Friday, November 15, 2013

Have you ever noticed how people react to someone when it's told they feel sick or in pain, and then describe the symptoms? It's a myriad of reactions from empathy to eeww get away you have cooties. Or better yet, you get that pitiful look and a head shake while they walk away talking about your pathetic attempt(s) to get attention.

What deems one person's illness or injury worse than an other's? And exactly how is that result acquired? Is there a poll somewhere that people vote on to choose the best choice of illness or injury of the year for a trophy to be given away at some secret banquet? *eye roll*

I don't give a flip who you are, if you tell me you're sick or hurting, I'm more liable to believe you than blow it off. Unless I see or hear that you're running a marathon after you just told me you have a hip problem that limits your mobility, or you were out dancing it up at the bar after sharing with me that you have the flu. That's when I'll start assuming you're a lying sack of shit, but until then if you say you're sick/hurting, then you are. Once I've seen you make up shit then it's a whole other story that I just don't have time for.

The hypochondriacs and drama queens really fuck things up for those of us that have problems or just don't feel good. If we share it with anybody the reactions vary and then it makes us wonder if we're mistaking that lack of belief as just not "being with the program" or did that person lack empathy. It's not as if the normal ones, and I use the word normal rather vaguely here because in all reality, what is normal? The "norm of society" should be a better term for what I'm referring to here. That normal is knowing we don't go around tooting a horn, blasting a neon sign that blinks "i feel bad, i'm sick, i hurt, i need a hug, alert! attention! pay attention to me!" We just don't do it, and yet those drama morons are out there in the spotlight sucking up all the lackeys attention, and then nobody gives a shit later when the real deal comes along.

If someone says they're depressed I've seen and heard the following:
"things will get better", "it's all in your head", "just think of something that makes you happy"
"try not to think about it", and so much more that it makes me want to puke. Seriously? Have any of those responders actually dealt with depression on any level beyond sadness, because to be honest those are two separate things. The medications that are dispensed have never been "take 2 pills twice a day for sadness and then leap over a rainbow! you have 4 refills left". Pffffttttt

How about when someone says they're hurting? I've seen and heard the following:
"take an aspirin", "go to the doctor", "put some ice on it", "try drinking herbal tea", and so much more that it's not even laughable, just plain stupid. These idiots wouldn't know real pain if it bit their ass and they're telling someone in some type of pain to see a doctor? Gee I'm guessing that never crossed their mind but they have a diagnosis for what kind of pain it is. I wonder if Google University gives these monkeys an award for deeming aspirin and ice as the leading resolution for how to deal with pain. Those who have it know what it is and they obviously wouldn't comment if that threshold wasn't pounding. Pffffffffffttttttttttt

Don't try to fix me I'm not broken - words from an Evanescence song, fits all to well for most situations as far as I'm concerned. There is no super glue, no fast pain fix, no way to make it stop except the coping mechanisms we've come up with that work for us. Ironically we can offer that advice to someone else we see going through a similar situation because we get it, but that outsider who really has no clue is better off just saying they don't understand and would like to just be there to talk, if nothing else. I doubt any of us that end up telling someone how we feel, even if it's just a bad emotional day want someone to jump and come running to our rescue. We're just talking it out because that's how you relate to others. If they don't want to respond that's okay too, but it's not okay to sit and whine or bitch later to that same person about their lack of response. Vice-versa goes to one(s) the person who was sick or in pain talked to or tried to talk to, that they complain too much, you just have no idea what their life is like, unless you know for a fact they make shit up (as in you've been part of their scams/bullshit).

I can say I've never made up a lie about any time I've felt sick, in pain, hurting emotionally, or just depressed. Most of the time I don't discuss it, but I want to. I do try to talk to the only person that's around me but it's like talking to a brick wall. I get lack of response and then every so often get told I'm being dramatic and bitchy/whiny again. Gee I wonder why?! I forgot that the word never revolves around me and only someone else and how dare I think of stealing a spotlight that was not meant for me..after all I do talk to anyone I can find about how horrible my life is. I complain 24/7 about everything all the time and always rock the boat with everybody because I just can't learn to deal with it and always want to call the police on someone or beat them up. I should just shut up already and find something to do, put something in my ears, learn to live with the noise, etc.

In case you didn't get that, I was being very facetious to the point of "go fuck yourself because I'm a drama queen extraordinaire psssh bitch please- My crown will always be bigger than yours and I do know how to rule supreme so get on your knees". Almost nine years now I've dealt with body pain and depression to a point that I used to cut with a razor blade to make the pain divert to a different avenue so I could control it, and still was told that I whined all the time about "stupid shit". I don't cry unless I'm mad because to say my feelings have been hurt is irrelevant at this point in my life. Off with your head is more appropriate for what I feel most of the time. Do the pills make that go away? Hardly, but it does make things more bearable..of course so does pot and a nice long night of complete silence *smirk*
If you can't handle the complaints people have that are legitimate why are you friends or involved in a relationship with them? They aren't thinking of them self at that point they just want some kind of relief and saying something about it is just getting it out. I could go on and on about this one, probably write some kind of book on it that would no doubt be scandalized by the psyche community all over the planet because it's written by a crazy woman, but hey whatever man. All I'm saying is sift through the bullshitters to see who's actually talking about how they feel, it's not the end of your world if you have to admit you just don't feel shit about it. Lack of empathy isn't a bad thing but when you don't care in general, what happened to make you like that? I get you can avoid that one person who always seems to be sick when they're actually just doing to see if you will hang out with them or give them something, but what about that other person who's sick and you just don't care..that's what I'm getting at.
I truly hope that if anyone is pain any shape or form that reads this today, that you find relief however you get it, in the breathing realm that is. We all know by now the sunshine and lollipops don't exist in Wonderland because that bitch Alice ate them all and then ran off with the white rabbit!

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