen on, but the couple upstairs made it quite clear to me from the second day that it would not be so for me. The man always asked me what I was doing and anything I had with me he wanted to know where I got it, how much it cost, and then blabbed about things in general that were of no concern to me. His wife, from the minute I opened my door would pop her head out over the railing and "hi neighbor" me. At first I found it cute until it got to be every time the door opened, and then the barrage of questions, where am I going, have I bought anything lately, am I drinking coffee, and other weird questions thrown at me that made me stop going outside, and when I did I ran to do what I had to do and ran back to the door again to hide from both of them. That's no way to live and here I was thinking wtf is going on where I can't even walk out my own damn door without the twenty questions game from people I have no interest in knowing or being friends with. You gotta wonder about your own sanity when you find yourself wanting to engage in a fist fight with somebody because they finally pushed that button with you, and yet you know if you do it, you're the one who goes to jail not the bully. That couple moved out and I could finally breathe a sigh of relief of being able to open my door without fear of being assaulted by nosy behavior. I was hoping that the next tenant that moved in wouldn't be so nosy or loud, but my luck said yeah right think again.
Two months later, in moves what is only referred to me now as the batshit crazy neighbor from hell, and that's being too nice for words describing that one. Imagine an older female with no kids, and only a couple of people there with her moving in furniture from a small trailer hitch, they seem nice, not even loud while moving in, and you think now this is how it's supposed to be. Not even a week later you realize how dead wrong you were as you listen to this loud shrieking banshee going on and on about a party across the street and how they're bothering her inside her apartment making all that "boomdeboom music". That was just a small taste of what was to come as she spent months screaming at people for pulling into our driveway to turn around (we live on a dead end street), she doesn't recognize them as living there at the apartments so they need to "move that piece of shit car before she has it towed on them", telling all the brown skinned people they need to "move the fuck back to Mexico" (I guess it never even occurred to her that some of those brown skin people live in other countries), hearing her constantly talk shit about me to every one around us that would listen because I was a horrible satan worshipper who put graffiti all over the property and accused her of beating on her dog before she killed it (words she made up from me telling her if I had seen her hitting on her dog over a trivial incident I would report her to the authorities), and various other rants from her that kept me cringing and jumping all day or night. Anytime this bitch would start making noise I wrote it down in a notebook to show the landlord what she was doing, including her phone call to the police over me "smoking marijuana in my apartment and having a bunch of people in and out of my apartment all the time" (something that to this day still eludes me as in did she see ghosts coming and going or was she herself partaking in the ganja and tripping out on it). Literally we had no people coming to our apartment except for my youngest daughter about once a month or so, the maintenance people, our acting manager who takes the rent money, but party people I must have missed because it would have been nice to have people over for fun. *wink*
That's all for now about the noise makers that annoy me to no end. Enjoy your Halloween folks!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The phone rang this morning around 9:30 am, which normally wouldn't have woke me up but since the weather got cooler I've been sleeping in longer than normal, or maybe I just need the rest. I answered the phone and this lady asks me if she can talk to the owner of the house to which my reply is we don't own a house. She then responds with "it's okay, do you rent?"
I can't stand these kind of phone calls anyways because it always leads up to buy this, support that, we're doing a survey of the area, don't forget to vote, blah blah blah..boring!
Anyways I bite my tongue and ask what it is she needs and I get "I need to talk to the owner of this phone number". Technically it belongs to Comcast, that's who we pay the bill to for the bundle package, but I'm thinking this idiot isn't gonna understand what that means so I tell her I have no clue who owns the phone number.
You would think this makes the conversation over right? Nope. She has to ask me where she can get in touch with the owner of the number and now my patience is gone. My final response is this "are you really that stupid or do you not get that someone obviously answered the phone and why I'm still talking to you I have no idea, but take this number off your list." That should take care of it for another 24 hours. After that, they always call again, same person or a new person and it's the same redundant go around.
