Monday, November 18, 2013

Overgrown monkeys playing on a staircase...seriously?! You're what? A four year old child inside of an adult body of probably about 24-26ish and you're playing "look at me I'm a funny monkey" on stairs that are unstable as fuck. I'm watching you through my window as it is nearby where I sit during the day and think to myself, you're s-t-o-o-p-i-d!!!!!
Don't confuse that idiotic act with being silly and playing like a kid, that was just dumb. The obvious reasons I shouldn't have to point out and yet I shall.
Let's see: a) you're too old to be putting both of your legs up to walk "four legged" down the staircase rails, b) the stairs are already moving around and the rails wobble because they're not secure to hold weight, c) stairs are meant to walked up and down, sometimes ran up or down, but circus acts?

Of course this adds to the idiocy that goes on upstairs anyways. This new fuckmonkey has recently become part of the noise problem I'm having with a neighbor. He shows up, honks his horn on his pos car, stomps like a gorilla up the stairs then stomps at the top, bangs on his "homie's" door talking all thug like, and then proceeds to knock and bang on the walls and floor until he leaves. I'm thinking that out there somewhere is a mother saying to herself "i'm so glad that idiot doesn't come around here, he's unruly and acts like he was raised like a wild animal".

That really makes me wonder when I'm watching this happen around my apartment, walking around, or even in the stores/mall areas, why people do this. I know I have my silly moments of dancing around water fountains, singing kiddie songs, or playing on the stick ponies, but doing dangerous crap? Hell no, I have sense enough to know what comes after that "i think i'm gonna try this out" moment. Your ass is handed to you and you end up with bruises, broken bones, traction, lawsuits, the list is endless to consequences, and yet, "the stupid" does it anyways.

Remember growing up and those crazy kids down the street or in your own home because you were one of them (okay you can laugh at this part), were the ones who built the ramps to jump over a fence, a stack of bricks, a car (yeah some of them got brave). It was fun to watch them do all that because nobody really got hurt, but take that risk factor up one notch higher and you have recipe for disaster.
We even got brave enough to climb onto the roof of the town homes I grew up in. There were about four of us that played together, rode our bikes, skateboards, roller skates, and walked around getting into our fun version of trouble, but we didn't do stupid stuff (yet). My mom found out I was climbing onto the roof and that bought me two weeks of being grounded even if I was mad at her for telling me why I shouldn't, I understood that I could get hurt really bad. I did it a few more times after that but managed to never get hurt and always tried to hide it from her, but somehow she knew anyways.
Back to the point, one day one of these kids decided how cool it would be to ride his skateboard off the roof. I was the first one to tell him it's a bad idea because he'll get hurt and the other two kids that were there told him to do it anyways. You can guess what happened..he did it anyways, and ended up with a broke elbow out of it. The elbow didn't get broke from him falling off the skateboard right as it went off the roof, it got broke because the fence on the patio broke his fall from him hitting his head instead because he had flipped in midair and was on his way down head first.
If I had been the adult me back then, there is no doubt I would have walked over to that kid, jerked him up and told him how stupid that was and then beat my own ass for defying what my mom had told me about getting onto the roof after the first time I got caught.
There was no lesson learned from that because once his elbow healed up, he did it again. Same stunt, this time landing directly on the fence with his back and I heard the crack. Scared me so badly that I ran home crying about it, that one broke the kid's hip. The father came and took his son and soon after his mom moved out so I'm guessing that since his parents were divorced, his dad had enough of the behavior that was getting him hurt to take him away from his mother who didn't really discipline him. Maybe she did but I look back at it now and wonder when she had time since she was always gone "to work", and he ate dinner at our house or spent the night some when she didn't come home.

I'm not saying every person who pulls stupid stunts have been raised to be wild children, but it makes you wonder how much they were told to not do something and kept doing it anyways. My own children have been known in the past to repeat what mommy said no to and you can believe it when I say one of them actually listened more than I ever realized.

I think it's actually pretty interesting to watch parents have fun moments with their children but curb the dangerous parts to help them learn it's not okay to do that. Several years ago there was a little boy probably about four years old crawling up the shelving at the grocery store, his mother and grandmother weren't even watching him, but I was. He got up to the third shelf when the unit started swaying and you could hear the metal making noise when I spoke up. The mother turned around and just glared at me with that look assholes give as I informed her that the shelf wasn't meant to be climbed on and this wasn't a damned jungle gym. She never moved towards that child either as the entire shelf he was standing on gave way under his feet and he fell onto the floor with product landing all around him, glass breaking, and me screaming don't move you'll get cut and running towards him to pick him all the way up. The mother screaming at me to not touch her child and I'm so mad I'm yelling back that she doesn't deserve to be anyone's mommy and walk off towards the front of the store with this child in my arms. I found a manager and told them what happened then left the child with him and walked off. I just couldn't stand it and all I wanted to do was beat the woman senseless for putting him in harms way and not doing shit but let it happen. That's not the way you teach a child, because that could have very well ended badly.

Riding on the car hood in a parking lot. Am I supposed to be amused by that? Not in a parking lot full of cars coming and going, maybe a short ride up the driveway but not where one can get hit by another vehicle.  Idiots standing up in the back of trucks on the freeway or around town and dancing around or waving at others as if they're a parade float. Sit down already before you become a splat on the concrete. 

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