Monday, October 21, 2013

Sometimes I wonder about people and shake my head. Other times I respond to what's going on. In my head I can visualize me chasing them down the street with a broom to chase them off. Why? Because idiots just make you crazy. They disturb your zen, invade your private space, and always bother you with noise.
This has been going on around me for at least a decade now, and comes from all colors and walks of life. It is indeed worse than any fear of a zombie apocalypse. The idiots are coming and going in crowds known as "the stupid", and it's not going to end anytime soon.

I have stories to share about "the stupid", for they are truly an epidemic of gigantic proportion all over the planet.

You enter a store, let's say Walmart, because that's exactly where it occurred. You're in that store to buy a few items and get out, that shouldn't be any big deal. Or is it? Statistics of my own observation say otherwise. First to pick up the bread. There's not too many people around you and then all of a sudden you have four people blocking your path where you can't continue forward, and when you move to go around them, a woman blabbing away on a cell phone swerves into you with a buggy of groceries and never bats an eye at it.
Does a rational person just keep going or do they tell that idiot off for almost mowing them over with a shopping cart? I pick the latter, because it's more effective in temperature control aka anger issues. Moving on to pick up soda. Did you know you can fit 10 elephants and at least a dozen families of 8 on that aisle where the sodas and water are? Me either, but they can and do. How is it, that my brand  is so conveniently placed by the store in the friggin middle, now has not just one or two carts with entire families congregated there, but they are spread out like a football team across the entire aisle. You say excuse me twice before shoving someone out of the way literally, and picking up your soda. Now i'm a big ole "asshole" and I'm laughing because somehow their deaf neanderthal heads never heard excuse me coming off my lips, which by the way is never quietly spoken because I have to say it loud enough to wake Jimmy Hoffa up wherever he's buried.
My last item, I wanted to get more but now I'm ready to just steam press my way across the entire store to get away from these twits. I'm almost to the toilet paper when a child runs straight in front of me causing me to trip into a stack of some product they haven't been able to sell since 1817, but now for the low price of $1 it's gonna go like hotcakes. I yell obscenities at "this so precious child happily skipping where is your mommy", when a woman sticks her head out from an aisle and says "i know you ain't talking to my child". My response " you're right because you would never dream of letting your demon spawn run amok in the store, such a proud parent you must be, now fuck off". Now I'm an even bigger "asshole" and a "white trash bitch" to add.

I'm still chuckling at these peasants because they created the problem with their pea brain lack of logic and get upset when someone dares to speak up about what they've done or haven't done. To be honest I've always considered myself a very nice person, but one move where stupid reveals itself and my inner ninja bitch comes out. Bam! Out comes the mean...every time...without fail.

That's just one example of about 15 minutes worth of stupid in one trip on one day. Another reason I only go to the store now, any location at all, because they make me angry with the lack of brain activity.

Kind of reminds me of how Jeff Foxworthy put it years ago "here's your sign", but some of these people just wouldn't know what to do with a sign if you gave them instructions in LETTERING THAT LOOKS SIMILAR TO THIS WITH PRETTY PICTURES TO SHOW HOW TO HOLD OR USE THAT SIGN.


  1. Walmart is an anger management exercise every time one shops there!

    1. yes it is Patricia. makes you learn how to quickly sharpen your offensive moves too hehe

  2. Love your rants! I have you followed so watch out!