Another pet peeve of mine, those pesky phone calls coming in from operated computer systems that only respond to human voices, then hang up on you, or someone tells you to hold the line. Bill collectors like to be sly in their approach. How do I know this? Well let's just say I owe money for a few services/products over the years that have had bill collectors calling me to attempt shaming me or guilt tripping me into paying that bill "today by phone with my credit card". Yeah right, I have a credit card at my disposal right now to charge that debt on so I can go charge that one up and owe money again to yet another company. *eyeroll*
A man called our number last week and I listened to my husband tell him he has no clue what he's asking, and I can hear the man's voice on the other end get louder. That cracks me up and I find myself stating how ironic is it when someone says they don't understand something, the idiot talking raises their voice as if sounding louder will make it understood. Shake your head on that one, go ahead do it.
He has to tell this man that we don't vote (we chose not to vote for personal reasons a few years ago), and then tell him it's not of his business why we don't vote, hangs up the phone and goes back to watching tv when the phone rings again. I pick it up and there is a man asking me for some name I have no idea who that person is, and when I tell him there's no one here named that he asks me what my name is and I tell him that I don't play that game what does he want. His question again, "do you vote?"
I can't help it, that kind of repeat calling is irritating, so I inform this man that I'm aware he called about two minutes ago and the answer is still the same as it was when he talked to my husband, stop calling our number and then I hang up the phone.
Most of the calls we watch that come through our caller id have a million freaking numbers showing up. Sorry I don't know anyone calling from that star location.
A city calls, a building calls, never shows a company name or name in general. We've had this number for less than a month and it's been spam calls every day by the same phone numbers at least twice a day and every day including Sundays.
Bill collectors use that "I'm your best friend" approach, until they slam out the whole "the reason I'm calling you is the account for such-n-such company shows a debt you owe for "x amount of money", how would you like to pay that today?"
Damn, I didn't win the lottery again, thanks for telling me that I owe money, I was completely unaware of that. It's not like I have been worrying my ass off about how soon I can find work and try to get it paid off when I can finally get cash relief, but nooooooooo you wanna call me every other day and bug the hell out of me to remind me about this. It's going to ruin my credit? Wow, I had no idea there were more than 4 credit bureaus. You seem shocked I knew that? Duh..I know how the credit lines work so piss off.
You want me to pay a low amount of $350 a month and that's as low as your manager will allow you to go for my account owed on? My offering of $90 was just not good enough if I can't make good on that other number you threw at me. Am I aware of garnishments to wages? Really? I thought you guys just showed up one day out of the blue and took my donations from each pay until it's paid off. Pfffftttt *eyeroll*
Can you tell I'm such a fan of the bill collection agency and stupid phone calls that come in that end up in pissing me off, hanging up on me, telling me I've won some bogus prize, etc. This is why we kept away from the landlines, but now we have no choice so there's another form of stupid I get to deal with from time to time.
I can't even imagine having to be on the other side of that kind of job, but I've found myself applying to a few of them while looking for work. I have no pride when it comes to what it takes to earn a buck, within reasons of what's legal and healthy.
Waddles off to pet my hurt ego from those mean collectors threatening to report me to all seven credit hoo...yeah wtfe bitches
Snickering here because they assume I'm going to be so upset, that I will run off to my imaginary bank account and pull that money out of it to pay "right now". I wonder though, can you deposit turnips into a make believe account or just the blood you get out of them? ;)
I can't stand these kind of phone calls anyways because it always leads up to buy this, support that, we're doing a survey of the area, don't forget to vote, blah blah blah..boring!
Anyways I bite my tongue and ask what it is she needs and I get "I need to talk to the owner of this phone number". Technically it belongs to Comcast, that's who we pay the bill to for the bundle package, but I'm thinking this idiot isn't gonna understand what that means so I tell her I have no clue who owns the phone number.
You would think this makes the conversation over right? Nope. She has to ask me where she can get in touch with the owner of the number and now my patience is gone. My final response is this "are you really that stupid or do you not get that someone obviously answered the phone and why I'm still talking to you I have no idea, but take this number off your list." That should take care of it for another 24 hours. After that, they always call again, same person or a new person and it's the same redundant go around.
