Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ever try and list your pet peeves and then realize you left one off the list? Or you have so many you start to wonder why you hate people in general, but that's just it, those are things that bother you to a point where you will actually act on it and say something or do something to make it stop or improve a situation.

One of my pet peeves is people who love creating drama. They are by far the best story tellers ever, and I mean they will lie about everything to make it suit them and create this drama of their life each day or for at least a week.
We all know at least one person who is like this and tried for a brief period of time attempting to understand why they are like this and what's really going on, only to realize it's all them doing it.
This isn't to say bad luck or situations doesn't happen more often in a certain time frame, just that it's odd that one person has so much happening around them it seems impossible, unless they're looking for attention.

I dated a guy who spent years playing the blame game. Everything that happened to him was never his fault, it was always "someone is out to fuck me over" kind of thinking. How does someone get fired from a bar for owing on a bar tab they never pay off? How can you drink up $300 a night in alcohol is my question...and there are tips that go into a jar too, where did that money go? Can you say alcoholic? And still he's mystified at losing that job. He was always able to get a job, but could never keep them. His excuse was always "they don't like me, said i have a bad attitude", and they would be right. What he left out is he talked down to everyone he works with, and hits/flirts on all the women as if he was the boss and they were his personal hos. You would think that having people threaten to beat you up for being a jackass would make one motivated to move away from that area or straighten up, but it only made him act out more. His drama was recreated every day by conning people into buying him drinks, food, cigarettes and often he would find a female to sponge off of for a place to sleep and then always conjured up a good old drama story for anyone new to hear.
I fell for it, spent several years upset with his mother and step father for not giving him a chance because he was grown up, but after being with him I started to see what they did and knew why they ran him off. His dramatic, non working, alcoholic, stealing ass got him ousted more often than befriended. It's hard to feel sorry for someone who lies to you to make you like them, or think they've had a bad lot handed to them.
A woman I met online about two years ago, had spent the whole time I knew her telling stories about how bad her family hated her, never helped her when she needed help and hated her child. What she lied about was she took what she kept locked inside of her emotionally towards her own parents and refused to let her own child spend time with grandparents who wanted him to come around. She also had her own income from child support on her son and social security payments, and yet each month she was "broke again". Always managed to buy herself cigarettes but expected her son to share a lunch meal from KFC that would last until the next day. You want someone to have empathy for you if you're going through a rough time, not lie and make up extra pieces to your pathetic life so you can get cash or hand me outs. And I never understand why getting help from an organization that has success is a bad thing just because it's church affiliated, it's a roof and food for you and your family, so why whine about it? Her constant drama drawn up to make it seem like life just kept shitting all over her, but it wasn't really, just her wanting someone to take care of her lazy ass so she could do nothing but play.

The reason that kind of behavior angers me and makes me want to slap them into yesterday is the simple fact that there are people who have real life problems, not brought on by addiction or greed. It takes alot of pride to step forward and tell anyone what's really going on in your life because of the drama whores that have already been playing around on a stage called life. If it's a mental problem they can get help for that too, unless they've managed to drink it all up or can't find a new victim to buy their bullshit so they can get medication. How do those idiots manage to maintain relationships for years or skirt through life getting what they want, and the ones who are doing it the honorable way end up going wtf.

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