Thursday, June 30, 2016

i'm back! *wink*

so wow, it's been over a year since i've told my tales of woe lmfao...okay the tales of the stupid.
there's been alot over the past year and recently was prompted to share again the idiocy we live among.

first let me tell you that i've moved positions at my job from dealing with dummies at the fuel station to inside the store at the deli.
o-m-g it's idiotsrgalore inside the store, literally.
you just have no idea how stupid people are until you see them in their natural public surroundings.
they stare at things, ask the dumbest questions (yes there is such a thing as a dumb question), stare at you when you don't give them the answer they want, and you just want to grunt and point at them to make them go away.
i'm not talking about the run of the mill customer, those guys make the job shift go smoothly.
i'm talking about the woman who asks where a product is on an aisle i have no clue, but i'm willing to show her where and she just tells me she wants to know now because she doesn't have all day. excuse me, but you're the one who stopped at the grocery store, not me. you already delayed your oh so important plans to shop for whatever you came in here for, i'm just being nice and you wanna take a chance on me telling you "i don't know".
even i hate that reply when i ask for some help but i'm not asking someone way across the store where something is that i could actually have walked my lazy ass to look for first.
yeah there it is in a nutshell, lazy fucking stupid people.

let's talk about miss thang, she's that prissy person you see prancing about the store with her perfect manicure and hair, outfit that she picked out specifically to be seen in.
now she knows what she can ask for, but always stops to ask for a "sample".
excuse you?! you always ask for a "sample", but what you really mean is your ass is hungry and you want to eat something for free, inside the store, that you don't have to pay for.
wouldn't be a big deal if it were something that is actually sample product, but you want something that is off the table as an offered sample, because you think it's owed to you.
pfffffffffffft take your bourgeois shit somewhere else, cuz i ain't got time for it, and while you're at it, could you at least show some courtesy and get off the damn cell phone shoved into your head talking about the latest girl drama. i don't wanna hear that bullshit while i'm trying to get my job done.

how about mister wait on me now or i'm gonna explode.
you know these types, they get angsty waiting in a 10 items or less line when they're holding the worlds golden purchase that's going to change the outcome of the
fuck that noise. you can wait in line, you can wait a whopping minute for me to wash my hands off or i can just taint your product choice with dirty hands even though i have to put on gloves. i can't stand to be pushed to wait on someone who is so impatient that they would probably put their dying mother on a timer and off her if she isn't dead by the time they expect it.

i get it, everyone gets in a rush, everyone has their off moments, i'm talking about the standard asshole customer who thinks the world owes them everything, time, service, the road, etc. 
go fuck yourself, you ain't that special! 

and then there's that special type of customer, the one that assumes because they're of another culture they should be treated with kid gloves, hell no. you are here in the country i grew up in and you get treated like everyone else, i don't give a shit what color you are, show some respect to get respect.
i'm talking about mr. randomzimbawe/nigerianaccent getting pissed off at me for helping him. he took 15 minutes to pick out chicken pieces. 15 long ass minutes trying to tell me i was screwing him over and not letting him have what he wants, but trying to explain patiently to him that what he's asking for isn't part of the package he's wanting to buy he gets even madder and informs me that i'm being difficult.
this man had me so mad i had to fight off the urge to tell him, screw it and go somewhere else to get his food because i'm not dealing with a difficult asswhipe. that's what you do in customer service, you deal with the unruly fucks that seriously need a head examination and then a big chill pill shoved up their ass. i know that wouldn't help them any because that's just how some people are, rude and obnoxious blaming others for their own short comings.

i will admit i have some racism, but i don't take it to work with me because all customers are one color, money. they make my paycheck so to treat them ill is only hurting myself, but some days it makes one want to say fuck it all and fuck you too.
the race card some of these rude customers throw out to the managers about how they receive service when it's a lie, makes me want to sort that person out with a few choice words about how special they really are. splat, smack, smash.
i get accused at least once a week of being a racist towards hispanics because i can't understand them talking in spanish and they get angry. how the fuck are you going to get angry at me for living in an english speaking country and i don't know your language? um take your ass to the library, school, college and take some FREE english courses to learn how to communicate.
i will go out of my way to try to work with these customers, but after a certain point i have to just shake my head and say i don't understand.
not my fault, not my problem. i'm just doing my job.

how about the loud mouth who screamed at me two days ago because i had just put out all the chicken for discount and i should make some more.
i told him twice it was already gone out to the table. why? what the fuck do you mean why?
what is it that people don't understand so they ask why?! why?! why?! are you fucking three years old? geezusonacracker
he came back and screamed at me about about something else, so i tell him where to find it and he just stares at me. it was like hello stupid? if you would open your eyes you could see exactly what i'm referring to but nooooooo you have to stand there staring at me because ...yeah what the fuck ever.

eh, at least the street is quiet around my apt lately. that's a good thing, although i keep hearing of reports of unwanteds creeping about our property so who knows if i'll be able to steer clear of them. i might not be so nice and will actually take a broom to them *wicked grin*