Another pet peeve of mine, those pesky phone calls coming in from operated computer systems that only respond to human voices, then hang up on you, or someone tells you to hold the line. Bill collectors like to be sly in their approach. How do I know this? Well let's just say I owe money for a few services/products over the years that have had bill collectors calling me to attempt shaming me or guilt tripping me into paying that bill "today by phone with my credit card". Yeah right, I have a credit card at my disposal right now to charge that debt on so I can go charge that one up and owe money again to yet another company. *eyeroll*
A man called our number last week and I listened to my husband tell him he has no clue what he's asking, and I can hear the man's voice on the other end get louder. That cracks me up and I find myself stating how ironic is it when someone says they don't understand something, the idiot talking raises their voice as if sounding louder will make it understood. Shake your head on that one, go ahead do it.
He has to tell this man that we don't vote (we chose not to vote for personal reasons a few years ago), and then tell him it's not of his business why we don't vote, hangs up the phone and goes back to watching tv when the phone rings again. I pick it up and there is a man asking me for some name I have no idea who that person is, and when I tell him there's no one here named that he asks me what my name is and I tell him that I don't play that game what does he want. His question again, "do you vote?"
I can't help it, that kind of repeat calling is irritating, so I inform this man that I'm aware he called about two minutes ago and the answer is still the same as it was when he talked to my husband, stop calling our number and then I hang up the phone.
Most of the calls we watch that come through our caller id have a million freaking numbers showing up. Sorry I don't know anyone calling from that star location.
A city calls, a building calls, never shows a company name or name in general. We've had this number for less than a month and it's been spam calls every day by the same phone numbers at least twice a day and every day including Sundays.
Bill collectors use that "I'm your best friend" approach, until they slam out the whole "the reason I'm calling you is the account for such-n-such company shows a debt you owe for "x amount of money", how would you like to pay that today?"
Damn, I didn't win the lottery again, thanks for telling me that I owe money, I was completely unaware of that. It's not like I have been worrying my ass off about how soon I can find work and try to get it paid off when I can finally get cash relief, but nooooooooo you wanna call me every other day and bug the hell out of me to remind me about this. It's going to ruin my credit? Wow, I had no idea there were more than 4 credit bureaus. You seem shocked I knew that? Duh..I know how the credit lines work so piss off.
You want me to pay a low amount of $350 a month and that's as low as your manager will allow you to go for my account owed on? My offering of $90 was just not good enough if I can't make good on that other number you threw at me. Am I aware of garnishments to wages? Really? I thought you guys just showed up one day out of the blue and took my donations from each pay until it's paid off. Pfffftttt *eyeroll*
Can you tell I'm such a fan of the bill collection agency and stupid phone calls that come in that end up in pissing me off, hanging up on me, telling me I've won some bogus prize, etc. This is why we kept away from the landlines, but now we have no choice so there's another form of stupid I get to deal with from time to time.
I can't even imagine having to be on the other side of that kind of job, but I've found myself applying to a few of them while looking for work. I have no pride when it comes to what it takes to earn a buck, within reasons of what's legal and healthy.
Waddles off to pet my hurt ego from those mean collectors threatening to report me to all seven credit hoo...yeah wtfe bitches
Snickering here because they assume I'm going to be so upset, that I will run off to my imaginary bank account and pull that money out of it to pay "right now". I wonder though, can you deposit turnips into a make believe account or just the blood you get out of them? ;)
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Let's talk about the most used phrase I have ever heard to this date coming from the lips of women. "Why don't men act like grownups instead of children?"
Good question! However did you stop and take a good look in the mirror lately to see if you turned into your mother, because chances are you did, and with that in mind let's have a look.
I've been married twice, involved in three serious relationships and that same question ran through my mind with all of those men, including my current spouse. Males are just not meant to be understood, if they were we wouldn't need them for anything really, we could do it all on our own.
