Sunday, November 10, 2013

Did you know that stupid loves waiting for you when you open the door to throw out garbage or walk up the street? Yep, it sure fact it's so emphatically excited when it sees you that it will double ask the same retarded question, without any relevance to why you're even being asked that to begin with.

I'm angry about it to be honest because how the fuck am I responsible for stray animals that wonder around on this property. That question alone completely leaves me astounded at the ignorance people have about who lives around them. It's almost as bad as asking a complete stranger if those are their children because a group of kids are playing nearby. Really? Just-fucking-dumb! Idiots, morons, bumbling buffoons..ugh!!!!!!!

Today, about half an hour ago I got ready to go outside to take out garbage to a dumpster on the property when I become aware of a dog barking outside. We have several homes on our street that have dogs so usually if I hear it, it's one of those animals, no big deal..or is it?! As I step outside I notice a guy to my left with two dogs on leashes, but they're not barking and not even remotely looking suspicious at anyone, just doing what dogs do best, sniffing around. I continue off to the garbage dumpster when I'm barraged by the same question twice about a dog in the back of my building barking "is this your dog?" I say no and keep walking. That should be enough of an answer right? Nope, stupid has to pipe up again "are you sure?" Gods help me there are just times I want to walk up to these people and smack their head clean off the shoulders but I have to remind myself they're not worth the jail time. I don't even bother responding as this particular person asking  this question has pestered the hell out of me in the past about a cat that looks very much like one of mine. That was a year ago, but I'll get to that story in a minute.
I finish going to throw out the garbage and turn around to see a man chasing this barking dog with a sweep broom. Yeah that makes me laugh, as if that dog is gonna get what that means, but then it turned ugly really fast when I watched another man approach the dog with a stick and start hitting on it and chased it off behind their own building. I can't stand to see abuse, I don't care if you're terrified, if that animal is just barking and not aggressive towards you, it is NEVER OKAY to hit them. I went to check just to make sure that this dog wasn't left hurt behind the building because I just can't trust the fucking skin that breathes around here anymore.
We had a couple that lived here for about two years that acquired a Rottweiler who is such a gentle non frightening dog. That same man that chased that dog today had complained early in the year, that the Rottie was trying to attack him and he was afraid of bodily harm, which set off the police department and our local animal services to come out and check the animal and make observations and interviews.
I had to explain to the animal services rep that the dog in question probably could attack if necessary but since she (they had named her Belle) had been on that property she only ran off what I considered bad people, and did bark at strangers but never charged at anyone that I knew of.
The same ass munch that called on the Rottie also reported a Schnauzer (sp) and a Dachshund for fear of being bitten. I'm sorry but as much as I have my own fear of being bitten, I have never called in and reported any one's pets for attempted aggression unless I was trying to stir up shit. Call it what you want, the only reason that P.O.S. did it is because he didn't want white people living next door to him..wtfe.
Okay back to the other story about the man with a million questions. I try not to be disrespectful to my elders because I was raised to not be so. This man a US veteran, retired police officer has had the habit of asking me about my cat, we have two but he only asks about one of them. Since the first month after we moved into this property he has continuously asked me why I let my cat run about, one day my cat is going to get picked up by the pound, I need to get my cat fixed. Every time I have to repeat myself since day one, "sir I have two cats, both of them are inside cats that rarely go outside unless my husband or myself take them out. we've had one incident where one of mine that looks like the stray you keep thinking is mine, ran off underneath a trailer, but I don't allow my cats to just run loose." It never fails, he continues this bullshit, strays come on the property he says are mine, dogs and cats both. Anyone who actually comes into my apartment or bother to listen to me would know I HAVE TWO FUCKING CATS! just-fucking-dumb!

Soon I'm going to start saying shit like "yes it's my cat/dog. his/her name is Satan and I have personally assigned the task of shredding you into little pieces for my sacrifice later, bones and all. have a good fucking day!" I'm so beyond fed up with this line of questioning, but it's not just him.

There are others that live here that assume I'm a freaking cat lady. The lady that takes our rent has asked me a shitload of times now to get more than one litter box if I'm going to have that many cats in my apartment. She's been inside and I'll admit it gets pretty rank in here at times because of the small space and how often the cats do their business, but when I ask her how many cats do you think I have she always says I really don't know I just know you have more than these two. The guy who owns the Rottie asked me once how many cats we have and was shocked when I told him two, because he said he always saw more than two coming and going from our apartment and in our windows. Wow folks, there you have it! Not only can I conjure up spirits of deceased humans, but I can now do it with cats! Holy fuckall batman!!!!

And yeah I just made myself snicker over that one. I have two cats, not three, or a million..TWO!

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