Saturday, May 6, 2017

i can't even....

this past week has been really rough at work. I've been called in to work extra hours to cover a shift that someone called off for, and/or the stupid schedule needs more people than they allowed for.

it doesn't help that I'm mad at the company over something petty,  and then find out that they want me to be trained all over for a position they shoved me into almost three months ago, and I'm not going to be doing that position anymore, but be put somewhere else and guess what? I'm still doing that same fucking job!
every day the same shit, and pulling twice the weight to make sure it's being done the way they want it.

put all that bullshit from a job along with an asshole or stupid customer together, and it's almost a doom combination each time.

to the man who stood at the self checkout lane for almost fifteen minutes not letting me help you, why are you talking to the machine as if it knew you were mad?! seriously..the human working right there was telling you she can help you, but noooo you got this!
it wasn't even comical. it was on the opposite side of what the fuck is wrong with this picture, but i let you stand there and make a complete fool of yourself before i come over, after you insist i make the "stupid thing" work right.

to the fucking princess who thinks she is above having to show an id for alcohol. yeah you! when i or anyone else working for a company that sells alcohol and/or tobacco asks you to see a form of identification, we just can't wait for you to let us know you don't have it..we really do. not!
you get pissy and insist you are old enough, then offer to show something else you know is not going to work, and then get oh so offended that you say something stupid to let me know how mad you are? i laughed AT you, and enjoyed hearing my manager explain to you the reason why you were asked for identification and it doesn't matter how old you are.
dumb ass

for the stupid thug wannabe all talking shit and acting tough outside my apartment over something stupid. i hope you seriously end up on the bad side of a real "gangsta" who shows you what it is to be someone's bitch and makes you like it.
you want to act a fool and show your ass at 9 pm at night yelling, you don't even live here. you're just company and you brought your fucking drama to my doorstep.
be very glad i didn't chose to step outside, i'm quite sure i would have just stared at you before you asked me what the fuck i want, and then reply with my thoughts.

this one goes to the complete fuck twit who blew up over his debit card not working right, and tells the manager she doesn't know everything and she doesn't need to be a manager if she doesn't know how to "fix" the problem, after i told her and him to try it at another register to make sure it isn't the card first, but he chose to stand there and hold up a checkout line for damn near 15 minutes.

amazing how these monkeys come into a business and expect the red carpet treatment, but react to rudely the minute anything goes wrong. the only thing these idiots are king or queen of is their bathroom toilet. seriously, get the fuck over yourselves.


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