Biology has set it up to make them with those differences along with the male brain thinks in a separate pattern from the female brain, and is why us ladies view males as childish.
I never had a son so I have no idea about raising a male, but I'm pretty sure no mother ever said to her son growing up, I hope you grow all the way into a man and stop being a child, so women you meet in your life won't whine about it. Haha! Or how many fathers do you think taught their son the fine art of "how to remain a child and never grow up so women will go ape shit over it". Never!
I think of it like this, those guys we tried so hard to catch their attention probably laughed at our ridiculous antics when they were watching us already from that "first sight" thing going on. Females can be very childish and yet we refuse to allow the males to ever be such. Perhaps the reason the guys are seen as complete babies is we are so focused on something that we need to relax and just "chill" so to speak.
Personally I have never grown up, I refuse to and made sure that I would never forget what it's like to be a kid. I've stayed pretty close to that and still to this day can not resist doing "childish" things like singing nursery rhymes, coloring in color books, skipping in public, dancing around water fountains, riding stick ponies in the stores, and my favorite sword fights with the brooms. Guys do their "childish" antics in other ways, hobbies, hanging out with their guy friends, going to a spot they've gone to for years (without you), relaxing in their underwear, and sometimes they forget to pay attention to something else that is important to the female. They don't mean to do it, it just happens that way. That silly childish man is actually doing things for you in other ways, that often go unnoticed because you want him to be just like you want him to be.
Sorry sister, if you want that kind of man, bake some gingerbread cookies and bark orders at them all day, see where that gets you.
Yes we go though odd phases with these men in our lives, relationship or work related, sometimes the friends, and when things balance out again, which they usually do unless someone is mental (as in they need to see a dr to get that worked out again by medication), you can maintain what you have with them. Interesting how we find some things funny from certain men and if our own does it we think omg he's being so childish.
I remember how my dad blew off steam when I was growing up. He had a serious side to him, but more often I saw the comical side of him which seemed to just drive my mom to telling him "you're being stupid, cut that out". It made me giggle, but irritated her and made me wonder as I was growing up why something seen as a gesture of good humor is viewed as obnoxious. Even little boys were seen that way sometimes at school with their spit balls, throwing pencils to stick in the ceiling tiles, and that weird eyelid thing they did, and of course the infamous armpit farting. Those of us girls that weren't afraid to be seen doing those same things joined in, but as we grow up that same type of behavior is seen as childish and makes the female insist he stop immediately or else.
To every guy who enjoys being that little boy inside, bravo for you, it means you're still intact with the imagination side of you, or as they put it from a fairy tale, you live in never never land and it's not such a bad place to be. In my opinion this is keeping you from becoming angry and bitter at things that throw a curve at you when you thought the pathway was straight.
To every female who keeps blowing up at the guy she dates or marries about how childish he is, take a hard look at your life and how much are you investing in being comfortable and happy, instead of being miserable and always playing by the rule books.
Serious is for work, play is for life, don't get them confused. Let those boys be boys, even if their toys cost alot of money. That right there is a whole other story on prices we are willing to compromise over for enjoyment factor.
Good question! However did you stop and take a good look in the mirror lately to see if you turned into your mother, because chances are you did, and with that in mind let's have a look.
I've been married twice, involved in three serious relationships and that same question ran through my mind with all of those men, including my current spouse. Males are just not meant to be understood, if they were we wouldn't need them for anything really, we could do it all on our own.
Biology has set it up to make them with those differences along with the male brain thinks in a separate pattern from the female brain, and is why us ladies view males as childish.
I never had a son so I have no idea about raising a male, but I'm pretty sure no mother ever said to her son growing up, I hope you grow all the way into a man and stop being a child, so women you meet in your life won't whine about it. Haha! Or how many fathers do you think taught their son the fine art of "how to remain a child and never grow up so women will go ape shit over it". Never!
I think of it like this, those guys we tried so hard to catch their attention probably laughed at our ridiculous antics when they were watching us already from that "first sight" thing going on. Females can be very childish and yet we refuse to allow the males to ever be such. Perhaps the reason the guys are seen as complete babies is we are so focused on something that we need to relax and just "chill" so to speak.
Personally I have never grown up, I refuse to and made sure that I would never forget what it's like to be a kid. I've stayed pretty close to that and still to this day can not resist doing "childish" things like singing nursery rhymes, coloring in color books, skipping in public, dancing around water fountains, riding stick ponies in the stores, and my favorite sword fights with the brooms. Guys do their "childish" antics in other ways, hobbies, hanging out with their guy friends, going to a spot they've gone to for years (without you), relaxing in their underwear, and sometimes they forget to pay attention to something else that is important to the female. They don't mean to do it, it just happens that way. That silly childish man is actually doing things for you in other ways, that often go unnoticed because you want him to be just like you want him to be.
Sorry sister, if you want that kind of man, bake some gingerbread cookies and bark orders at them all day, see where that gets you.
Yes we go though odd phases with these men in our lives, relationship or work related, sometimes the friends, and when things balance out again, which they usually do unless someone is mental (as in they need to see a dr to get that worked out again by medication), you can maintain what you have with them. Interesting how we find some things funny from certain men and if our own does it we think omg he's being so childish.
I remember how my dad blew off steam when I was growing up. He had a serious side to him, but more often I saw the comical side of him which seemed to just drive my mom to telling him "you're being stupid, cut that out". It made me giggle, but irritated her and made me wonder as I was growing up why something seen as a gesture of good humor is viewed as obnoxious. Even little boys were seen that way sometimes at school with their spit balls, throwing pencils to stick in the ceiling tiles, and that weird eyelid thing they did, and of course the infamous armpit farting. Those of us girls that weren't afraid to be seen doing those same things joined in, but as we grow up that same type of behavior is seen as childish and makes the female insist he stop immediately or else.
To every guy who enjoys being that little boy inside, bravo for you, it means you're still intact with the imagination side of you, or as they put it from a fairy tale, you live in never never land and it's not such a bad place to be. In my opinion this is keeping you from becoming angry and bitter at things that throw a curve at you when you thought the pathway was straight.
To every female who keeps blowing up at the guy she dates or marries about how childish he is, take a hard look at your life and how much are you investing in being comfortable and happy, instead of being miserable and always playing by the rule books.
Serious is for work, play is for life, don't get them confused. Let those boys be boys, even if their toys cost alot of money. That right there is a whole other story on prices we are willing to compromise over for enjoyment factor.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Ever try and list your pet peeves and then realize you left one off the list? Or you have so many you start to wonder why you hate people in general, but that's just it, those are things that bother you to a point where you will actually act on it and say something or do something to make it stop or improve a situation.
One of my pet peeves is people who love creating drama. They are by far the best story tellers ever, and I mean they will lie about everything to make it suit them and create this drama of their life each day or for at least a week.
We all know at least one person who is like this and tried for a brief period of time attempting to understand why they are like this and what's really going on, only to realize it's all them doing it.
This isn't to say bad luck or situations doesn't happen more often in a certain time frame, just that it's odd that one person has so much happening around them it seems impossible, unless they're looking for attention.
I dated a guy who spent years playing the blame game. Everything that happened to him was never his fault, it was always "someone is out to fuck me over" kind of thinking. How does someone get fired from a bar for owing on a bar tab they never pay off? How can you drink up $300 a night in alcohol is my question...and there are tips that go into a jar too, where did that money go? Can you say alcoholic? And still he's mystified at losing that job. He was always able to get a job, but could never keep them. His excuse was always "they don't like me, said i have a bad attitude", and they would be right. What he left out is he talked down to everyone he works with, and hits/flirts on all the women as if he was the boss and they were his personal hos. You would think that having people threaten to beat you up for being a jackass would make one motivated to move away from that area or straighten up, but it only made him act out more. His drama was recreated every day by conning people into buying him drinks, food, cigarettes and often he would find a female to sponge off of for a place to sleep and then always conjured up a good old drama story for anyone new to hear.
I fell for it, spent several years upset with his mother and step father for not giving him a chance because he was grown up, but after being with him I started to see what they did and knew why they ran him off. His dramatic, non working, alcoholic, stealing ass got him ousted more often than befriended. It's hard to feel sorry for someone who lies to you to make you like them, or think they've had a bad lot handed to them.
A woman I met online about two years ago, had spent the whole time I knew her telling stories about how bad her family hated her, never helped her when she needed help and hated her child. What she lied about was she took what she kept locked inside of her emotionally towards her own parents and refused to let her own child spend time with grandparents who wanted him to come around. She also had her own income from child support on her son and social security payments, and yet each month she was "broke again". Always managed to buy herself cigarettes but expected her son to share a lunch meal from KFC that would last until the next day. You want someone to have empathy for you if you're going through a rough time, not lie and make up extra pieces to your pathetic life so you can get cash or hand me outs. And I never understand why getting help from an organization that has success is a bad thing just because it's church affiliated, it's a roof and food for you and your family, so why whine about it? Her constant drama drawn up to make it seem like life just kept shitting all over her, but it wasn't really, just her wanting someone to take care of her lazy ass so she could do nothing but play.
The reason that kind of behavior angers me and makes me want to slap them into yesterday is the simple fact that there are people who have real life problems, not brought on by addiction or greed. It takes alot of pride to step forward and tell anyone what's really going on in your life because of the drama whores that have already been playing around on a stage called life. If it's a mental problem they can get help for that too, unless they've managed to drink it all up or can't find a new victim to buy their bullshit so they can get medication. How do those idiots manage to maintain relationships for years or skirt through life getting what they want, and the ones who are doing it the honorable way end up going wtf.
One of my pet peeves is people who love creating drama. They are by far the best story tellers ever, and I mean they will lie about everything to make it suit them and create this drama of their life each day or for at least a week.
We all know at least one person who is like this and tried for a brief period of time attempting to understand why they are like this and what's really going on, only to realize it's all them doing it.
This isn't to say bad luck or situations doesn't happen more often in a certain time frame, just that it's odd that one person has so much happening around them it seems impossible, unless they're looking for attention.
I dated a guy who spent years playing the blame game. Everything that happened to him was never his fault, it was always "someone is out to fuck me over" kind of thinking. How does someone get fired from a bar for owing on a bar tab they never pay off? How can you drink up $300 a night in alcohol is my question...and there are tips that go into a jar too, where did that money go? Can you say alcoholic? And still he's mystified at losing that job. He was always able to get a job, but could never keep them. His excuse was always "they don't like me, said i have a bad attitude", and they would be right. What he left out is he talked down to everyone he works with, and hits/flirts on all the women as if he was the boss and they were his personal hos. You would think that having people threaten to beat you up for being a jackass would make one motivated to move away from that area or straighten up, but it only made him act out more. His drama was recreated every day by conning people into buying him drinks, food, cigarettes and often he would find a female to sponge off of for a place to sleep and then always conjured up a good old drama story for anyone new to hear.
I fell for it, spent several years upset with his mother and step father for not giving him a chance because he was grown up, but after being with him I started to see what they did and knew why they ran him off. His dramatic, non working, alcoholic, stealing ass got him ousted more often than befriended. It's hard to feel sorry for someone who lies to you to make you like them, or think they've had a bad lot handed to them.
A woman I met online about two years ago, had spent the whole time I knew her telling stories about how bad her family hated her, never helped her when she needed help and hated her child. What she lied about was she took what she kept locked inside of her emotionally towards her own parents and refused to let her own child spend time with grandparents who wanted him to come around. She also had her own income from child support on her son and social security payments, and yet each month she was "broke again". Always managed to buy herself cigarettes but expected her son to share a lunch meal from KFC that would last until the next day. You want someone to have empathy for you if you're going through a rough time, not lie and make up extra pieces to your pathetic life so you can get cash or hand me outs. And I never understand why getting help from an organization that has success is a bad thing just because it's church affiliated, it's a roof and food for you and your family, so why whine about it? Her constant drama drawn up to make it seem like life just kept shitting all over her, but it wasn't really, just her wanting someone to take care of her lazy ass so she could do nothing but play.
The reason that kind of behavior angers me and makes me want to slap them into yesterday is the simple fact that there are people who have real life problems, not brought on by addiction or greed. It takes alot of pride to step forward and tell anyone what's really going on in your life because of the drama whores that have already been playing around on a stage called life. If it's a mental problem they can get help for that too, unless they've managed to drink it all up or can't find a new victim to buy their bullshit so they can get medication. How do those idiots manage to maintain relationships for years or skirt through life getting what they want, and the ones who are doing it the honorable way end up going wtf.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
And here we are, another day and yet stupid has already shown it's face to me twice in an hour and a half, it's not even noon yet. Before I revelate for the day let me explain a few things about me. First- I've spent years biting my tongue or turning the other cheek because I was taught to do so, even when I heard cruel things being said to others or myself and just kept my mouth shut, no opinions uttered about it either.
Second, I was raised Southern Baptist, anyone who knows how hardcore those believers are will get me when I go on about the "thumpers/fundies", because they drive me insane with their endless parroted rants about GOD.
Third, I've become sarcastically jaded over the last decade and my opinion is just that, mine. If you don't like what I'm typing on this blog, don't read it. My choice is to put it on a publicly read forum, your choice to read or avoid. Anyhow, here we go.....
This morning I'm standing at one of three windows in this tiny apartment watching the world go by. One of the cats is vying for my attention and I notice two men walking down the sidewalk on the other side of the street carrying "briefcases". I know immediately upon seeing these men that they are our biweekly fundies that knock on the doors to invite people to the church up the street. I've had more than my share of meeting some of these people face to face and they refuse to acknowledge that anything other than their way of belief to be right, not even as a remote possibility, which makes me start a different debate with them over what their god's name is..and simply they can not. Those of you that walk that "horrible evil you're going to hell path" know where I'm going with that part, so I'm leaving it as is and moving on.
So I'm watching these men walk like human versions of what turtles would look like with two legs walk up a driveway and then stand there staring at a dog in the yard barking away at them. My dark humour wanted to yell out the window to pray for God to make that dog be quiet so they can knock on the door and peddle some religion this morning, but I didn't, just watched and snickered.
I'm such a petty muck I crack myself up daily with the things I would love to tell people and just keep it to myself in that silent film running 24/7 in my head.
The gate opens and one of the men that live there at that house come out and head towards their truck, when I see one of those "briefcase carrying" men leap at him. I swear he must have been about a foot off the ground like he was trying to win a blue ribbon at the Olympics for high jump. The resident holds out his hand and takes what seems to be a paper from Mister Leaper and then goes to his truck and drives off. I'm assuming at this point they must be pretty proud of that because they start smiling and laughing, then those men turn around and start the turtle walk to the next house and stand there looking around. I have to say, when I see people that I really don't acknowledge as belonging on this street meandering around and then looking all over the place the first thing that comes to my mind is they are up to no good, which in these guys case, they are in a sense. After about 3 or 4 minutes they slowly walk up to the porch of this house, and I watch one of those men knock six or seven times (yes i counted them because they knock that much on my own door at times) all over that door plus ring a doorbell, and then he just walks off not even waiting to see if the door gets answered.
They leave that yard and start up the sidewalk again to a locked gate and one of them actually tries to figure out how they are going to get into that locked up yard by pulling on the chain across the fence gate. I swear it was like watching dumb and dumber- the religious version, because one of them had already started to squat like he was going to go through the opening underneath the chain when he looked up and then came back up again. I petted him in my head saying smart boy, even though you're stupid for attempting that..ahem cackle cackle..okay what else are these men going to amuse me with. Next house is only on the other side of that driveway and they stand there looking around when one of them sees me watching them from my window and well you guessed it. They both started walking really fast away from that next house.
I sat waiting with baited breath for that knock to come so I could open the door and swing the broom out because I just felt like being devious but they never came. Hahahaha...dangit I missed a chance to play early Halloween pinata.
Please don't assume, yes I said please, that I am a hateful God hating hippie that only loves the devil stuff. That's hardly my cause or story. I'm just fed up with stupid in all shape and form, religion too. Trust me there are some really stupid Atheists and Pagans out there so yeah it's not what religion one is, it's that lack of brain spark.
Second, I was raised Southern Baptist, anyone who knows how hardcore those believers are will get me when I go on about the "thumpers/fundies", because they drive me insane with their endless parroted rants about GOD.
Third, I've become sarcastically jaded over the last decade and my opinion is just that, mine. If you don't like what I'm typing on this blog, don't read it. My choice is to put it on a publicly read forum, your choice to read or avoid. Anyhow, here we go.....
This morning I'm standing at one of three windows in this tiny apartment watching the world go by. One of the cats is vying for my attention and I notice two men walking down the sidewalk on the other side of the street carrying "briefcases". I know immediately upon seeing these men that they are our biweekly fundies that knock on the doors to invite people to the church up the street. I've had more than my share of meeting some of these people face to face and they refuse to acknowledge that anything other than their way of belief to be right, not even as a remote possibility, which makes me start a different debate with them over what their god's name is..and simply they can not. Those of you that walk that "horrible evil you're going to hell path" know where I'm going with that part, so I'm leaving it as is and moving on.
So I'm watching these men walk like human versions of what turtles would look like with two legs walk up a driveway and then stand there staring at a dog in the yard barking away at them. My dark humour wanted to yell out the window to pray for God to make that dog be quiet so they can knock on the door and peddle some religion this morning, but I didn't, just watched and snickered.
I'm such a petty muck I crack myself up daily with the things I would love to tell people and just keep it to myself in that silent film running 24/7 in my head.
The gate opens and one of the men that live there at that house come out and head towards their truck, when I see one of those "briefcase carrying" men leap at him. I swear he must have been about a foot off the ground like he was trying to win a blue ribbon at the Olympics for high jump. The resident holds out his hand and takes what seems to be a paper from Mister Leaper and then goes to his truck and drives off. I'm assuming at this point they must be pretty proud of that because they start smiling and laughing, then those men turn around and start the turtle walk to the next house and stand there looking around. I have to say, when I see people that I really don't acknowledge as belonging on this street meandering around and then looking all over the place the first thing that comes to my mind is they are up to no good, which in these guys case, they are in a sense. After about 3 or 4 minutes they slowly walk up to the porch of this house, and I watch one of those men knock six or seven times (yes i counted them because they knock that much on my own door at times) all over that door plus ring a doorbell, and then he just walks off not even waiting to see if the door gets answered.
They leave that yard and start up the sidewalk again to a locked gate and one of them actually tries to figure out how they are going to get into that locked up yard by pulling on the chain across the fence gate. I swear it was like watching dumb and dumber- the religious version, because one of them had already started to squat like he was going to go through the opening underneath the chain when he looked up and then came back up again. I petted him in my head saying smart boy, even though you're stupid for attempting that..ahem cackle cackle..okay what else are these men going to amuse me with. Next house is only on the other side of that driveway and they stand there looking around when one of them sees me watching them from my window and well you guessed it. They both started walking really fast away from that next house.
I sat waiting with baited breath for that knock to come so I could open the door and swing the broom out because I just felt like being devious but they never came. Hahahaha...dangit I missed a chance to play early Halloween pinata.
Please don't assume, yes I said please, that I am a hateful God hating hippie that only loves the devil stuff. That's hardly my cause or story. I'm just fed up with stupid in all shape and form, religion too. Trust me there are some really stupid Atheists and Pagans out there so yeah it's not what religion one is, it's that lack of brain spark.
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